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Date: June 24th 1917
Dad & Mom - (Arthur & Jennie Winterbottom)
Sydney Winterbottom

June 24, 1917

Dear Dad and Mom

I received another jake parcel of choc. can of pears, can of salmon, 1 hank, sugar and marmalade yesterday. Thanks ever so much for sending them.

I received a nice letter from Mrs. Thrupp a couple of days ago and will try and answer it soon. Don't worry about the letters not reaching me because I think they all do all right in the end. I know where Alfred Wain's grave is or at least an A Wain - Canadian. Adrian was over at a grave yard in a place called (censored) and there saw the graves of Tommy Kilby - a jolly little 11 C.M.R. friend and also the grave of A Wain. when he returned he said "I'll bet that is Alfred Wain of Kamloops"

I got the ten francs but don't remember if it was in time for easter or not. Anyway they came in blamed handy.

Don't be shocked by the queer looking picture of Dug and I because we were both feeling very languid and nutty as it was a hot day. The photos were taken on the spur of the moment so I sent a couple home.

Miss Fooks parcels always contain something like this - 1 tin jam - 1/2 lb. cake - candy - pasto and margarine. I only hope you write and thank her sometimes as it is very good of her to bother at all.

I'm very glad that good old Lynn has managed to get a change. He has had what one can called a hard time as he had been their one support ever since a little kid. Aunt Daisy Brown sent a nice parcel of socks and candy not long ago. In her letter she enclosed a tiny letter I wrote her in 1905. It was funny to read a letter you had written seventeen years ago

I nearly always write once a week at least. Therefore just because you don't hear from me for a couple of weeks don't think it is because I have forgotten to write. I never do or shall forget home.

Norman it out in France as a 2nd. Flight Lieutenant. I wrote to him to-day. You know Mrs. Norman sent me a delicious Xmas parcel for which I thanked her. Norman wrote and told Dug that Dallas Slavin (?) had written him a letter from some hospital or other so Dallas must be jake after all.

I wrote Uncle Albert a short letter a couple of days ago and soon hope to hear from him. It is the first time of writing since coming to France. I also wrote to Frank Reeve and hinted about "good eats".

I am still a Lewis gunner no 3 of a crew of 8. My job is chiefly ammunition packer.

Isn't it fierce about poor Harry Hopkins. His mother will feel it dreadfully. I got the jake strawberry jam amd peanut butter. socks, chocs, gum and cigs all of which are appreciated ever so much. The Kamloops papers come all right. Please send them regularly won't you.

Now grab hold of a cow a pig and some land and I'll be home to do the work or bust a lung in the attempt.

With heaps of love to you all,


[Editor’s note: Transcription provided by collection donor.]
