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Date: January 31st 1916
Mum - (Jennie Winterbottom)
Sydney Winterbottom

Connaught Barracks
Nanaimo B.C
Jan. 31, 1916

Dear Mum.

Please don’t worry about me as I am now totally over the “Grippe” and feeling fine at that.

Yesterday we were paid I got back the ten bucks deducted of my first months pay for six months. I received in all twenty-nine dollars and some cents. I am sending home twenty dollars to bring my depleted bank account up to the full strength. As Helen is coming over this month I am going to pay her passage as I promised when home last.

Last night Adrian and myself went to the picture show where we saw an awfully good film entitled “The man who stayed at home.” Afterwards, at about nine-thirty we went and had a late supper. After this violent carousel we returned to barracks and bed.

Did I tell you of the snap of a job I am now holding? When I first recovered from “Grippe” I felt very weak and miserable as all who have had it know. They therefore gave me this job. The job consists of lighting two stoves every morning in the deserted canteen of 104th where they now hold daily lectures. My other duties are to save enough wood for both fires and sweep out the place every day. For doing this I escape all guards and fatigues. I received a letter from Dug. He passed his exam for a Scout all right but as his Battalion has been turned into a pioneer one he does not know if he will act as a scout or not.

As it is the day after the night before there are a lot of fellows still boozy. One boozy fellow of about six feet fell over the dinner table and asked another chap for a kiss. There is over two feet of snow down here. It is a sight.

With love to all I am
Your loving Son
Sid. W.

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