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Date: November 22nd 1918
Harold Dean

November 22, 1918

Dear Mother:-

This is Friday night and soon another week will be a thing of the past. It has not been a very notable week as far as I am concerned although such things as the handing over of the German navy claim attention. Also British prisoners are drifting back to England.

I got your letter of Oct 20 to 29 today also one from Ruth Oct 23rd. I was sorry to hear you had a touch of the “flu” but I suppose it cannot be helped. I was not surprised to hear about you having it as you wrote and told me there were some cases in New West. I know what kind of a disease it is for spreading as they have had it here in England ever since last June I have been in several districts where the epidemic was very bad but I have been one of the lucky ones. In your letter you said you hoped it would not reach me but you see I have been subject to it for five months and there is still plenty of it going. As I told you in my last letter the Oxenburys here had their sare of it. As far as landing back in Canada is concerned the Spanish Flu would not stop me from coming if I got a chance.

You spoke of a scarcity of Doctors at home but they are sure scarce in Eng. The army is releasing them as quickly as possible to give the civilian population a chance to cope with the Flu. In some places here in Eng. the death rate has been so bad there was a scarcity of coffins and undertakers did not get time to bury. The soldiers have not suffered very bad, it seems to be the women and girls mostly. I cannot make out the reason for that.

England has changed quite a lot in the last ten days in the way of street lighting etc. I am anxiously waiting to see London in full bloom. They say there is a big difference there. But I may not have to wait very long as I am due for a six days leave between now and Xmas.  I think when I get it I will have another trip to Scotland, Glasgow this time, for a couple of days any way. I have spent this last six months in the south so it is time to go North again.

The weather has been beautiful this month real fine, cold, bright moonlight nights and bright sunshiny days. I have not felt so well for a long time as I do now and as I am out doors nearly all day and some times part of the night I get plenty of fresh air and sea breeze.

There is a lot of talk among the boys about demobilization but we don’t know anything yet of course. I hope I am among the first any way as I have been over here long enough to suit me. Of course things won’t be so bad now but I would rather be home at work. I had a letter from Rollie this week but it did not contain any special news. He and Roy are still going strong. He said Roy wanted to get back but he did not know for sure when he could get away. I expect the twins will be home long before I am.

Well Mother dear I have nothing to write about so I had better close for this time. It will soon be Xmas but I expect next week’s letter will be in time for wishes. However let me wish all friends and relatives not forgetting yourself a very Merry Xmas right now in case the next mail is delayed Bye Bye for this time with loads of love to all.

Your loving son

PS Got a new pen, How you like it. H.

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