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Date: July 30th 1916
Jessie and Stuart
John Leslie McNaughton

Cadet Cpl. J. Leslie McNaughton
10th Officer Cadet Battn
(?) Camp

July 30th '16

Dear Stuart & Jessie -
This is Sunday and I have felt rather under the weather all day and did not even muster enough energy to write letters as I usually do on Sunday. It was quite cold and windy here yesterday, and I think I got a little cold. I will feel better after a nights sleep I guess though for my colds do not as a rule last for more than a day or two at the most.

I was disappointed yesterday in not getting away to Glasgow. I had a week (?) leave and all but (?) came to be (?) corporal and I just had to stay. I do not think I said anything about getting (?) promotion before. About (?) weeks ago I was promoted to be a Cadet (?) corporal and just last week I got a second strip and am now a corporal. I does not earn any more pay in a place like this - a cadet Battn but instead it means that I have a good deal more responsibility. I have had no difficulty tho in getting along for I get along well with the fellows and never have to ask them to do a thing more than once.

I went for a little walk tonight with one of the cadets and saw a good deal of hay (?) and (?) and we also saw where the people had been taking in the potatoes. It (?) that the potatoes mature very quickly here. The tops look quite yellow in places. The last letter from home said that they were busy at the hay. I suppose that you will be done with yours by now.

Jessie did you know a Miss Ethel Roy at McDonald when you were there. She was engaged to Bill Ford who I said was killed. I think that I should write her just a short appreciation of Bill. I am sure she must be lovely and even if I do not know her it will not be any harm to write her just a short note.

Yes it does look as though the balance of power is with the allies now. Germany's strength is far from broken yet though and I think that the war will last at least for another winter. It will depend a great deal on Russia I think. If she can keep going as she is now it is bound to shorten the war. The allies, both the French and Br are (?) have had some successes in the west, but it is a terrible piece of work pushing the Germans back against our line, for I believe that Germany will expend her best effort against the Br. It is encouraging tho to see that our fellows can push them back little by little even if the (?) Germans have been (?)

Down on the beach yesterday for a little while and met two litle girls from Glasgow they were very young, one about 16 and the other about 14. There is a (?) golf Link here and they came down for the day with their mother & Dad who were playing Golf. They saw by my shoulder that I was a Canadian and they showered questions at me about Canada. They were little ladies and I showed them around Camp. They asked me to go and have tea with them and their Mother & Father but I declined (?) I did not have my best clothes on. When going away they wanted my address and they gave me theirs - So they may write. Their people were quite wealthy I think so they were well dressed. I gave them a (?) apiece.

Now I think I must close for this time.

Write soon.

Your aff. Bro Leslie