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Date: November 21st 1943
Sister - (Miriam Biollo)
Peter Biollo

Nov 21/43.

Hello Big Sis.

I don’t know if I answered your last letter or not as I received it just as I went on leave, so here is a letter anyway. Yes I have just had 20 days leave and I’m at a new station, away out in the sticks. Gee I’m sorry honey – how are you and our big happy family? I hope you are all well.

I spent 11 days in London and the rest at Aunt Nellie’s where I was in bed with the flu for 3 days. Boy I sure felt rough and Aunt Nellie fussed around me so much I nearly went crazy. Well, Mimi you probably know I’m “active” now or as we say I’m an “ops man” – which is sumpin believe me. Before I took off I was all jitters but when we were over enemy country I was cool as a cuke. It was at nite and we saw plenty of flak and stuff but none came our way except a bit from a convoy on the way home. It was too darn close for comfort – well you could nearly smell it. Then we went on leave and I haven’t flown since I got back due to the punk weather. It’s raining cats and dogs now and the fog is so thick it nearly chokes you.

I sure had a grand time at Aunt Nellies and she treated me like a son. She was an air raid warden all thru the blitz and their house was nearly hit many times. It’s about the only one left standing in her part of the block. Uncle Harry is swell too and also their 2 daughters who are married to soldiers who are away. They have 2 boys and a girl and boy they sure reminded me of you all at home. Evelina – Aunt Nellies youngest married daughter looks somewhat like Edie and she sure is a lot of fun.

Has Edie been over lately? I haven’t heard from her for months. What’s the matter? Has she got another beaux ha-ha? How is your lad these days? I met a lot of fellows I went to I.T.S. with and also a kid I used to caddy with, Doug Grout. I got Edies picture. It sure is swell eh? The girls over here are punk – they nearly all smoke and drink. But the poorer ones are very nice in some cases. We have an 18 year old 4th cousin over here and she is very nice. Well honey I’m running out of paper so I’ll sign off now. So adios for now. Lots of luck.

Big Brur. Pete.

P.S. Give my very best to Edie.

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