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Date: 1917

[Below is a transcription of all entries to the 1917 diary kept by Harold Keith Davey.  Scans of the original handwritten document can also be accessed in the collection's diary section, organized by date written.]

Jan. 1
Reveille at 6.30
Optimal Ride in morning. Had dinner downtown Went to rink in afternoon Had dinner at the Edwards and spent a very enjoyable evening there.

Jan. 2
We continued to break barracks. Detailed with 6 men to put up stoves under [?] Out for evening

Jan. 3
Went on guard at 9.30 Others cleaned out barrack room. In the afternoon marched down to Browns hotel. New barrack Established new sentries Had one prisoner the 7 [?] and I drunk.
Passes a sleepless night No room for 17

Jan. 4
Came of guard and straightened my Kit Had a flag test in afternoon. Went to Rink at night

Jan. 5
This a blank day forgot what happened

Spr Paul Buchana
Div Seg Comp.

Spr Lindsay Pollack
Div Sigs Com

Jan. 6
Route march in the morning.
Rideau Rink in afternoon Manhattan for dinner Dommonion theatre and Regent theatre with McCollum [?] after.
Spr G McCollum died of appentices on Monday the 22nd of Jan. He was a fine chap. Everybody sorry

Jan. 7
Reveille at 7.05 Roll call supposed to be 7.20 in Room “M” 7.45 in bed Went to church parade to Western Methodist church. Had dinner as Soldiers Club (25 cent meal) Lounged around afternoon Went to Jeffries for dinner and evening

Monday went on Guard 4 guard 6 floor picquet felt sick. Went to sleep at 2. Got up for orderly offices at 2.20 am Tues No prisoners
If butter was 26 cents a lb how much could you buy for a cent and a quarter

Jan. 9
I came off guard at 9.30 slept until 1.
Went on parade.
Got excuse and went to Medical room for remainder of afternoon Roy Melish invites us out to Wilabys for dinner, 64 Powell Had an enjoyable evening Issued with overshoes

Jan. 10
Went on parade in morning Flag and buzzer.
In afternoon had charge of Corporal Renton’s squad on Flag drill
Went to Edwards for tea and evening with McKay
Dandy time
Signed Wills in morning

Jan. 11
Very cold. Flag test in morning too cold Pack horse through Major Hill Park. Nearly froze. In evening stayed in for social. Mrs. and Miss Jeffries were there

Jan. 12
Had Musketry exam in morning.
In afternoon the remainder of squad signed Wills and dismissed early Packed up for leave Went to Dominion and left on 11.05 C.P.R. train for Toronto
Had a birth

Jan. 13
Arrived in Toronto at 8. Went Home and then about 12 went downtown. Went to Armories, saw Weldon. Went to Regent. Dad got photos.
Stayed Home nearly all evening

Jan. 14
Went up to Walkers in the morning. Came back in time for church. Home except for a little while at Euleytons. Dinner at home Packed up and took final leave of Home Sweet Home until after the war. Left on 11 train Dad and Marc came down to station

Jan. 15
Arrived in Ottawa 3 hours late Given lunch at Smith Maple Paid at 11 Cashed cheque Flag test in afternoon also Lecture. Ross and I had dinner at Plaza Went to Arena Rink Then to Flower theatre Then to Nixons

Jan. 16
Paraded as usual At 10.30 we were vaccinated After dinner, Medically examined. Completed instruction sheet. Went to Lansdowne for Kit Also Patstock show. Had dinner there. Went to Rideau Rick with Mable Lunch at house

Jan. 17
Paraded as usual Buzzer all morning Snowing out.
Had Lecture and buzzer by Ward Had supper at Club. Went to Hockey Game at night. Signallers beat Royal Canadians 2 – 1. Had exciting time most of night.

Jan. 18
Paraded at 8.30 with 207 to Station We lined streets and guarded station. At noon changed Canadian money into L.S.P. Had dinner at Plaza. Infantry drill and lap inspection in afternoon. Supper at Club Jeffries for evening.

