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Date: November 4th 1974
Susan, Tonia, and Cameron Doerksen - (wife & children)
Kenn Doerksen

4 November 1974

Dearest Susan, Tonia and Cameron,

At last, a letter from you after 10 days. But it is obvious that you had written at least one before that had not yet arrived. ATC strikes again. Anyway, it was lovely to hear from you.

I have had a very busy weekend. Mr. Richardson arrived on Friday and, as I was “Aircrew Co‑Ordinating Officer” I had to meet the plane, and organize 23 aircrew plus luggage to a hotel on the beach 30 minutes away. It actually went quite well. Then I drove 2 cold hours in my jeep back to Nicosia arriving 15 minutes before the mess dinner...I just made it. Richardson was a non-committal, stammering such a dimwit can get so high is beyond me. Next day I caught up on all my neglected work from Friday and then attended a reception in our new mess which went on for hours. On Sunday, back to the aircrew to see the plane off, followed by another 2‑hour dash back through Sunday drivers (without lunch) so my driver and I could play soccer in a challenge match against the Austrian Police (which I had arranged).

It was good fun and we tied 1‑1 although we easily outplayed them. Our team was just a pick-up group who had not played together before, but it was a real good team – far better than the Base team. We have since been challenged by the Austrian Military from Larnaca and the British Squadron attached to us, both of whom are very good. But we are enthusiastic and should have some very good games. I played real well.

I injured my back (a nib) in our football game 2 weeks ago and it is still quite sore, so I saw the doctor today. He is doing tests to make sure it isn’t my spleen. I don’t think it’s internal, but I often wake up at night, now. When I roll over, it hurts so much. Not to worry.

I keep running into people who knew my dad. One, a British chap who was his clerk in Berlin and today a Canadian who was his batman in Germany...he even remembered me. That’s five people so far.

My date for leaving is confirmed for 14 Dec. (which is only right) getting in the 15th. Then, if all goes well, I will be on leave until 3 Feb, with 3 days annual leave remaining. So staying home until after New Years sounds great. By the way, did my parcel for the kids arrive. I mailed it a long time ago.

Time is going by quickly and I can almost believe we’ll all be together soon. I love you and miss you all.


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