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Date: April 25th 1944
Eira Williams
Margaret Chesney

Cornwallis, N.S.

Dear Eira :

I am thoroughly ashamed at not having answered your letter sooner, but you know how it is! It isn’t that I have been living such an exciting life either, but have just been lazy.

Did you have your holidays and where did you go? Don’t forget to give me the low down on it all.

So “Mr. Roughbottom” selling bonds again this time. Suppose you will have to buy one.

I’m an office girl during the day and a char woman at night. We are C.B. to-night to clean the Block! Am I ever mad ‘cause had rather a heavy date.

Gee, here it is nearly the end of April – how time passes. I will soon be going home again! Aug. or Sept. I hope!!

Alan has been posted to Vancouver, but only for 2 or 3 months and then believes will be sent back to Calgary. He likes the coast very much and said that last week end he and 2 other chaps hitch hiked to Seattle and had a wonderful time. He apparently met a rather nice girl at the U.S.O. whom he took home and he said she lived in a real mansion. Her people were very nice and asked him for dinner on Sunday. All to-gether seemed to enjoy himself.

My back categorie pay has finally come through so will pick up about $65.00 back pay at the pay office next week. It will be a nice start for my next leave.

One of our stokers was drafted last week so we have a new one in the office. We are going to start and train him immediately to go and get us cokes etc. Have been awfully busy at the office. Gee, I would give anything to get caught up in my work for just once.

We are still skating down here and it certainly seems funny this time of year. We can were civies so sent home for my blue pleated skirt and beige jacket. We can also wear civies on hikes and picnics

Sunday Cec and I were for a long walk and I got a terrific sun burn. We were also out all Saturday afternoon; I think we walked miles along the beach, climbed hills and fooled around; we got back to Clemsport about 9:30 and had a Lobster supper and then came back to the dance. Gee, was I ever tired. I don’t’ go out steady with Cec, but to keep up our morale we do go out now and then. Did I tell you my dear little Hutch had been drafted to Winnipeg. I packed that up too, just before he left Toronto, so now am free again and what a glorious feeling!

Didn’t get this finished last night so will do so to-night. Gee, everything went wrong at the office and we seemed to get blasted for everything. Tomorrow is pay day. We muster at 8 o’clock and its usually 10 o’clock at the earliest that I get paid; so it is a long wait.

There is supposed to be a large draft going to Newfoundland next month so everyone is more or less on edge these days.

Had a letter from Muriel Kenny the other day. She doesn’t particularly care for Victoria and rather think would like to be back here.

We are getting white corners for our sailor hats, 4 pr. of black silk stocking and are going to turn in one pair of white shoes for another pr. of black ones, for the summer. It would be impossible to keep white shoes clean down here.

Well really must go as have some washing to do and then am going to the show.

Give my regards to your mother and Dad.


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