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Date: August 3rd 1918

Saturday Eve, 3 August, 1918
M---, Somme, France
Letter No 93

My dear dad,

I have just received your letter of last Sunday's date. Thank you ever so much for your interesting account of doings at home. Yes, you are quite right; letter No 53 was the one with the Commn papers in; I was not thinking of that letter but another (probably No 52) which I also sent to the office in reply to the letter in which you asked me to write you at the office in the event of certain things happening. As you said nothing about it I naturally concluded that it had gone astray. You deserve to be congratulated heartily on getting those Munitions protection certs; they will make all the difference.

"World builders all" you will find in my book case, don't you remember? It was one of the books Mr. Waller gave me just before I came out here. You are a bounder, I don't believe you half read my letters to you! I have tried on one or two occasions to get you to talk but you won't - surely you don't agree with all the rubbish I have written from time to time?

I am glad to hear that "old Blake" is quite fit. I have not heard from him for a long time now and he owes me a letter.

It was wet this morning but we had to carry on outdoor training all the same as the General was about. It cleared up after dinner and I went out and wrote a few post cards etc. After tea I walked over to the YMCA tent again and got a little more paper. When I got back I found that Corporal Amsden, who had applied some time ago for a Commn had left on his way to Blighty - lucky chap! We are all very sorry to lose him; but he is going to a good place and we are all hoping to follow in his train before many months have passed.

I shall be writing tomorrow - 4th August, so until then, goodbye,

All good wishes and kind thoughts,

from your affectionate son,

