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Date: May 5th 1917
Nerta Davis – (sister)
Worth Davis


Dear Nerta,

I fully intended writing last night, but when I slid down to Meads yesterday afternoon, did not see Gladys so called her up about 6 P.M. & she said she would be up to see me at seven. I only intended to stay out a few minutes but we sat out on the cliff in front of the hospital till 10.30 & then altho I only had slacks & slippers on, I walked down home with her, and by the time I returned it was quite time to go to bed. I have an awful crush on her, but an officer comes to see her occasionally & if he sticks around, I am going to beat it, but will see her next week as usual. We certainly have a good time to-gether & I will miss her a good deal. Thursday we walked up to Beachy Head & went to the theatre at night. I took a couple of rolls of film so will have some snaps to send as I expect they will be fine.

I was not very well on Wednesday and again to-day. We have a terrible epidemic of dysentery and I have had a couple of attacks. Some of the boys are very ill, almost a dozen being right in bed. Besides these, I think there were fifteen of us on sick parade to-day. I don’t know what they are going to do, but officers from headquarters held an investigation to-day. It is terrible, being so short handed, and everyone feeling miserable.

Your letter of 12/4/17, made exceptionally good time and I have orders No 2012 & 2036 all OK. also a letter from Father 2/5/17 & Mother 9/5/17, but the mails are very irregular.

It is funny you are not better at arith. You are very practical, and I was always so good at it. If it was Lit. & History, I could understand it as they were my bad subjects.

I recieved Optical book & paper O.K. I am getting a little optical work, helping Henderson when I am not busy, and we do a little experimental work, using various methods, and comparing results etc. I hope I can get in with him.

The priveledge of “franking” letters to allied countries has been extended to all ranks, so I will save something in postage.

Now, about the scrap books you are making, those high school drawing books make dandies for this purpose & if you watch & cut them out, you can make up a Mutt & Jeff book, then a “Bringing up Faith” etc, and the boys do enjoy them so. I think it is a good idea, also a book of casualities day by day, would be most interesting & you might send me one of these, say each month & I will see they are handed around. Here we hardly hear of Canadian casualties, except by letter.

“Pimples” are fine, but I get a “pimpler” occasionally & he bothers me for a day or two, I think it is the body louse. It is hard to keep free from them but should not be so bad here, as there is no camp. In France I guess everyone has them.

Very much surprised that Meta is married. I never saw her out with anyone & did not know anything about it.

No, I did not know Sandy was in the F.C. but Doc, has been going in for a long time.


Original Scans

Original Scans