Jan. 19
At 200 awakened by noise trouble in Room 4
Paraded at 8.15. I had the slow men on buzzer. Dismissed at 11 In afternoon escorted spr Lenagham to Landsdowne and back. “B” block C.B. Let out at 6.30. Went up to Edwards (Ross and I)
15 degrees below today

Jan. 20
Paraded as usual.
Buzzer until 11.30
Then turned in mitts, hat, overshoes. Issued with shoes and kitbag. I packed up. Went to Rideau Rink Edwards for supper. Had enjoyable evening and said goodbye Gave Mable Care. Arrived into barracks after 12 and packed Express Parcel
Mrs. Munroe. Sgt. Paymaster 180 Bn.

Beginning of our trip
Jan. 21
Reveille at 6.30 Paraded at 6 with blankets and [?]. Left for the station 7.45 Train pulled out at 8.30. I rec’d 18 parcels and good send off. Grace Jeffries took pictures. Had dinner at restaurant 12 noon saw [?]. Left station at 2.45. Snow bound from 10 pm to 10 am Mon. Went to bed at 8.00 pm. Fairly comfortable table and seats bunks above. Fair meals enjoyable time 69 men and 2 officers.

Jan. 22
Woke up but not moving. Train started to move around 10. First station of any size was River-de-Loup which we reach about 5 pm. At Mount Jolie at 8.00. Went to bed at 8. An awful blizzard is blowing. Snow banked up to windows an very cold. We have a dandy car and 3 meals a day. Packages still hanging out. Saving some for boat. Passed Camp bilton three o’clock Tues morning.

Jan. 23
Woke about 8 and had breakfast Passes New Castle about 9.30 am Saw biggest wireless station in the world. Arrives in Moncton 3.15 Marched up town and broke off. Left Moncton 4.45. Arrived in [?] 10.15. Wed. were off at station for a few min. Mailed some letters at Moncton and wrote some to mail in Halifax. Played 500 until midnight. Went to bed and bath in lower.

Jan. 24
Woke up in Halifax. Arrived about 2 am Took 66 hrs. 952 miles form Ottawa. Packed ready to detrain. Milder here. Went on board the Scandinavia 11 pm Have a good state room 108 with Ross Gies and Graham. Had dinner with 230th. But supper with second class. In harbour and expect to be for a few days. Have some singing in Saloon. Very comfortable. Turned in at 10 pm.
We have on board 118, 197, Draft of 200m 80th CFA Cycled, Medical Coys, flying Corps.

Jan. 25
Breakfast at 7.30 and 8.15 am.
Woke up about 7.30 pm Still at dock Dandy breakfast. Muster parade at 11 am. Dinner at 11.30 Second sitting 12.15. We pulled out into Harbour 10.30 am. The Canadian pulled out in afternoon. At Dinner 4.30 and 5.15 We were arranged into 1st and 2nd sittings I have 12 men for the 2nd We spent the evening in the Saloon and turned in about 10 pm

Jan. 26
Still at anchor. Breakfast 7.15 It snowed in the morning. Fairly cold. Roll call at 10 am. Dinner as usual. Physical drill at 3.00 pm. French cruiser Lifter anchor and pulled out at 4 pm. The Canada next, Scandinavia and Grampian followed. 8 men frosted at the Bridges as Lookout under Captains orders. I and [?] are waiting men. Warmer out Some sick already Rough sea. Concert in Saloon.

Jan. 27
Passed a restless night, but not sea sick yet, and only had to relieve the Lookout for meals. Every passenger has to wear Life-Belts. Fairly heavy sea and snow in morning. Nothing unusual happened. Ross went on Duty at 4 pm. Some more sick. Had a little lunch and turned in at 7.30 pm.

Jan. 28
Woke up at 7 by my watch but time changed 30 min So got up 7.30. I was the only NCO able to go on Parade. Church Parade 10.30 in Saloon I had 3 apples for dinner. I felt sick in morning but O.K. in afternoon. Warmer today. I felt dizzy this morning by OK This evening. 3 lights evidents boats appeared on our starboard Read and wrote in Evening turned in at 9.30 pm. The 3 lights were warships

Jan. 29
Too lazy to get up for breakfast got up about 9. Shave and polished. Went on Muster Parade 10.30. Stayed on deck until Dinner and then lounged around in Cabin all afternoon. We passed a steamship about 3.15 p.m. Very strong wind blowing. Had tug of war in afternoon. Wrote Letters and had a hot Bath and turned in about 9.

