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Date: December 14th 1914
Mary and Dorothy Boggs (Sisters)
Herbert Boggs

7th Canadian Batt.
1st British Columbia Regt.
Lark Hill,
Salisbury Plain
Dec 14th 1914

Dear Mary and Dorothy

I am going to write you a joint Christmas letter as news is somewhat limited and time likewise, Therefore I think one letter to you both will answer the purpose of two. As you see my address is changed once more. Yesterday we moved from our mud hole at West Down South, and marched to Lark hill and are now quartered in huts which are long bungalows made of corrugated iron and lined with beaver board. Our beds are arranged along each side and it looks just like a dormatory. The men have huts just the same, each one has a stove in the centre and all are very comfortable and happy.

Last night I received a letter from Mary, which was most interesting especially as it had a lot of news, about Phylis S’s tea, Madge Innis to. Please remember me to both when next you see them. I hope those socks Madge was knitting were for me, one can’t have too many. Helen Richardson made me a woolen scarf and is making another longer one. I don’t upose anything like that for they are always useful for someone. Black socks with white toes will quite smart only they wont show, except when I’m going to bed.

Walter must write home some queer letters and yet he seemed supprised that you knew anything about it and thought I must have told you. As a matter of fact he did it when sparring with me. It was only a slight tap, but with his usual luck, the thumb turned out to be fractured and he had to have a splint. However he is all better now and I may say has not yet been to the front and got wounded. Perhaps someone had a dream.

About healless socks, you know as much as I do, as I dont think I have ever tried them, socks are not a topic of conversation as they seem to be there. In London also they are anxious to know all about thumbless mitts, length of scarves. Mrs. B[?] asked many questions. It would seem to me however that socks with heals would be best as we know they are good, and I dont see any advantage in those without heals.

In London it is impossible to get lost so long as you have the price of a taxi. On Sunday and Monday last I travelled all over by myself. It must be nice to have the cause way finished. It has been long on the way. I have not yet come accross Forrest Owen, Do you know what Regiment he was in. gerald Bullock does not seem to be on this force, I asked Capt. Barton and he said he had not been to any of their meetings. Fred Elworthy comes to see quite often. As yet we have not been able to arrange our trip to his relatives’ country house. Tell Clara he is looking well and happy. Walter has a huge birthday cake which we enjoy at [?] Byngs [?]

I feel sorry for Mr and Mrs. West but they have only their own people to thank. Others have suffered far more, Think of the Poor Belgiums.

Mess has just Blown so I must close this somewhat lengthy epistle, lest I be late for Dinner. wishing you both together with Mother and Dad,  a happy Christmas and throughout the new year all good luck and happiness.

Lovingly yours

The goldstream guard are still with me and a jolly good bunch they are. Williams had a letter from Mrs. Ross, and they seem to have liked us pretty well up there.

Charley Brown has left us, having got his commission with the Royal Barkshire Regt.  Our late Colour Sergeant (Gillespie) is his Captain.

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