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Date: November 19th 1916
Mother & All – (Mary Davis & family)
Worth Davis

M.B.C.H., Eng.

Dear Mother and All,

I have letters from none of you to answer to-night, rather disappointed, but they must be delayed some place and I will have them this week. Things are about as usual here. Friday was cold, very cold at night. Saturday morning we had quite a little snow flurry but it turned milder and to rain during the afternoon. I got a pass for the afternoon and till midnight and went, with a fellow by the name of Beggs – son of Begg who used to be with Rudolph in the St J. Brewry, to Canterbury. We left Shorncliffe about one-thirty, landing at 3.15. Went thro the Cathedral, had a look around the business street of the city and returned to Folkstone, (had a compartment all to ourselves too), about seven o’clock and took in the 9 P.M. performance of “All Women,” a review fair, no men in the performance. We get a very fair seat too 1/- plus war tax, I used to pay 3/- or 4/- at the same house but cannot afford it now and while these seats are in the “gods,” they are plenty good enough.

I received the parcel from the Girls Patriotic, in good condition, except that the box was dented. Will write the secretary in a couple of days and send cards to the girls whose names were enclosed at Christmas. If one has not been sent to
            1262234 – R.B. Fisher.
            A.A.S.C. – M.J. – B.A.D.
            Shorncliffe, Kent, England.
please see that it is sent. I think it will be in time now.

I also received parchment in leather case from Dr. Mc.Queen, was glad to get it, I wanted them to get these instead of watches in the first place, and so did Dr. I will write him later too.

It has been kind of half raining all afternoon, but now is just pouring on the roof of the new “Y” where I am writing. Yesterday on account of the cold, I wore my great coat and cap instead of my oilskins, and they were pretty well soaked. I have my oilskins on to-night tho.

I am enclosing proofs of the photos just having the one sitting finished up. I have cut my moustache off, as orders call for no moustache, or over the whole lip not the ends shaved.

Things are going fine on the ward now and sure hope they continue. The Sister is a dandy, and we get along fine, she is small. Say if you know if anything that is particularly good for cleaning enamelled tubs, please tell me, I use coal oil, turps, bath brick etc. but it is very hard to keep them clean.

Say, the next time you are sending anything, there is in the lower right hand dresser drawer in my dresser, a black flash light, rather large, metal top and bottom and I think two bulbs. You might send it, as this size battery is only -1q while the small one is 1/-. I might just as well have it here with me.

Really, I can’t think of any more news to-night, will write again thru the week, also to Miriam, had a letter from her yesterday.


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