Jan. 30
Got up in time to take sick parade down. Sea getting very rough. Waves splashing over boat and expect it to get worse. No Muster Parade. It got very stormy and rough waves. Tore away one of the Life Boat and shattered another. We were not allowed on Deck. We were all separated in the night. Had concert at night engine stopped ship riding storm. I had a very poor sleep.

Jan. 31
The Sig. not on Sig. Duty were on fatigues. Engine still stopped. We were allowed on Midships Deck boat rocked like a cradle. We turned back for Grampian. No sight of the other ships until 4.30 pm. Picked up Grampian and signaled message. I was in charge of Lookout. Signaled steady for an hour. When we met Grampian we turned about and full speed ahead toward other ships Very stormy again but we keep on

Feb. 1
Got up before Seven. Still Full Speed East by South East Grampian behind. Sighted two other ships at noon 1350 soldiers on board and 256 of crew. Signalled with flags in afternoon and lamp at night Much warm water 60 degrees. Stayed on deck nearly all day. Concert at night. Read until 11 pm and then turned in

Feb. 2
Got up too late for breakfast. The Canada and Cruiser in sight. Dandy fine spring day. No need of cloaks. Passed a Schooner 11 am. Everything OK and water calm. By noon we were all in our old positions. Men allowed to use starboard deck. They change Can to Eng. Money in the afternoon. Ross went on Sig. Duty. Played cars most of afternoon. Good concert at night. Spent last of Can. Money.

Feb. 3
Got up in time for Breakfast but hearing that it was no good did not go. A great day out We could see the Tortoise in the water The boat started its zig zag Course the sailors who have had any scraps through the week fight it out Fri. but they were unable to do so, so fought today at least 3 rounds. Band plays everyday. Every person wears lifesavers all the time. Had a good boxing match between everybody. Nothing unusual.

2 weeks ago today we left Ottawa

Feb. 4
Another beautiful day. Passed an American boat and at 10 am we were met by 4 Destroyers on for each boat. The Cruiser left at 11 am. Church at 10.30 am. Full speed ahead. A race between Grampian and Us. Canada way behind. We are about 200 miles from Port tonight. It has been a magnificent day. Sighted a boat off to starboard afire. Cooler today. Wrote letters at night and rolled blanket. Man of 197 died on board from hemorage.

Feb. 5
Woke up in sight of Ireland Sailed along the coast. Could see quite well with telescope. Passed a lot of boats largest [?] Grampian a mile behind. Signal to a warship at 9 p.m. Funeral service burial at sea at 8 am. Had boxing in afternoon. Sighted England about 10 pm. Ran aground in fog. Went to bed at 10. The boat stopped

Feb. 6
Reveille went at 3.15 am. Water was very low and they were afraid of the ship. However went back to bed until 7.30 when we had breakfast. Were issued milk and load of bread and some bully beef and butter rations for 2 hrs. We were pulled of bar at 10.30 am Arrive at dock 2.30 pm Disembarked 4.30 pm Train left 5.15 Ar. Crowborough St. 12.45 pm Left 1.30 pm Ar. Camp 2.15 am Wed. Assigned Hut No. 2 Good supper but crowded. Candles for light Very cold for Eng.

Feb. 7
Reveille at 6.00. After 2 [?] with Orderly Sgt we got up and had our first breakfast. Fresh salmon bread tea soup [?] Paraded 8.30 dismissed at 9.45. Fixed up attestation papers and [?] for the rest of the morning. We had nothing to do in afternoon so polished up The went to Y.M.C.A. Met the [?] Shergolds from Tanila Father is Adg here Had a haircut and turned in at 9.30.

Feb. 8
Got up at Reveille. Paraded at 9.30 am. We were medically examined and teeth examined. Then dismissed until further notice. At 2.30 pm we paraded over to Pay office but nothing doing. Then at 4 we paraded over to arrange to move. Rec’d instructions to parade 7.45 am ready to move. Dismissed Wrote letters, supper, Ordered to move at night but cancelled. Went to Y.M.C.A. Movies. Turned in as usual.

