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Date: June 9th 1916
F.H. McLorg

Approx June 9, 1916

My Dear Family:

I am now at Number 24 General about 1/2 a mile from Claude's hospital but haven't yet seen him. I am now trying to get in touch with him and get away a cable away to you.

My wounds are very slight indeed. In fact I would have carried on but for the danger of blood poisoning. A shrapnel bullet went through my arm (left) just through the triceps muscle. I knew I had been hit but the pain was so slight that for about six hours I had no idea it had gone through, and as things were very exciting I did not worry about having it dressed. I also got a big chunk of shrapnel falling on my left instep. It was not at all bad in the trench but I had to get my boot cut off afterwards and the instep is badly swollen and fairly painful. The doctor does not think anything is broken but they took an x-ray of it this morning, and I will know tomorrow but am satisfied it is only a bruise.

We got into a veritable hell and the poor old battalion is hopelessly cut up. I was wonderfully lucky to get away with what I did. A Company and B Company were in the front line, C and D in the supports about 500 yards back. We had not been in the trenches for an hour before a bombardment started up, it was not very severe and only lasted an hour from about 2 till 3 on Tuesday morning At 11 however it began in earnest, and we realized that they were going to attack us. At 2 they sprang 2 mines under Companies or what remained of them in the front line. A Company was I believe was wiped out to man, B Company had about 40 survivors Fritz came over and took the line where A Company was, but we got some machine guns trained on them from the supports and they and B company survivors held B Company's line. In the meanwhile Fritz had lifted all his bombardment to us and until 5 o'clock you could not hear yourself think. We had a lot of casualties in the supports, but not as many as seemed inevitable from such a bombardment. I was hit in the foot about 12 in the morning and in the arm about 2 o'clock, but strangely enough I did not feel the wounds at all and stayed until about 2 a.m. getting out patrols etc. and organizing the defense of the second line; then I went to headquarters and the doctor sent me out. When I left nothing had been heard of Rupert, and I fear he is killed. Jerry Murphy was also killed - at least I was told so - and at least 4 or 5 more of our officers. Some may be prisoners, God knows. Bidwell was acting adjutant and allright, Hill was away on leave, due back that night. Simpson was with me and O.K., and Little luckily away on a digging fatigue in another sector of the line. I expect the remnants of the Battalion came out last night, and I pray they did not have a bombardment yesterday. Harry Turner was wounded over the eye. Buz is alright. Dr. Tanner was killed rushing through ambulances. George Carter was sent out suffering from shell shock. Tom Yerath got shrapnel I believe in the back, also young Clarke, neither I think serious.

I could not have had better treatment since I got into the field ambulance, everyone kindness itself, and all the arrangements excellent. I won't get to England as we need officers now the worst way to re-organize the Battalion, and anyway I shall be about again in a week. I am now having the most heavenly rest imaginable between sheets and suffering no pain at all. Five other Canadian officers in this ward, none very serious, and all in the best of spirits because they are out of it for a few days. Poor poor Canada, she has suffered terrible this last few days, but I should think she has enhanced her reputation. Andy Mcdougall I understand was killed early in the fighting though his death is not a certainty yet.

No more now dears, I expect the Canadian corps will be taken out of the line to be reorganized, and will be back some weeks. This of course is not official and may not take place.


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