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Date: February 11th 1941
Mother and Father

Feb. 11, 1941

Dear Folks:

Well here is another weekend gone by and nothing exciting has happened except one of our ships made a crash landing today and they are still trying to find out what was wrong. The landing gear wouldn't come down so they sailed around a couple of hours and then pancaked in and it isn't hurt much. There were five in it but none hurt.

A couple of the boys looped a motor cycle on Sunday. One guy is in the hospital yet with a big hole in his knee.

I got a flight in an Anson on Saturday but it was straight flying and was monotonous rather than exciting. We only nobbed around a little but these crates aren't much good for that.

I expect to get a 48 this weekend and we are going up to the winter carnival at Banff.

I was going to skating tonight but I went to sleep and didn't wake up in time so I guess a little sleep will come in handy tonight anyhow. That camera of Bet's takes pretty good pictures. The films will be worth as much as the camera. I should have one when I go to Banff. I may buy one before I go as I would like to have some pictures of the place.

I have seven days leave coming up on the 24th of March. I am not sure what I'll do although I may go to Winnipeg and see some of the boys, or I may stay here and try to get a pilot's license only I can't seem to locate the flying club.

Some of our boys at Trenton are going overseas right away. Mallet and McCullough from Palmerston are going and about ten others. I wish I had been there for that. However we may get a chance yet I hope.

Our mild weather continues. It stays about 45 ° in the daytime. This was the warmest place in Canada yesterday at 49 °.

I haven't heard from Razz for a couple of weeks and I don't know if he got my last letter or not. He had a big long address and I couldn't make out part of it and I did the best I could by it. He may have been transferred however so I ought to hear from him pretty soon.

I expect Bill was home last weekend as he was supposed to get a 45 so he said. I also had a letter from Bernice which I answered on Sunday. I haven't been around to see any of those people yet. I don't seem to have time. I was going to on Sunday but Bruce and I went up to see the Trans-Canada Airways planes and it is on the far side of the city so when we got back down town it was almost too late so I let it go.

We should get our assembling finished this week and I guess we'll be on repair pretty soon. If the wrecks keep coming in we sure will have plenty to do. We got one of the planes from McLeod that landed together. It isn't wrecked too badly and should be repairable.

You tell Aunt Kate and Tot to worry about themselves that I can take care of myself alright.

I finally got my watch back into service and it loses about a minute a day so I will leave it alone as that isn't bad for any watch.

Another pay day comes around again this week. We won't have so much this month but I guess we won't have to work as much either.

Most of the boys are going home for their 14 days pretty soon but I don't need to worry about how much it is going to cost or anything as I can't go. I had to stay home rest a couple of nights. It was great while it lasted so I may get another couple of weeks next year sometime. Coming back was the thing of all. That old train sure seemed slow but I slept about all of the time it seemed. Bertha would like one of those pictures of we three men. Ed is working somewhere in an aircraft plant. The hours aren't long but pay is fair so he thinks he is in clover.

The day I left I got a ride in a 1941 Buick Eight from Knox Church to within a half mile of Bertha's right on Dundas Street.

It sure was a lucky ride for me. We all got a half day off for the Stampede but then they cancelled my thirty-six because I hadn't finished an Anson. It rained all Sat. afternoon anyway so it didn't matter.

Well better sign off as there are about fourteen of us sitting in two bunks.

So long for now,
Love, JB