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Date: November 22nd 1916
Mother & Father

Nov 22nd 1916

Dear Mother and Father –

I suppose you will be surprised to hear from me but we have been moving around so much that it’s pretty hard to get a mail address.

I am in the best of health and I hope this finds you the same.

This country doesn’t suit me at all. I’d give all I own to be back in dear old Canada once more, where there is some real lights and to see you and dad again, but never mind dear I don’t think it will be long till the war is over.

How is sis still going I suppose, if you see her tell her that I will write to her when I get more settled.

What does the old town look like. Has Alex Chalmers joined up yet or doesn’t he intend to.

The weather has been pretty bad here lately but it wasn’t so bad to-day. I have been away on 6 days leave. Bill Brooks (my chum) has an aunt at Deal and we went up there and I certainly did have a good time only it didn’t last long enough to suit me.

Did you get my letter that I wrote on the train.

We had a good trip over on the boat I wasn’t sick only about a day so that wasn’t so bad was it for a green-horn.

I didn’t get to see Sam Verner[?] as they have been moved to Scotland I was told.

I met Sam Walker here he has been back from the front for some time he doesn’t look so bad.

Have you got that allowance yet. I signed over 15 dollars when we left Vernon. If you haven’t go and see Mr. Roland and he will look after it for you.

How is Dad getting along give him my best love for me and don’t forget yourself Mother dear as I didn’t know when I was well off.

Well I’ll close for this time hoping to hear from you soon I remain ever your loving Son


P.S. Don’t worry about me mother dear as I’ll be all right.

Address #Pte A.J. Stretch
30th Reserve Batt
c/o London Army P.O.

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