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Date: October 25th 1916
Nerta Davis – (sister)
Worth Davis

M.R.C.H. England

My Dear Nerta,

Well honey, what is wrong with you, no letter last week, and here it is Wednesday and none this week. In fact I have not had any mail this week, as yet, but it will likely be in to-morrow.

We have had rain all day but it has stopped some now and thunder and lightening set in, the first I have seen since coming over, and it sure is wicked. It was my (illegal) day off to-day, and about 5 o’clock, I started for St. Martin’s plain, thinking there might have been a letter from you, in the afternoon mail, but before I left the grounds it started to rain again and I decided I had to stay home.

I went down town last week, intending to buy a rubber cape. The first place I went in they asked thirty five shillings and the further I went, the higher the were till forty-five shillings, and then I decided I would not invest, I am going to buy what they call a “slicker.” I don’t think you ever saw one but they are a kind of oilskin, and about khaki color. I think I will get a hat to match and the two will not likely run over £1. They are I think made of cotton, then they have darker, but thinners ones, on what is probably silk, but they are too expensive to lose. Saturday I think I will go down town and have a small photo taken, and go to see a show, too, I have not seen one for a long time.

That was some letter I wrote mother on Sunday, but I did not say half I wanted to at that, after Earl came in, I had trouble writing and talking too. Earl was over last night, and said he expected the camp would be moved thro the night, so I will likely not see him again. Some motor transport driver who was up here with an ambulance, the other day, was asking for me, and said he was from Tillsonburg, but I did not see him. I was wondering if it would be Claire Denton. I didn’t know who else it would be.

I tell you, the lights are raking the skye, over the channel to-night, they must be expecting a raid some place near us, they have not been so free lately tho.

In the letter to mother on Sunday, I was afraid to say what I wanted to about the camera, lest suspecting snaps, they would open that letter. I have still one pack of those I brought from Canada, and as soon as I use it, I will send my camera home. They are very strict about the use of these, and I don’t want to lose such a good one, also it is too large to hide well, also in focusing it etc, it takes so long to take a picture, that I am apt to be caught. But Nert, after using cameras so long, I really feel that I can’t be without one, and as they are pretty expensive here, I want you to get me one and send it to me. Now, as you would not be able to put “camera” on the declaration, you will have to get a very strong box, slightly larger than the one containing the camera, and put candy in each end of it with the camera, in the middle then just mark “candy” on the declaration. The weight will be about right too. Now find out first if you can send a parcel like that registered pay letter postage if necessary to register as I want to be sure of getting it. If you can’t register, find out about Express. The package should not weigh over 1 ½ to 2 lbs. They will likely think it funny that you register candy, but just tell them that you want to make sure of delivery. That I have lost a parcel. Which I think I have.

The machine I want, will cost you about 12.00 while over here 15.00 or more so you can pay up to a couple of dollars for carriage and then I will save money.

Go to Spencer McDonald, and tell him, you want a vest pocket Kodak with a F 7.7 lens and with



either engraved on the metal or stamped in gold on the leather, and also stamped on the case, which is to be of pigskin. As the lens is half outside I have to have a case or the lens would get scratched. They tell me here that the 7.7 lenses are so hard to get, they are not selling them here, so in case you can’t get this, don’t take any other, as I can pick one up in some of the stores here. He can get the stamping or engraving done in Toronto. This camera has a set focus and is quickly operated. It is small, but enlargements can easily be made. It may seem foolish to you people at home, that I should want a camera, but I don’t feel like going through this experience without having some photographic record of the places I see etc. You know just how I feel about it.

Well I spent a very enjoyable (?) afternoon, cleaning two very dirty bathtubs. They were fierce, but sure look some better. I really take some interest in this work now that because the place is really dirty and my work shows some result. It will take some little time to get the place in shape, but when I do, I will be able to take things a little easier. I take my time in the afternoon now, but have a good deal of regular work to do in the morning, wish you could come over here, and help me with the work, but suppose you too are very busy.

My finger was so sore where my ring cut into it, that I had to take the ring off but have it in my purse so it will be all right.

Well Honey I must take a bath to- night, and it is just eight so bye-bye.



Original Scans

Original Scans