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Date: September 29th 1943
Margaret & Marie Harber – (sisters)
Lloyd Harber

Can. Army Over.
Sept. 29/43

Dear Marg and Marie,–

Well girls how are you to-day? Fine I hope. As for myself I’m still in A1 and good condition.

I received your air-mail Marie and also the parcel you sent girls, “Thanks alot.” Everything was just as you had packed it, in good shape. Everything will come in really handy. I also got 600 cigarettes from Dad, a parcel from Mrs. Ross and also one from Frances, so all in all it seemed almost like Christmas. Mrs. Ross’s parcel was valued at 8.50. She sent the usual line of things, like canned meat chocolate bars etc. Frances really made a swell box. She sent a lot of shaving equipment and face soap, tooth paste etc. She also sent a picture of herself in uniform on her graduation day, she had it enclosed in a leather case.

So Mum had Frances up for dinner eh, Mum mentioneds her quite often in her letters, I think she thinks she’s O.K.

By the sound of things it seems as though you like your new boarding system I’m glad you found a place you liked, I’ll bet it took a lot of hunting before you did.

Oh yes we have again changed our camp. It seems every time I write you, we are in a new camp. We really travel and cover quite a bit of ground. We are no longer up in the haunt I was telling you about.

Oh yes I told you would let you know how the regiment dance came off. We didn’t have such a bad time. There were real Scotch lassies there. All dressed up in their kilts of bright colours etc. I didn’t like their kind of dancing an awful lot. It seemed too much like the old square dances the Blue Room used to put on. But it was rather fun trying to get on to them. There were also quite a number of English Wrens there, who brightened up the dance quite alot. They are really the better class of people.

I have a leave coming shortly, or have I told you already, anyhow I’ll be glad when it gets here. I’ll be my own boss for a while a least.

The [bomb?] fellow I was telling you about is Marie [Lambs?] brother I’m pretty sure, because he often mentioned a sister of that name. He isn’t such a bad sort of guy, we chum around together practically all the time.

Well girls seeing that we have just changed camps, I have a lot of dirty clothes that should be washed so I’ll say “so long” for now and thanks again for the box.

Your big brother

B-134028 Rfn. Harber T.L.
1st. Batt. Q.O.R. of Can.
A. Coy 9. Pltn.

Original Scans

Original Scans
