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Date: August 20th 1915
Fred (his brother)

Milton,Aug.20th 1915.

Dear Fred:-

Before this reaches you, Father’s letter will have arrived, telling you about my going in training at the Curtis Aviation School. My course will start some time this coming week I expect, when I shall move to Toronto and remain there during the six weeks or so of the course. After that, if I qualify successfully, I get a Lieutenants commission at Ottawa, and sail for England where the course is continued for some time longer; being devoted chiefly to the military branches of the training, such as map-reading, directing artillery fire, wireless telegraphy &c. It is a long hard course, but it is the one that attracts me more than any other branch of the Service; and the Royal Flying Corps contain some of the finest chaps to be found anywhere. The expense is considerable, starting as it does with an entrance fee of $400.,but the Company here will do the right thing by me I know; so I’ll get along somehow, even though the pay is scarcely enough to live on.

I had a hurried trip to Richmond a couple of weeks ago, to talk it all over with Molly. She was so plucky and so unselfish that I felt prouder of her than I ever have before, and that is saying a good deal, in spite of the fact that my going to the front means the upsetting of all our hopes and plans for the past three years, leaving the future all chaos before her. She has not tried to hold me back in any way, and simply says that she thinks it is right for me to go and that she’ll wait until I come back. Ruth is arranging for her to have some holidays next month so that she can be in Toronto while I am there, and I certainly am grateful for the opportunity of having her near me for even that little while.

Father and Mother and the others too, feel it very, much naturally but they have all been perfect “bricks” throughout, and it makes it a whole lot easier to go when I know they feel as they do about it. I am going for just one reason, Fred, because I think I ought to go. I am giving up everything I have to go; but after all there is nothing very wonderful in that, for millions of men have done the same thing. It is a time of sacrifice for everybody; and with my youth and health I couldn’t very well do anything else, could I?

Enclosed is a snap shot of Molly and myself taken in Richmond which you might like to keep.

I don’t know exactly where I shall stay while in Toronto but “C/o The Albany Club” will always find me.

I’ll write you again, of course before I sail, but in the mean time believe me, with much love to Eva and yourself,

Always your affectionate brother.

Original Scans

Original Scans