Feb. 9
Rose at Reveille. Had breakfast Paraded with Kit to Engineers camp at 7.45 am. Back and forth until we landed int. Hut C5. Cam back to Sig for dinner and moved to C6. Back again for supper. Rec’d 2 letters one from Home and Florence W. At 6.00 pm issued with Pallyassent 2 more blankets also straw. Went to Y.M.C.A. at night and after a show turned in at 9.00

Feb. 10
Reveille as usual. Each man gets half a loaf of bread a day. [?] loaf good bread and relished.
Paraded at 7.45 am and dismissed to shine for Route March and inspection Heavy marching order for us this wasn’t much. We were Complimented for our neatness Had a nice walk and back for dinner. Ross and I went down to Crowborough and to the show (movies) 6 cents 1 cent war tax. Pretty good. Then supper of Ham-Eggs tea bread butter

Feb. 11
Reveille at 6. Church parade 8.30 Nothing to do for rest of day. Ross on Guard. Waned for out going picnic on Monday. Shaved and cleaned up in general. Met Gordon Kennedy and had a fine chat. Rations short no supper and only 4 pence left. Wrote letters all night. Snow and rain but warmer. Turned in Early.

Feb. 12
Up at Reveille. Paraded 7.45 Infantry drill until 10 am. Issued with Oliver Equipment Riffles and Baynot. Handed in Bandokers sappers Haversack and straps. Spent the rest of the morning polishing. Fell in with Out Lying Picquet Posted as the “Blue Anchor” Left there at 9 pm for Rose and Crown Left there at 10.45 and arrived in Camp about 11. Had supper and bed.

Feb. 13
Up at usual and Paraded as usual. Had infantry drill until 9.00 Then Physical Drill until 10.00 and then I had all without rifles for the rest of the morning. Paraded 1.30 and had bayonet drill until 2.30. Then after a rest about every person was detailed for some fatigue tomorrow. Ross and I escaped. Bawled out for taking off the strip. Y.M.C.A. at night.

Feb. 14
Paraded as usual. Fairly cold. Had squad drill, rest, Physical Drill, rest, Company drill noon Baynot Practice and Squad and Rifle drill. Very muddy Ross put strip on other arm. I shaved and went to Y.M.C.A. Had a good concert and wrote some letters. As there are no lights showing it is very dark. Murdock got out of quarantine today [?] Hut 6 of Signallers. Spr Goodwin arrested for being drunk.

Feb. 15
Reveille and Parade as usual. Divided into sections according to Intial Paid 2 pounds at 8.30 am and after a little physical drill dismissed We all have Paybooks in which are marked how much we get and how much his coming. They kept back $ 20. I was detailed for outlying picquet at noon (12 men) Rec’d a long letter from Mabel. Picquet was stationed at the “Coppers Arms” Arrived back 11.45

Feb. 16
I got off morning parade but had to fall in at 10.15 for inspection after which we were dismissed and I scrubbed bed boards. Ross was on dental Parade. Goodwin tried today and got 7 days C.B.
Bayonet and Squad and rifle drill in afternoon, also rain. The 31st Middlesex Concert Party gave a good Concert in Y.M.C.A. Ross [?] to Crowborough.

Feb. 17
Paraded at 7.45 physical drill dismissed until 8.00 parade in Heavy Marching order for route march. Went to Crowborough and back. I disappeared at noon when the Sgt. Maj. came in. Went over to Sig. and Murdock and I went to Crowborough Went to show Had supper at Y.M.C.A. then they had a dandy mistril show had more eats and came home.

