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Date: November 27th 1944
Ladies Aid Society, Transcona United Church
Jim Johnston

Sgt. Johnston J.G.

Ladies Aid
United Church
Transcona Manitoba

Nov. 27th/44

Dear Ladies;

Thought I would fill in these spare moments I have to thank you for the swell box of chocolates which I received a few days from you. The rest of the crew and myself certainly enjoyed them. As it happened I received the box just before going on a cross country Flight. I took them up with me, and I guess I really don’t need to mention that there were none left by the time we reached “Terra Firma” again.

I guess you wonder what us fellows in the service do with our spare time. Well myself I usually travel up to the nearest town, go to a show and then a dance if there happens to be one on. Sometimes I don’t bother even leaving the station, but spent the leave lying around which seems to be favorite way with most of the fellows.

I imagine there is snow on the ground back there now, here we haven’t had any at all but we sure have had our share of the rain. It would be fine if Saskatchewan could receive a bit of it. The rain sure hold up our training a lot also.

I have not started operations as yet but hope to get underway soon. The time I have been over here has been spent in training, most of which I did in a large RAF camp near Cardiff in Wales and now I am on the last stage before “ops” that is doing my Heavy Conversion Training up here in Yorkshire at an airdrome a few miles from Scarborough. Well I guess I’ll close for now hoping this finds you all back in old Transcona well and happy.

Thanking you again for the gift.

Respectfully Yours,
Jim Johnston

Original Scans

Original Scans
