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Date: June 11th 1916

June 11, 1916

Dear Frances,

I think it is about time I wrote you a letter for yourself; though I may have to throw in a few remarks for the rest as well. You may be sure I was very proud to get your letter of May24th. and learn what a splendid record you made on your Easter exams. It quite cheered me up to learn that my dull-witted sister is over-coming her stupidity! By the time this reaches you I suppose you will be all through with your finals and be packing for Cecebe, if you haven't already gone.

I am looking forward to seeing cousin Rob when an opportunity offers, which may, of course be a long time. It is a bit difficult to make times & places coincide. You neglected to inform me what unit he belonged to, so for the present I shall have to trust to him to look me up.

I got a letter from uncle Charlie a few days ago in which he gave me the names of a number of boys from Prince Albert. One of them is in the casualty company of the 32nd. I shall try to get to see him if possible; though it is very difficult to make an opportunity; and if I do go the chances are a hundred to one that he will get out.

Mother asks about our daily routine. It has differed in details at different periods of our training. Here at the school reveille blows at 5.30 and we have to hustle to get shaved & polished before breakfast at 6.15. at 7.00 we have to be on the parade ground for an hours drill from 7 to 8. Then we are off until 9.30 which gives us a chance to get our kits in order, to glance at the paper, etc. Drill or lectures form 9.30 to 12.00. Dinner at 12.30. Drill again from 2 till 5. supper 5.15. First post 9.30. Last Post 10.00. Lights out 10.15.

The food is brought from the cook-house in mess-pans (i.e. dish-pans) the tea in deep pails, the bread is brought from the quarter-master's stores with the butter, either in a blanket or a rubber ground-sheet. It is served-out by the orderlies in as quick time as possible into our mess tins. The mess tin is shaped like this [small drawing] and consists of a bottom part about 5 inches deep and a cover 2 inches deep. The large part has a wire handle attached by which the whole thing is carried. The top has a handle that folds inside and is rigid when extended, so that the vessel can be used like a frying pan. Mine hangs on the back of my pack in one of the enclosed snaps, covered with its little canvas case. It is useful as a receptacle for ink-bottles when moving.

Love to all and especially to my Frank!