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Date: April 4th 1943
Sister - (Mildred Flynn)
Lawrence Drewry

P/o L.J. Drewry
J8629 R.C.A.F.
R.A.F. H.Q. ME.

Darling Sis :-

Just a line cause it’s late and I’ve a bad cold but just to give you a sketch of my first weeks leave.–

I spent the first three days in Alex shopping and had some photos taken etc. The next day we went and had a look at Cyprus from the air then on to see Turkey (just the coast) of which I took two snaps out of the back hatchway and then stopped in Asia Minor for the night. It was warm so we went up into the mountains in Lebbanon where there was skiing etc. and spent the night there. Next day we spent in Beirut and had some fun as nobody speaks English its all French. Our hotel cost us about fourty six pounds for four the first night so when we saw the bill we were a bit worried. We soon found however that the Lebbanese pound is just 1/9 of ours so it wasn’t so much though even so its expensive living there. We met some nurses who wanted to go to Haifa so being as we weren’t caring where we went we took them to Lydda and they said they’d hitch hike back. Then as the weather wasn’t too good we stayed in Palestine over-night and came on to Alex today. Tomorrow we will go to Cairo I guess so you see we are just looking things over quickly. I’ll try to tell you in more detail what we did in my next letter Sis but so far its been a bit crowded and I’m about ready for bed. We haven’t really rushed though so its been very pleasant and interesting.

I haven’t seen any place as dirty as Egypt is yet Sis so if I get half a chance I’ll be going back to Palestine next week as we still have leave till the 26th of april (we just ordered ham sandwiches and six cost us 20 Pt or $1.00) I’ve spent £20 or $10000 this week but then I have had photos taken, bought some silver napkin rings etc. etc.

Well Sis guess you’ve had me for this time so cherio and my best wishes for you and John


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