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Date: June 4th 1917

Some Where in France

Dear Mother,-

I received your most welcome letter yesterday dated Apr. 31st. and was very pleased to get it well I am about the same as usual that is feeling pretty good and we are having such fine weather I don't believe I ever saw any nicer weather anywhere. But for all this a fellow would appreciate it more if there was some sign of peace in sight but to tell the truth the way I look at it is that the end of the war is not in sight yet but of course I hope that I am wrong.

Well I was glad to see Uncle Sam declare war but would like to see him get some troops over here as well.

I was sorry to here about Mr. Hathaways death but the same thing happens to us all in time. If you should happen to see Fred give him my best regards.

Well according to your letter you had a pretty nice birthday I am glad of that say it is so long since I heard from Louise or Catherine that I commence to think that they have forgotten me.

Well about my assigned pay I wrote a letter tonight to the head pay office in London to see if they cant straighten out with you so let me no if you get caught up with the money you should not have let it go for so long without seeing about it. I get about on an average of a franc a day - a franc equals 20 cents that is I get ten francs a fortnight or $2. and that wont go very far I can tell you by the time you get a few ciggarettes and maybe a feed or to your broke so as I have said before if you would send me a little money once in awhile I could find very good use for it I have been expecting some for quite awhile but Im still expecting

Another thing if you are sending parcels Ill tell you it is pretty expensive to send big boxes like those you sent last time I will give you a receipt some sweet chocolate some biscuits, like nabiscos and anything similar as well as ciggarettes then put them in a tin box and sew a heavy cloth covering around it and mail and Ill do the rest.

So Ill close lots of love
Your loving Son

Love to Aunt J & All also Mrs. Bass

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