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Date: July 14th 1917
Mother – (Mary Davis)
Worth Davis

No. 11.
Canadian Military Hospital

Eastbourne 14/7/17

Dear Mother,

A nice evening and photography, prevented me writing last night. Corp Andrus & I sat on the prom. for awhile & came home on the 9.15 bus & developed till nearly midnight. I was at it the night before too, and am tired to-night, but will do a little before I go to bed. I am enclosing some prints for Floss.

There is absolutely nothing new, no more signs of moving, and everything is drifting along as usual. I have a good deal of mail up to June 20th, & have several of yours which I will answer.

Yes I know about Staff Webb’s sister, altho I did not know she was dead till I received your letter. He did not know she was dead till about a week before you wrote. He knew of course that she was so badly burned, that there was little likelihood of recovery.

I have had some fine strawberries here and the usual run are very large and very sweet. I bought a pound one day, & just ate them right out of the bag. Really sweeter than ones with sugar. Have also had a couple good feeds on English Cherries. Everything is becoming terribly high tho, over here. Some things it is practically impossible to get at any price.

See Huntley’s have a ball team, there should be a little interest around town now, with them & Borden’s. It should also make business a little better, altho I think it is good under the existing conditions.

Had a pair of sox, cocoa & gum, from Cousin Lil. Lancaster. Will try and write her to-morrow.

You had not told me about Bev. I hope he soon recovers.

See the conscription bill has not been put thro yet, but expect it will not be long now. Poor Geo. T., does he think the Americans are better treated than we are? I hope they are, but I imagine all armies are about the same. Days that bread comes, we get it, but when it doesn’t, we go without. One good thing tho, we can always run over to the shop Gladys is in, and get currant buns etc. The canteen usually has them too. It is not because things are very short, but transportation is so uncertain. We are fed nearly altogether from the A.S.C. at Seaford, as we are the only Canadians here. It will likely be better from now on tho, as Seaford camp is being enlarged, and apparently the more they have to feed, the easier it is. They are apparently changing Canadian camps around, & in the change, Seaford is getting more. I kind of think that they are taking all possible from the larger places, to small towns much better too. I think that was one of the ideas in Camp Borden etc.

Those sox Mrs. Weston sent, are dandy & if you can get that wool or white, I like it better than any of the others. It is so soft & comfortable not knit too tight tho. That long grey pair with.

Well my Dears I think this is all to-night, & I must be printing.



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