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Date: December 30th 1942

Dec 30, 1942

Dear Mother:

Here I am at Portage and it sure is a change from Mossbank. There are about 4 canteens here and a civilian mess hall where you can eat after 10 o'clock. Our mess hall is ran by the C.P.R and all we do is go in and sit down at a table and they bring grub to us. The food is sure swell and I think that I will put on weight here. We have been into Portage three times and it is quite a nice little joint even if there isn't much to do. We went to a dance there last night and we had quite a good time until 12 0' clock when we had to come back to camp. The only trouble with this place is that we have to be in by 10:30 every night even on Saturday night. We were put on duty watch for a week starting to-day so I will be on the station on New Years but then that won't be so bad I guess. This course is going to be pretty easy so I think that I will have a good rest here for six weeks. The station here is pretty small but they are gradually enlarging it to make room for more
students. We have been having snow regular since Monday and the snow is getting pretty deep around here. I got a letter from Melville to-day but he didn't say much only that he was going to Scottland on the 31st to take a course of some kind. I guess they have been moved around a little from the way he talks anyways so he may see some country. Well I think that is all the news for now so I will sign off.

#7 A.O.S. Portage La Prairie Co 66AB


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