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Date: May 16th 1916
"Nong" - (John Winterbottom? - brother)
Sydney Winterbottom

[stationery letterhead of “Y.M.C.A.”]
May 16 1916

Dear “Nong”

How are you? I am well.

It is fine down here. All the trees are out in leaf and there are piles of flowers everywhere.

If you walk out of Victoria a little way you see lots of pheasants and quail. Gee! though you should see how they can run. They could easily keep up to a motor-car for a little way.

One night I went for a little walk. I walked through a ploughed field and came upon a little chink with a big gun. “What you do with gun?” I asked. “Oh I shoot em crows and him wild hens they eatum up corn crop.” He really meant pheasants when he said “wild hens.” I bet they had been living on pheasants right along.

The kids down here go about catching butterflies in a net. They seem to think it great sport.

You are about as old as Tommy aren’t you? Tommy said that the Holts stay a few houses away from his place when they come down here. He knows Harold Holt. Aunt Florie has a trench periscope Mr. Evans used out at the front. It is one of these things something like this [sketch added here with labels of “looking glass” and “looking glass handles”] The picture shows the periscope when it is ready for use. When you are not using it, it all folds together.

I saw Marg and Molly Dandy the other evening we sat around the fireplace and talked. They are leaving for Kamloops next Saturday. Are our ducks all right and is our garden up yet.

Give my love to everyone.
Your loving brother

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