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Date: June 15th 1943
Mildred & John Flynn - (sister & brother-in-law)
Lawrence Drewry

F/o L.J. Drewry
J8629 CAN.

Dear Mildred and John:-

Just another few lines to say my adress is now SEA RESCUE FLIGHT RAF. ME. so please send any mail to that adress. I’m taking a holliday now and going fishing for a change – ok well. I’m not very pleased about it but then it could be lots worse at least I’m going to have quite a good deal of spare time so should be able to send you lots of these airgraphs. I know they aren’t very interesting but there isnt much to tell you. Of course in a few weeks you will be hearing plenty of news but at present all I can tell you is that I’m perfectly well, have a bit of leave again (nowhere to go as all the big cities are out of bounds at present) so will sunbathe, play softball and read books. I sure hope you have a good holliday and if you and John go to ontario you will have. So long Sis my best wishes to you and John –

Love –

Original Scans

Original Scans