Feb. 18
Church parade at 9.30 and then had sacrament after so I stayed. I got four letters at noon. I did the disappearing stunt again. The whole Signal Camp is C.B. until further notice which was lifted about 3.00 pm. “B” Comp. Band (CE) gave a band concert in Y.M.C.A. hut and Capt. Fred Smith of Toronto Central Y gave an excellent address. Wrote some letters and came back,

Feb. 19
Paraded as usual. Then physical drill and rifle drill. Court-martial parade at 1.30 pm. Took charge of quarantine guard at noon. Muster Parade at bunks at 6 pm. Went to Y.M.C.A. Brighton concert party very good. Rec’d letter from Donald. Expect to go to France soon. Some of the drivers were transferred to driving section

Feb. 20
Foggy and raining out Started to have a roll call at 7.30 am in front of bed. No parade except physical drill. Then they read the Army Act. I wrote some letters polished up kit. Got breeches repaired. Went to Y.M.C.A. the Clair Concert Party performed. Ross got letter from Edith E.

Feb. 21
Reveille usual and 7.30 am roll call and inspection. Rifle, physical and rifle drill Warmer and no rain Bayonet drill and at 2.45 had a Kit inspection. I was OK when he came along. Has supper and then went over to signalers and Brodie Murdock and I went to [?] Mystic Concert. Very good In bed as usual [?]

Feb. 22
Reveille and parade as usual. Rifle inspection and drill PT and more rifle drill. Went on guard at noon. Ross and I bought a jar of jam. Filled Pallyass in afternoon. Colder but no fog. We got our paybooks – I had a 35 cents Canadian balance. Stayed in the hut nearly all morning and turned in early after writing some letters.

Feb. 23
Reveille as usual. Nothing to do so had haircut and shave. Sgt. Maj. Masted fixed my rifle. Brown RE and Pope up for skipping parade. All the hut on some sort of fatigue Picquet mostly Ross and I are on outlying picquet. Polished all equipment. Rained at night. Very tired when we reached camp at 12. midnight. Nothing happened on picquet.

Feb. 24
Route march in morning. I went on guard again and as Ross was witness when Brown RE and Pope were up he got off the march. They got 4 days FP2. Cleaned up hut. Went over to signalers in afternoon and to Y.M.C.A. at night. Movies. Rec’d letters from Mable and Donald NCO had to go to B [?] Com at 1 pm Cpl Lawson replaced by Sgt. Thomson. Ross and I [?] in hut

Feb. 25
Church parade at 8.30 am Very heavy mist out MacVeety caught for being absent from church parade. New hut orderly. Rec’d letters from Vera Brown and Florence W. Went to Y.M.C.A. in afternoon “B” Com band gave a band concert. Bully beef and Pickles for supper. Spent most of the evening in signal lines. Raining when [?]

Feb. 26
Reveille gave as a beautiful clear and sunny day. Ross on guard, two fellows up to orderly room, Johnson 7 days FP2 MacVeety 4 days pack drill. Drill as usual in the morning Bayonet and rifle drill in afternoon Went down to movies at Y.M.C.A. with Bradie. Apples and sardines for supper. Spent 4 shillings today. Our fist sunny day. Wislon VG sprained ankle in Bayonet drill. No mail today.

Feb. 27
It turned out a dry day but no sun. I went on guard again today and had nothing to do. Muster parade whole C.E.T.D. in morning. A girl taxi driver inspected the ranks for a man who owed her a fare and found him. I went to the Y.M.C.A. at night Ross started working in Orderly room.

Feb. 28
Pay parade in morning Got paid 1 pound and they wrote Dental student in book. Ross and I also Gill, Wightman, Brown BN. Blue went to Tunbridge Wells on 6.40 train, fare 9 cents Hired a taxi back, 25 [?] for 5 Had a good supper for 8 shillings and then went to show Arrived in camp about 11.45 Picquet had a lot of trouble (cont. March 1)

March 1
with drunks and Russians in Tunneling Comp.
On guard again Ross working in Orderly Room I went on parade in afternoon NCO had a special class on mutual instruction. Ross rec’d letters from Hilda Fairburn and Edith E.
I spent the evening over in the signalers camp.

March 2
Parade as usual I am still on Quarantine Guard Noting unusual happened. Rec’d letter from Mable and Home. I went to Y.M.C.A. at night. Capt. Best gave an excellent address. We have had fine weather all this week. Just read a dandy book “Big Tremaine:

March 3
There was a route march in the morning but not for me. Ross and I went to Crowborough in afternoon. The Div. Sig were on picquet. Had supper at Congregational Church and then went to theatre and then Camp. Beautiful moon light night. Bought a Film Bought jar of jam.

