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Date: May 16th 1916
Mum - (Jennie Winterbottom)
Sydney Winterbottom

[stationery letterhead of “Y.M.C.A.”]
May 16, 1916

Dear Mum.

Thanks for your welcome letter I received a couple of days ago.

I hope Dad’s shirt fits him all right. It was the most useful thing I could think of sending him. Helen helped me to choose it. I hope to come home with Helen at the end of the month so we shall all be together again for a little while. I hope there will be lots of marmalade too.

Last evening I had supper with Aunt Florie. Afterwards we went to a picture show called the “Columbia.” There we saw C. Chaplin in a piece in which he takes off the play called “Carmen.” It was certainly funny. They also showed another Keystone reel. This dandy show was only ten cents admission. The hall was packed to the doors while a crowd waited outside.

Mr Pearse, who boards at Aunt Agneses has joined the transport section so you needn’t worry about him eloping with Helen.

The 172 will have quite a march if they go to Vernon. I wish they would give us long marches also. I heard a rumor yesterday to the effect that no more troops were to leave Canada as they would be needed in case the Americanised Germans were to get troublesome. I suppose though it is only a rumor so dont bother thinking about it.

As yesterday was pay day a lot of fellows were violently quenching their thirst last night.

Adrian took Helen to the Columbia last night. She didn’t want to go at first but he argued her into doing so.

With love to all
Your loving son
Sydney W.

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