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Date: June 14th 1918
George Reekie

Seaford Sussex
June 14/18

My Dear Ant

I received your letter the other day and was glad to hear you were all well and the weather suited you letter now.

It is raining here to night the first for about a month and I tell you things were begining to look dry the ground was all cracks and the parade grounds were getting rather dusty. it was windy all day and we were Kicking dust in our own face all day but tomorrow will be different. Well it is a half holiday any how so some of us will have a good sleep.

We have had a pretty easy week of it in a way. not a bit of drill as we were studying machine gun. every body gets some of it before going to France. It is quite a machine just as simple as a shot gun. we are having a kind of an examination this after noon and to morrow forenoon. it is getting pretty interesting now for we all put in a six pence and the winners are to get a pound for first and then shillings for second I don’t know who is going to win but I aint far from the top I can take it down an put it up as quick as any one we were at the range yesterday but I didnt make very good so that makes it harder for me to make the rest up.

I had my picture taken while in Edinburgh and will send you one they aint very good for you would think we were looking right at the Kiaser. it is my chum that iswith me we sure had some time while there and I think the folks thought we were about alright. I get a letter from home once in a while and they are taking every body that is able to fight I wouldnt be surprised if they took Archie before long. it is getting to be pretty scerious now but we can only hope for the best and see what happens.

You neednd worry about me and the English girls for as long as I have any choise I want a Canadian girl then a Scotch one next. but I had a letter the canadian one so wont think of any other as long as she writes. It is sunday today I had to quit the other night befor I Finished so will finish this one befor starting anymore. I have eight more to write this after noon but I think maybe some of the last ones will be pretty small.

I was down town last night and saw the fellow I chumed with in the hospital and after we came back until he took the mumps he is coming over this after noon so I will have to spend some time entertaining him

We finished our exams yesterday I got 82 out of 100. but didnt get eather 1st or 2nd. there were two tied at 86 for first so that made the rest of us feel easyer for if I had got the pound and two days leave I wouldnt know what to do with it.

I expect to be on draft for France anytime now but don’t worry for it has to be done and this is a mighty dead place out of camp we sure have a jolly time around though.

Yours as [?]
Geo A Reekie

Original Scans

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