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Date: April 21st 1917
Jessie and Stuart
John Leslie McNaughton



Dear Jessie and Stuart, - We are still out having a rest but expect that it will only last a few days more.

We have had sunshine for the last few days and getting back here where the grass is growing and the birds singing and the flowers growing seems like passing into a new world! It is hard to realize that not twenty miles away the watch is kept and hundreds of men are facing each other waiting the chance to kill. Things are beginning to look much better for us and the Germans find it necessary to fall back still farther. The French had had good success of late and the Germans will soon be hard pressed all along the line in the West. They can hardly tell where the next blow is going to be struck. I guess they have big reserves yet tho and the task is by no means near completion. If our army goes on the way it is going now tho there will be a big change soon.


Jessie I started this letter two days ago but as you see had to leave it unfinished. Since I wrote we have moved and for a great wonder we had a dry day for it. I was in charge of the Battn stragglers and had none too easy a time. On a hard march there are always some fellows who will insist on falling out and you must keep after them. They are often content to lay down in the road and it often takes a good deal of persuasion to make them go on.

I have been doing more riding lately and yesterday tho it was Sunday I went for a fourteen mile ride with one of our Captains - Capt Roberts. He is a splendid fellow and we had a great time for the horses were feeling good and fresh.

I think there is another show on up the line today for there has been a tremendous bombardment on since early this morning. We are moving up nearer to it and expect that we will be relieving the ones who are now making an effort to kill Bosche.

I had a parcel from Annie McC. the other day and also a letter. They were quite as usual and Annie seems to be the same jolly girl. She sent me another pair of socks, some chocolate and also some chicklets. She always seems to know just what is needed.

I see a few Canadians now and again but never any from near home. I saw a fellow from Lindsay yesterday and one from Hamilton today. We are just about five miles from where there are a good many Canadians in billets but as we are in reserve now we must not get far from Head Quarters for we are apt to be called at any time.

I have not had any Canadian mail for over a week and wonder why. I expect however that sailings are interrupted and there are some letters on the way which will arrive shortly.

I do not remember whether or not I told you that I was in Armiens the other day. I went with another Lieutenant and we got two splendid meals. It is quite a large town and things are much brighter and more cheerful than I expected to find them there.

Now Jessie I must close. Remember me to all the people at your place.

I am quite well

Write soon.