March 4
Church parade as usual. The whole hut on some fatigue or other. 20 on picquet. I am on night picquet. Colder out today. Ross in Orderly Room. I was stationed at Crowboro Cross 2 prisoners dead drunk. Started to snow about 9. Had a very sore heel and mighty glad to roll into bed at midnight.

March 5
Cold today. It started to rain in morning and was misty most of the day. One of the fellows brought a violin so some music Murdock left for London on his 1st trip on Motor Cycle. Wrote some letters and turned in early.
A man left [?] to be divided between 3 sons, ½, 1/3, 1/9. Old cobbler gave them more than [?] 8 Owed 9, 6, 2 took his own back

March 6
Better day today, but chilly. Borrowed a camera from Spr. Pope and took 8 pictures. Clothing parade in the morning. I fried some potatoes and onions for dinner on the stove. Some person stole my belt. I was in charge of escort who took 8 prisoners from “B” Com Guard to “Signalers” [?] Johnson P.E. arrested for skipping parade Gies and Brown under open arrest for same. Band concert at Y.M.C.A.

March 7
Cold and windy today. I went on parade for first time for a long time drilled as usual. I did the same in the afternoon. Johnson got 3 days FP2 Pack drill. I went over to Signalers and then Y.M.C.A. 4 men picked out for bombing course. There was a fight between Williams and Wilson W.G. 2 – 1 for Wilson. I went to bed early.

March 8
Very cold again today drilled all morning. But in afternoon I was in charge of fatigue party at G.M.S. and had an easy time. I didn’t feel well so had a bath and went to bed about 8 pm.
If a man worked 8 hours a day.
Worked 1/3 year or 133 days
Sat and Sundays off. 104
2 weeks holidays 14
4 bank holidays 4
Worked 11 days

March 9
Another cold day and I felt worse. We were dismissed at 3.30 to shine up our packs for route march Sat morning. I shined and put it all together. I went to Y.M.C.A. where a magician displayed some good tricks. I came back and turned in at once. We expected to get a pass for Brighton but all passes in “B” Camp cancelled. I was feverish at night.

March 10
I was pretty sick this morning and noticed a rash Ross fixed it so I didn’t have to go on parade. The whole C.E.T.D. had to parade. We did not get any passes but as I [?] and it is raining we should worry. All I did was go to the Westhan Hut and have a glass of milk and repeated this night. Then as I thought I had the measles I gave Ross all my personnel [?] he, the Cpl and two Sgt. Mst. moved out. Went to bed about 8 pm.

March 11
Reveille as usual and I felt much better. I went on sick parade but the Doctor said there was nothing wrong with me, so C2 but went in Quarantine for mumps. The NCO’s moved back. Ross and I scrubbed our boards. At noon we bought a Can of Com syrup and a tin of prepared cocoa. Rained again so I stayed in nearly all day was only at the Y.M.C.A.

March 12
They started a new system by changed the sections around. The Signalers are all in one Section except those in other huts. Capt. Caley is in charge and I am his N.C.O. The soon made a name for themselves and have the [?] of the smarts squad and having the neatest hut. Ross and I went to Crowboro and to show bought some oranges and paper. Got back about 3.25 pm.

March 13
We had another scare today. Spr. McBeth thought he had mumps but false alarm but a rash showed but Wed this proved to be a false alarm. We drilled as usual all day and then I went to Y.M.C.A. They had a good concert.
Ross moved to hut C5
“Why is a Scotchman a good soldier because he never retreats.”

March 14
Not a very good day. Only ½ as good as if it was twice as good as it is. Or it is twice as good as would be if it was only ½ as good as it is. However it was wet. We were paid in the morning but there was some mistake about my pay as I waited and they gave me a pound instead of 10 shil. as Ross got. At night Bishop Taylor Smith gave an excellent address on “the Dignity of Man-hood” at the Y.M.C.A.

