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Date: December 3rd 1916
Mother & All – (Mary Davis & family)
Worth Davis


Dear Mother and All,

I will only make this a short letter to-night, as I am feeling pretty punk. I have been fighting a cold for a couple of days, but am afraid it is going to down me. If I am not better to-morrow tho, I will go sick and get a couple of day’s rest in bed. Hope I will not have to tho.       

Begg and I took the afternoon off to-day, took some snaps around the billet, went down town for tea, to an Anglican Church and now are at the “Y” writing.

The unit had arranged to take over a 300 bed building in addition to their present one, and had sent in for a draft of 40 men, but something happened and it fell thru. I believe tho, that they are after another one now. If we get more help at M.B., I would rather stay here, but at present, with only two of us on 5, it is pretty hard, and a good deal has to be neglected. We cannot get enough men tho, and have to get men from the batns. near us to do our fatigue work. We are fully 50 short.

I had a letter from you, Dad, Nert, Aunt Mart enclosing £1, and one from Mae Sturdy, enclosing a dandy photo, in a leather case. Real good of her, also a letter from Floss and a couple of others, yes Ethel Jackson and I forget who else.

Please tell Maj. J.M. Clark, that only last week, I received his letter, posted in London, Eng. Sept 28th. I think it had been in the office here ever since.

I am very glad to hear that Dad is feeling better. Hope he has good relief now.

Floss has received snaps and was pleased with them, I will send more later. She sent me quite an article from K.C. paper on M.B.C.H. I am going to give it to the Col. It praises him up some.

Lloyd Fick was as high as he could get without a comis [ed. note: abbrv. of "commission"]. He may get that later tho.

Sorry Nert’s toe has been bad. Mine bothers me at times, but never very bad.

I am sleeping much better in my new bunk, but of course, I am out more, and don’t sleep such long hours. As we are so short-handed, have to go out without a pass most of the time, but have not been bothered yet.

I don’t think I will get over to see Bob Inch. I have so little time and am living down town now. Then my clothes are getting dirty and shabby, so I hardly care to see anyone like that. My, but Happy looked tough. It is very hard when you have only one suit, and can’t go to bed to have it cleaned.

Bites are all O.K. but still [cloping?] for blood etc. My blood is terribly bad, every little scratch, festers up, but it will improve in time.

Well I had better go to bed.


Parcels have not arrived yet. I registered all I sent.


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