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Date: October 27th 1974
Susan, Tonia, and Cameron Doerksen - (wife & children)
Kenn Doerksen

Sunday, 27 October

Dearest Susan, Tonia and Cameron,

The time lag between sending letters and receiving answers still confuses me, especially when I throw a phone call in the middle of it all. I just received your last letter from Niagra and yet I know you have been home for almost a week now. And you had just learned of the flowers whereas it seems a very long time ago that I ordered them. Oh well.

I am taking my first full day off since I got to Cyprus today. I really think I need a couple as I am becoming somewhat lethargic toward my job. Last night I got an “emergency” call from the Turks that electricity to a water pump for some village was out and needed me to find the break (between the Turk-Greek lines or in the Greek area). I told them I would look into it on Monday. They weren’t very happy about it, but I just wasn’t spending my Sunday working, again.

Last night we had another dining-in, at the completion of the RCR Recce Party’s visit. It was really quite dull, the food in general was lousy and I went to bed right after dinner. It was Sam Macbeck’s birthday and all the 2 CDO officers made a “cake” out of their potatoe “logs” piled up on a plate with a candle in the middle. It was quite funny.

I got a nice letter from A. Louise yesterday… I had written to her several weeks ago. She sounds fine but I think her life must be becoming a bit dull, as she just didn’t spend much time talking about visitors, or friends… more about news events and parliament. I guess she and Olive have been on non-speaking terms for a long while and have just recently started seeing each other.

This coming week, Mr. Richardson is coming for 3 days. I have to give him a briefing on my work as well as look after 23 Aircrew. I’ll be glad when it’s all over.

I have ordered a sports-jacket in addition to my suit. I hope you don’t mind but I need both and the cost here is so much less. I think you’ll like them both. I, too, should save some money before I get home. I’ve also enclosed a money-order for you, for [Jabone’s?] retainer.

We had a sport’s afternoon on Thursday to celebrate HQ and Signals Squadron’s birthday. The officers and Warrant officers played against the junior ranks in a flag-football game which more resembled tackle than anything. But it was fun, even though we lost 24-0. Even Col. Lessard played as a linesman for a full half. I played the whole game and must have taken an elbow in the back, as the next day it felt like I had broken a rib. It’s a bit better today but I can’t roll over in bed without waking right up. We played badminton yesterday, and I have done my 1½ mile run for this fall (in 9:30… my best time ever). I’m in quite good shape all round. Next Sunday we have challenged the Austrians to a soccer game, which should be fun. We hope to play it on a sports field right on the Green Line, so both sides can watch.

Just about out of news for now, Sue. Only 7 more weeks, at the latest before I arrive home. I can hardly wait, now. Which is probably why my interest in the job has dropped. In any case, stay busy and write often. I love you so very much and miss you all terribly.

With all my love,

P.S. How’s Manda? She never seems to get mentioned.

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