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Date: July 11th 1916

Aldershot Camp
July 11-16

Dear Mother, received your welcome letter yesterday I was pleased two get it, Well we are still here & I guess that we will stay here for some time.

There are an awful lot of our boys that have beat it back two the states some that wanted two go two Mexico & others that just got disgusted with this life, I think that I will be one of the latter. Things are going just about the same here it's the same thing every day.

Well I suppose that you had a kind of nice time when Catherine was home I would have liked two have been there. What soldiers left Burlington for Mexico were they just volunteers or regulars Well the way the ware with the germans is going it does not look like the war will last very long

Where are you & Louise going for your vacation say I have lost both Louise & Catharines address its so long since I have wrote two them that I guess that they dont think I ever remember them but if you send there address why I will try & write two them.

Well two tell the truth I hav enot got much news two tell so I guess that I will quit with lots of love from Your loving Son excuse writing

P.S. They have started two give some of the boys four or five day passes & I am going two try & get one & if I should I will be a little short of change so I am going two ask you two send me $25 if you can when you answer this.

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