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Date: May 1st 1917
Mother – (Mary Davis)
Worth Davis


Dear Mother,

I had almost given up hope of ever getting my March mail, but to-day, quite a bunch of it landed. Yours of the 29th, Horaces, Nert’s with order 2012, also Mae, Ivy, Gert Bosworth, so at last it is coming.

It may surprise you to know that the Seaford camp was under fire at 10 A.M. to-day, one shell striking the fumigator at the hospital and another striking in the garden. That none of the half dozen shells which found their mark, exploded, shows that very defective munitions are being used by Germany. About 6.15 to-night, there was a very heavy explosion near here, which shook our windows, whatever it was exploded twice. They are tightening on these islands every day and I will be glad when we get over. We are allowed to throw away no meat, potatoes or bread & this morning three got 6 days C.B. & 6 days pay stopped, for having bread in their garbage. I had two half slices of bread and two whole potatoes in mine, and do not know what saved me, but I was not told to report. Of course I have my work done properly, and was put on a ward, which tho easy, was not in proper condition and we now get favorable comments, this helps I think. There is one remarkable thing in our unit, and that is the wonderfully good feeling between the W.C.A.s and men. Of course there are a few that the Lord himself could not satisfy, but if you do what is expected of you, and do it properly, nothing could be more fair and reasonable, than the treatment meted out to the men of this unit. This makes it worth while to try and do your bit.

I have been keeping rather late hours, but the weather is so fine, the town so beautiful and my friend so congenial, that I do with as little sleep as possible, except Tuesday and Friday. Gladys Burberry is exactly the type of girl I admire, and I take a good deal of pleasure out of our evenings to-gether. She is about Miriam’s height & bild, long dark lashes, hair like Hazel Mae’s but very slightly more golden, very pointed face, with nose like Miriam & Vera Killer. At times she looks very much like Miriam, but with her hat off she is not as good looking. She is 23 or 24 and a very sensible girl. Outside of Edith (“Postie”) she is the only girl I have seen over here, with whom I have cared to spend the second evening. As my time for pleasure over here is likely fast drawing to a close, I am going to get all the pleasure possible out of my stay here. Except Thursday eve, we walk along the “prom” and there are many seats, where we can enjoy the moonlight & the Ocean. Thursday we go to the theatre. We are both taking Thursday afternoon off this week and if the weather is fine, intend starting at 3 P.M. to walk to Beachy Head where we will have tea, returning in time for the theatre. I will send you some “snaps” later.

You speak of the charging 15¢ for pancakes. To-day, I bought for the boys on the ward, a fruit cake about eight inches in diameter and it cost me 4/6 also 2 lbs. sugar -/11 & I had to beg for it at that.

I don’t remember saying I was off duty till 9 P.M. but someone used to work – I was only off two or three times all the time I was there. If it was when the boys came to see me, you mean I was not off duty, just kept them in the Kitchen, & went in the ward when needed. Lights out at 8 P.M. there tho, and after that, there was very little to do unless I had a really sick patient.

In yours of Apr 4th you say Vas. goes Monday sure, but I have missed the letter telling me what he was going into, altho you said likely artillery.

I have a couple of other letters to write, and it is getting towards my bath hour so I will have more to say later in the week.


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