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Date: September 14th 1916
Nerta Davis & All – (sister & family)
Worth Davis

[written across top, different handwriting: “Answered”]

Shorncliffe, England.
September 14th, 1916.

Dear Nerta and All,

I am writing to-night as I have been on guard all day and this is my off hour. We have two hours on, and four off, during 24 hours starting at 9 A.M., so I will not have much sleep to-night.

I don’t believe I told you but from a hill just by our camp, we can see the coast of France, and when it is clear, we can hear the roar of the guns, so we realize just how near we are. From the hill, also we can see camps containing many thousands of Canadian soldiers.

Well say you sure would have your hopes, about it being cooler here, if you were here. It is so cold in the tent, that I can hardly write. I am not in my own tent to-night, but in the guard tent, and will not be able to undress all night. If I have luck tho, this will be my last night in a tent till the winter is over. We heard to-night that our officers and 72 men will leave for their training to-morrow. It is very likely that we will remain here till spring. I don’t think there is much chance of my going to Orpington, as most of the boys are going in hospitals right around here. I surely hope I am put out now, for another two weeks in these tents, if it stays this cold, will surely freeze me.

I am glad the rings arrived all right. I hope the pearls are as nice as I wanted.

Will be glad to get the prints. I have only made two exposures since leaving home. I made one of a storm approaching and another of our line of tents. I hope they are good, as I will not likely be able to make any more now. I can use the camera very little as I am apt-to get into trouble if I take some things.

I am glad you will be at home this year, altho I did want to see you go to University. You will get there yet tho, and will enjoy it better when you are a little older. I wish I had my B.A. now.

I was much surprised to hear of Malone’s wedding too. Where will he live? He must have made some money out of his fire. Eh?

I suppose George Carson will be staying at home now to look after the farm. Lucky beggar. Farming would be easy to what he will get over here.

I am still keeping very well, but do not get enough sleep to suit me. You see lights do not have to be out till 10.15 and I never get to sleep before that time then we are awake at 6.30. Then if we stay down town to a show it is 11.30 to 12.30 before we get to bed. Last night I saw “A Kiss for Cinderella” and enjoyed it very much. I also had tea at a “Soldiers Club,” run by a lady from Havelock, Ontario, and had a piece of good Canadian lemon, and a piece of raisin pie. I could hardly walk after it.

I have not been weighed, but by the feel of my clothes I am getting fat. I have not put any heavier underware on, altho I could almost do with it. I don’t need that suit of cotton underware I sent home, but that pair of good puttees I can use any time you are sending a parcel, but no rush. I want my name on them too.

When I get down to work in the hospital, I will I expect get really good meals, and will not go out very much, so I will get heaps of sleep. I think I will take the full twelve hours sleep for a few nights to get caught up. There is one thing I will miss tho, the Saturday afternoon and Sunday holidays. Every day will likely be alike in the hospital.

I want to write Floss to-night, altho I have not heard from her since she left Canada.


Just went down to the “Y.” to get a cup of hot cocoa, but they were out, so I had to take coffee. Heard down there, that they had just found the dispatch rider who brings our orders from headquarters in a ditch outside the lines, bound and gagged. Rather comforting just before you go on guard. Eh?

Original Scans

Original Scans