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Date: January 7th 1943
Moo and Dusty

50 Clifford St.,
Glasgow, S.W. 1,

Jan. 7 ‘43

Dear Moo & Dusty:

Many, many thanks to you both for all your lovely Christmas presents; I assure you it was doubly appreciated over here, as clothes are all rationed, & frequently coupons mean much more to us than the cash value of an article.

At present I am staying with Ernie & Elinor, friends of ours, in Glasgow, & they are very charming people & most considerate of my welfare. Barbara, Carol & the car are in Portsmouth, as I only stayed down there for a week when I was transferred back here: -- maddening isn't it? However Barbara & Carol are digging with some great friends of my honey's -- so they seem to be quite happy.

Of course, up here, Christmas is just another working day -- a heathen country Scotland -- and I worked it, but Elinor had a very lovely Xmas dinner for us in the evening when Ernie & I got home -- I assure you it was excellent especially for war time, as she produced most of the trimmings, such as mince pies etc.. -- She's a marvel.

However New Year's or "Hogmanay" as they call it up here is the big time, so I buzzed off down to Portsmouth to spend a few days with my two honeys, Barbara & Carol. I left on the Tuesday night & arrived in Portsmouth about lunch time on Wednesday where I was greeted by my lovely wife & lovely daughter. It was good seeing them again, although I had only left them about 3 1/2 weeks before. On New Year's Eve, we went to a dancing club in Portsmouth, where we had a few drinks, a spot of supper & a few dances, however we were home before 12 & drank the New Year in, in Hock; my little honey-pie had one hock too many, so I had to put her to bed; it was rather a nice job, but the only thanks I received in the morn, were "Why didn't you wash the make-up off my face?" -- ! On News Year's night we went to a flick which wasn't too bad; & on the Saturday we went to John Guthrie's (Barbara's Dad) for a lovely lunch & afternoon tea. I left Portsmouth on the Sunday P.M. & returned to the dirty old Clydeside arriving here on Monday morning.

That is the saga of my little holiday -- now, how about yours? -- Did you have a good Christmas & New Years? or did the old war affect you too much for this. I trust that Janet & Sue enjoyed their Xmas presents & parties, and I also trust that they didn't eat too much & get tummy-aches.

Please give them a big, big kiss each from their Uncle Dick, away over here in Not so Bonny Scotland.

At present, I am completely up in the air, as my chief transferred me to Portsmouth & then transferred me back again here. I of course was extremely upset over this, as my domestic arrangements are anything but satisfactory at the moment; and I am chasing another job, at the moment; with Air Ministry to be precise. I have told Reed & he has granted my release, as I suppose he is having a touch of conscience or something, or maybe he just wants to get rid of me anyway. However, we shall see, and I will let you know what transpires.

I must admit being able to stay with Ernie & Elinor has softened the blow of returning to Clydeside, quite considerably, but I can't stay here indefinitely as it's not fair on them. They have a young son, Ian, 14 months, and he's a bonny lad, full of laughter & fun. Sue must be over a year old now, Moo? Isn't she? -- I'm afraid I completely forgot her birthday & I'm very sorry for my oversite -- but I do know it's close to Christmas like mine.

Ah well, Moo & Dusty, once again many thanks for all your nice things, and please give Janet & Sue a kiss from Uncle Dick. Do write soon & give us all the news -- Tons of love to you all,

Your affectionate brother,