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Date: December 26th 1919
Agda Johnson
Harry Fielder

Wakaw. Sask
Dec 26th ‘19

My Darling Girl.

Aren’t you just the darlinest, sweetest truest little girl in the World. oh Gee Agda dear, I don’t think a fellow ever had a girl like you before. I’ve just got your eight page letter of the 21st. I wrote to you on the same day, and I bet we were writing at the same time. You are an angel, Agda, you most surely are and oh! I don’t know how much I love you, but you are just my whole world. I got your mail tonight just before supper, and I had to take another walk just now to see if there was anything more, and there wasn’t except an old paper. Anyway, I got your letter, that’s most important and there was one from Dear old Dad and a present from Cis. I’ll have to write and thank her, and a card from Battleford. I must send you Dad’s letter. Poor, Dear old Dad. I hope some day, Agda, that we may see him together I have told him all you, I know he will be so pleased when he received your slippers. My, I don’t know what to say tonight, only that you are just my very own Agda Girl, and I love you Darling, a thousand times more than any other fellow ever loved a girl, and I want you always.

I am quite alone here again tonight Bill has gone off and won’t be back till tomorrow, and I have to do my best to talk to these Galicians. Some of them are fierce, but others are not too bad. I am much obliged to mr Roeback for his good wishes. He was not a bad old scout. How is Sid Smith these days, Is he still an old bear at times, or has he improved his ways. Poor Cis, she would have an unenviable time at the school here The old teacher has left, and they offered him $1600 to stay (so he says). And as a school in the country, the teacher faded away one bright morning, and took the School Registers away with her. I hope those old furs will turn up yet. I think they will. They were addressed to me at Scandinavia, and I supposed they have been delayed by the Xmas mail. There always is delay in parcel mail from the Old Country. If they are at the Customs, you must let me know the duty to be paid for them. What do you think of Dad’s letter? Alice is the girl you will remember I told you of. Dad tells me to give you a real kiss for him. Thats one I owe you, besides a lot I owe myself, and you’re going to get them all with interest one of these days. And you’ve got to answer his letter too, because it’s to you as well as to me. Wouldn’t it be sweet if we could only all be together. I sure would like to see Dad Fielder and Dad Johnson sitting together smoking their pipes round the old stove or at home by the fire. You and I darling would be on the lounge. Why is the world so big, and why do we have to be so far apart from those we love. It’s a queer old world. No Darling, I don’t have to pay my own expenses when away on a trip. There would not be much in it if I did. I am allowed $15.00/xx per month for room and my away expenses. I always batch for breakfast at home; generally, tea, toast and fruit, and eggs when we can get them. I have just got a hunk of deer meat and had steak and onions for supper. I don’t mind batching a bit, but I always think how much jollier it is to wipe up the dishes for you, than to do them for myself. Oh Agda Girl, I just want you, want you, all the time but in a little while, my angel. Well Pet. Cheerio for now next time you write, I hope you will tell me you have those old furs. Dear old Dad wants to see you with them & so do I. night-night- my Darling. I could love you up tonight just a little I believe

Bye-bye. Sweetest One, Sweet Dreams,
Your own boy

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