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Date: July 15th 1944
Margaret & Marie Harber – (sisters)
Lloyd Harber

Rfn. Harber T.L.
1st Batt. Q.O.R.
A. Coy.
July 15/44

To My Two Dearest Little Sisters – Marg and Marie,–

Hello girls here I am again and still fit as a fiddle. I have been receiving your mail regular and really enjoy every word of it.

I am writing this letter from arrest centre for behind the front lines. We probably will only be here for a few days rest, but it gives us a chance to get caught up on our correspondence.

As you know we have taken the Air Port and Caen as well so even if I do say so myself the rest is well earned. The Knights of Columbus are providing entertainment for us while we are here. I already have seen two shows an intend seeing another to-night.

Yes Marg we are still doing to much soldiering to be bothered with any little French lassie. (But Paris isn't too far off) and when we reach there I can tell you a little about them too. [drawing added at bottom of page showing a “dog or wolf,” labelled “Canadian,” having run over a group of “Jerries” and headed towards a cat labeled “Paris girls”]

I haven't told you girls much about my training in England or what goes on over here.

Since I landed in England I, with a gang of other picked troops, have been training for the assault landing on the beaches of France. They really put us into perfect condition and gave us a lot of extensive training, before making an attempt to land on the beaches. We were working with the Navy during our training as well as the Air Force. When the three services work together it is called combined operations. We are called Assault Troops or Special Service Troops. They no longer call us commandos. We were the first to set foot on the shores of France, of all the troops landed here. Our job was to clear the way and get rid of all the Jerry's up to a certain point so they could get the rest of the invasion troops and armour into France. We have a little more training than the average soldier and therefore can take on a little tougher assignment.

We don't fight all day and night all the time as you might think. Most of the time the enemy is 1000 yards away and that is well out of rifle shot. The only time we really fight is when we put on an attack. The artillery lays down a barrage of shells which we follow up behind. When we are on top of the enemy position the barrage stops and then every man is on his own. We fight then until one side succeeds in taking the position. When the fight is over we have advanced and Jerry retreated and taken up another line of defence further back. We then stand guard in our trenches and wait for a counter attack or until we are ready to put in another attack ourselves which might be anywhere from one day to five days or longer. While we are standing guard Jerry is continually laying down mortar bombs and artillery shells trying to get us out of our trenches. So far I have succeeded in ducking all shells and bullets and hope I can continue to do as well. You can imagine what a time we have to write letters and cook our meals and so forth in the front lines. It is all rather hard to explain, you can't really describe it, you have to see it all to know what it is about.

I just ran out of ink. Well girls once more my rambling letter has come to an end so until next letter “so long”

Lots of love
Your big brother

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