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Date: March 5th 1916

[To: Mrs. E.K. Ramsey
2703 Yakima Ave. North,
Tacoma, Wash]

March 5th 1916.

My Dear Mother,

You will be thinking that I am not going to write any more. It is two weeks since I wrote last, but I have a good excuse. I have been out every day with the Capt. and have been so tired when we got back that I was pleased to get to bed. We have been on survey work, and finding roads up to the trenches, so that if there was a drive of any sort re-enforcements could be taken up quick it is a very interesting job and quite safe as we are under cover all the time. We find a good road up and make a sketch of its surroundings, which is sent in to headquarters and we get lots of shell noises and all kinds of things. I got your two letters the day before yesterday and was very pleased to get them as I have not been getting any mail at all lately.

To-day is Sunday, and we came in early this afternoon, I think the survey job is over. So I thought I would write you a letter to-night, especially as the Canadian mail goes out to-morrow Monday, and if I missed that it does not go again till Thursday. The weather now is picking up fine it has been a grand day to-day but there is still quite a lot of mud on the roads. All leave has been cancelled for over a week now, they say it starts again on the 9th of this month. I hope so. It was cancelled once before but only for two days, and started again with the number of men per week doubled up perhaps it will be the same again. I often get letters from Bert, he is still in Gasport and likes his job very much. You will have my picture by now, I hope you liked it. You have not sent me one of the house yet, and I am waiting patiently for one. We are going to have some flap jacks to-night before going to bed. I suppose you know what they are, the same as pancakes, only smalley, (excuse the smalley, I meant smaller, but have no rubber to rub it out with). We got some flour, baking powder, milk and sugar, and we have a frying pan and a sauce pan. So you see we are living like kings, we often make tasty bites at night. Well I have nothing more to say to-night. If you heare any more about the insurance let me know. It is best to keep an eye on them, the paymaster says they are a bunch of Crooks and would do you any way they could, but he says they are all right if you let them see you do not intend to be done. So give my love to everybody, kiss Eve for me. Hope Dad is keeping well.

With best love and lots of kisses to yourself.

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