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Date: April 8th 1910
Mother and Father

 April 8, 1910.
[postscript, in brackets, origin unknown] (His 21st birthday.)

Dear Father and Mother:-

This has been such a happy birthday. I have been four tines to the mail to-day and each tine there were some letters or cards for me. Isn’t it nice to have them all come just at the right time? Both your letters came this morning by the first mail and Ruth’s, Harry’s and Fred’s came later, as well as several other remembrances from other people. You don’t know how I prize them, but it was the love behind them all that has made me feel so happy. I wish I could spread them all out before you and let you read them as I have done so many tines since they came. This family of mine is a terrible responsibility—they tell me I am quite a nice young man and that they expect (each one says that) that I am going to make far more of a success of things than they have ever done. To poor little me with no other asset of a marketable nature than a surplus amount of nerve and a good supply of health, and in consideration of the big things every one of the others have accomplished—it sounds like a pretty tough proposition. It certainly is nice to think that they are thinking of me to-day though, and the things that the members of the family have written me are enough to make a fellow do his very best. Your two letters I think I shall always keep. They will be the best support when things look blue and the general outlook kind of grim. The text in my little book has come to me over and over again to-day—"The Lord bless thee and keep thee; the Lord make his face to shine upon thee, and give thee peace." Thanks, Little Mother; I think it a great comfort to all of us to have you or Father put up a little prayer for us, because your prayers will be answered if anyone’s will.

The ring [postscript, in brackets, origin unknown] (with the family crest and motto engraved theron.) arrived this afternoon. It surely is a beauty, certainly the handsomest one of its kind I have ever seen. It is not so much the appearance of it or value, although I am very proud of it for just those two things—but what makes it mean so much to me is the fact that it brings home to me that I am a man and a ROBERTSON. I don’t think a fellow could go very far wrong if he kept those two facts before him always, do you? I wish 1 could show you what Harry said to me about this very thing; it fits in so with what my own ideals are. But this I want to tell you; that when I took this little golden symbol of the family's honor in my hand and thought of all it stood for in the history of a line of strong and good men, before I slipped it on my finger I prayed then and there that through me no stain might fall on it, and that nothing dishonorable should be touched by the hands that bore it.

Thank you Father and Mother for your gift. Be assured that so long as I live it shall be one of my dearest treasures. With a great deal of love [?] always

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