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Date: May 22nd 1944
Audrey Addison – (friend)
Bill Curtis


May 22/44

My Dearest Audrey,

Hi there darlin, here I am again. Don’t mind do you? Too D--- bad if you do cause it is contagious you know and you are still writing more than I am and I’m just trying to keep up to you. This is the first letter this week but, I think I can manage three or four more. I wrote to Mum last night after I came back from a show. Thank gosh there are shows on a Sunday over here, otherwise there wouldn’t be a thing to do except read and that gets rather boring unless it is a good book e.g. Maid and a Million Men. I finished it yesterday afternoon – wow, what a story; sort of an eye opener-upper wasn’t it? I’m reading another story called “This Bright Summer” it is something like the other one in happenings, only a little more outspoken. If you ever see it, just forget it, so don’t say I didn’t warn you. Well darling we had a fairly good work out to-night playing baseball. Sure was good to get out and have a little recreation. After two and a half-hours of it we were pretty tired and I’ll bet there will be a few fellows feeling a little stiff to-morrow. George Ferketich came over to see me last night so-o-o I showed him the picture wallet and sweater and all the other photos you’ve sent and he hadn’t seen yet. He sure does like the large picture of you – who doesn’t! I know I sure do and even more of whom it is of. He sure got a kick out of how the guards on the island had to dress. Quite a change from the way we used to go around. Guess everything is really “pusser” now that McGregor and us guys are over here. We sure had some good times on that island.

I had plans on writing to Jim to-night but as usual the time has gone so fast I won’t have time to. He is getting closer to home all the time the lucky guy. Who knows – he might get to “Pat Bay” yet. Hope so – maybe then he can get up to Nan. more often. I can’t fancy the idea of being at Bella Bella, nothing there but a canning factory, a few Indians and – well that is about all. I used to go up around that way on the tugs, so I have a fair idea of what most coastal towns are like – uh– how is Nanaimo now a days hon ???? Something tells me I’m a goin to pay for that  crack.

I guess I’ll just have to call Marg. Nick from now on; hope she has written that letter before this reaches you. Well darling this is another of those letters with nothing much in it; just to let you know I’m always thinking of you and love you more than ever. Give my love to your Mom, Dad, “Nick” and Brenda. Say hello to Lorna and tell her to get crackin on a letter, also to Barnie and Ray. “Cheerio” hon

All my Love and Millions of Kisses
Xx Bill xxxX

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