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Date: January 28th 1917

675928 G. Co C.E.F.
6th Reserve Batt. 1st Brigade
East Sandling. Kent
Sunday 28/1/17

My Own Darling Wifey,

I felt I must sit down & write you a wee line this afternoon sweetheart I am down at Folkstone for a walk with Freddy & Norman Foreman & dropped into this club to write you my darling. I have been looking for a letter from you all this week but have not received one yet. Oh! my love do write poor lonely wee hubby I have watched every day for the mail man coming in & there's never a letter for me. I know darling I did not write you very much last week but then dearest I did not know but what you might be on the way here & this makes my fourth letter to you since last Sunday.

I feel just miserable when I don't hear from you dear, I got two letters from Mother last week I expected to be home today but they wouldn't grant us a pass. I think I told you Freddy put in for one also, will neither of us got one. They have cancelled all week ends for the time being. In a way dear I am just as pleased as I'll have that much more when I come up to se you my pet, although I would like to have had a run home. Poor Mother will have been making preparations for our coming too as I told her I'd be home & did not know till the last minute that I couldnt get.

Oh! my darling how I am waiting for the time when I can take you in my arms again as I walk down these streets & see others with their loved ones it makes me so miserable & when I stand on the street & watch the folks go by I think "yes they all look nice but there's nobody here that can compare with my own darling & just a little while ago I saw an officer going by with a lady dressed in a lovely black silky fur coat I turned to Freddy & said "Gee! wouldn't my little girl look swell in that coat" Really love it does'nt matter where I am or what I see my first thoughts are how much better I'd enjoy it if you were with me. Sometimes I lay in bed half the night picturing our little home & the times we used to have & the different little happenings in our happy career & pray that we may be spared to each other to have them all over again.

I went over to West Sandling last night over to the Y.M.C.A. to hear our old major Gibson & Bob Wilson give a speech to all the boys of the old 168th & my darling it seemed so good to be back in our own crowd again, we had quite a reunion. Did I tell you that all our Major's have been over to France in the firing line? I don't think I did. Major Thompson is over there yet & Gibson is going back again & I was sitting next to Bob Wilson & he says he'll go back if he has to go as a private. Gee! I saw Hollier & all of our old officer's & we were treated to cigarettes & cigars in fact we had a real good time. The major say's they get fed twice as well over there. He also said that when we got back to Canada, he'd spend all his time in finding every man of the 168th Batt a better job than he ever had before & if we'd stick together we'd run the whole country when we get back. Frank Darrow & Ernest Braithwait & Wilfred Beny are all in France too, you know, they left nearly a month ago. Old Colonial McMullan & Capt McCleod, & Major Nourse are all back in Canada. I guess they had cold feet. But dearest with all their talk it did'nt make me any more anxious to go I am still making every effort to remain here & hope to succeed. I'll manage somehow dearest if I have to beat it out. If I were single I would not mind but I can't leave you here love I think too much of you & my little dear babe. My life is a blank without you sweetheart & you my love I know feel that way about me. But don't worry love I'll succeed.

Now dearest. I am on hut orderly again this week & right glad I am as its been so bitter cold out I pretty near froze to death last week. They kept us standing around in the cold till one gets nearly frozen. They just act as though they don't know what to do with us at all & my word you should see the grub we get last night for supper we got a small piece of cake & a bowl of tea not another thing else. How I would love to be up with you my darling for my birthday on the 11th just fancy I'm 22 gee I'm getting old eh! I'll soon be older that you eh? (ha ha!)

Well my loved one I must close now as I have to get back to camp & get supper. Give my love to Mother & Daddy & Maggie & Sonny & to my little darling & you dear self accept my devoted love & tons of kisses. Love galore.

I am ever your own devoted hubby



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