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Date: January 5th 1942

Jan. 5, 1942

Dear Mum and the rest:

How are you enjoying the cold snap? We are having a bit of nippy weather, eh what? I guess we can't expect roses the year round. I suppose one & all are in fine fettle as I am myself. It seems more than a week since I came back here. Have been having a good time into the bargain. No doubt it would not be very exciting for the kids to go back to school after the break. However, we are back to work again this week after a very dull week last week and I hope to get some nice clear weather to start off our new class. I guess Jim will be most likely preparing for I.T.S. He should have been going hard on the Morse Code a few months ago and it would be a wonderful help to him now.

I got back that Sunday nite fine. We picked up a fellow at Elginfield and when he got in I got over & he sat on my gloves (the new ones) and when I got out I forgot all about them so now I am back in the leather ones. I hope Reg is not wearing ‘em now. It looks like I wanted an excuse back there to get them but I see no need for an excuse when there is such a good reason.

Well, if rumours mean anything I got my A group O.K. The boys who work in the station orderly room got the list & there are ten guys in it. Couling made it too, but not Hamson. That is a load off my mind. I wasnt worrying about it or even building on it but now can volunteer for overseas duty without having it to bother me. The boys are starting to go, one here and one there, so I may be leaving any time.

We had a real feed New Year's Eve here on the station. Turkey supper served by the officers & senior N.C.O.'s. Luckily, some of the officers in our flight drew my table to serve so I had 3 plates of fowl. When I asked for the 3rd plate Flt Sergeant Hall, my boss, thought he would make one wish I hadn't asked & brought me one piled high with meat scraps. It was all solid eating & I cleaned it up & had 4 cups of ice cream on top. I really did myself justice and far outshone any of the rest. However, when they passed the beer I just couldn't find room for it but took it anyway & Couling & Hamson had no trouble putting it away. Pilot Officer Clarke of B Flight came down the isle with a case & spied me & said "Oh B flight eh?" and proceeded to unload the rest of the case on the table in front of me so the boys really got feeling good before it was through.

The Monday after I returned we were honored to have Mart Kenney & his Western Gentlemen, famous radio orchestra, give us a show and was it ever good. He imitated the themes of all the big name bands and really had them down cold. He had two gymnastic experts who could do anything on bars. It sure was a show that would sure cost plenty to any civilians. Sat. nite we were supposed to have a Major Bowes Unit from town, on their way home from New York, drop in but they didn't make it so they put on Buck Benny Rides Again. We certainly can't kick on the entertainment. Was up town last night & the recreation club gave us a lot of pie & whipped cream with coffee.

Chip & Jack got back after their 2 day extension Wed. morning and reported a very swell time. I really laughed at Collin's reports on what people asked him about his job etc. One lady saw U.S.A. on his sleeve & said, are you an air raid warden of U.S. Air Corps. He really had a grand time & said he was much more popular than the air force boys over there who were home. He laughed at the way the people are taking it over there. He heard a blast of a siren the night he arrived and woke up thinking he was in the barracks here, but found out it was a rehearsal air raid alarm. The people are hysterical down there so he thinks.

Well, folks, I guess I have said enough. I wish to write to Jim and my arm is already tired. I get a 48 this coming weekend and if I can ride with Roger I may be home, but it will be hard hiking I'm afraid.

Was in to Doc Haul's last nite for an hour & they are fine & invited us back again. Also phoned Mrs. Benner & intend going down, probably tomorrow nite. Suppose you have heard from Art [his brother] I must write him right away. Wish I had a typewriter.

This time I must be final, so if I arrive anytime between Fri. & Sun. don't be surprised.

Adios Amigos.