March 15
Better day today. All the N.C.O.’s put in a class for lectures. I bought another tin of syrup at noon 6 ½ cents. No mail from Canada today We had bayonet drill and then turned in our Oliver Equip. and Ross rifles for Will. Ross got a belt from another hut for me. I stayed in the hut until late and then went over to Signallers.
Mailed a letter to Home and Edward

March 16
We started our Gas course this morning. The NCO’s and officers are in one class. We had drill with the helmets and then lecture and P.T. Had the same in afternoon. Rec’d the results of pictures from London only 2 any good.

March 17
Another morning on Gas Helmets. Had dinner and I went to Crowboro. Ross to Turnbridge Wells. I had eggs toast tea bread [?] and cream for 2/8. I bought a film Candies and Easter cards. I got away with 6 sh. I came back about six and went to Y.M.C.A. but concert wasn’t any good so came back. I had my breeches mended and cloak shortened 2- It was a beautiful day and not cold.

March 18
Slept in a little latter today. It is another very beautiful day so a bunch are going for a walk to Ucefield. We paraded at 10 km to draw rifles I riped my breeches again. No mail for a long time. We had a fine walk through the country and through Parkstead Park. Left camp at 12.30 pm and arrived back 6.30 after walking all afternoon. The Party was Gies, Brown, Jacobs, Staples, Kolb, Graham, Ross and I. Had some lamb heads and potatoe as canteen. We saw an old chest of the 13th century also a big flock of deer. Invited out some afternoon to the “Rocks” by Mr. Goldsmith.

March 19
We started our Musketry Course in Earnest. We paraded without cloak and all others did we were ordered to wear them rolled in afternoon [?] them on us all other sections had them rolled. We had lectures and PT in am and lecture and BF in pm I had my breeches mended and went to Wutlyan hut for a few min. I clean rifle and polished up in evening also wrote letters and had a bath. Some Canadian mail today.

March 20
Another day of Musketry. A big Canadian mail in and we rec’d our share also a box from Mable E. I went to party at Mrs. Parish’s residence and had a good time. I got a late pass from Spr K. Ross. Nothing special happened. It seems to freeze thaw snow rain windblow and be a day all in one

March 21
Fairly cold in morning but varied all day. Put in another day on Musketry par. Instructor is Lt. Mitchell All CB hut had to move into A4 hut. The R.P.T. Stgs. moved to B1. There was a boxing match on at Y.M.C.A. Spr Dorey RR fought a draw and got a black eye. I went to Westlyian and wrote letters.

March 22
Very cold early in morning and snowed fairly heavily in evening. We started shooting at the miniature ranges. I qualified making a 2” circle Ross got a box of candy from Edith and we got more mail from Canada. I stayed in all evening and wrote letters also made cocoa and toast and went to bed early.

March 23
Spent the day shooting and testing also BF and PT. Nothing unusual happened. Ross and I moved into the NCO’s room. Lt. Morgan (abour) and Cpl Pedley (l/c of hut) moved in Cpl Coley moved out. I went over to signalers and camp back and made cup of cocoa.

A boy told a girl that she was the breath of his life and she replied Do you think you could hold your breath.

March 24
Musketry in morning as usual. Warmer today and clear. Every NCO in the Depot had to parade at 12.45 to Court-Martial decision. Had a few snaps taken. Rec’d a letter from Onterprise. Then the expected box from home. See it was a great box. Whole camp was GB. at 6 and we fell in, in heavy march order at 7. Issued with 100 rounds live ammunition but collected and allowed toys to huts but not to remove equipment.

March 25
Woke at reveille, hasty breakfast and paraded at 7. Divided into sections we were 3 section B1 field company Marched over to the Depot parade ground and roll called. Dismissed to lines but CB to lines If you wanted to got to Y.M.C.A. had to parade down. We packed up kit and issued with slings. Paraded at 5.30 pm in “B” Coy lines, whole Depot. Announced that Dependents of Can. Soldiers could return to Can. 3rd Class for 3 lb. Dismissed to hut Nothing doing for the rest of the night.

March 26
I was raining in morning so we were dismissed to our huts and had PT and rifle drill in huts. I had to report at Musketry office at 12.45 and went out to ranges with the officers and Tunnelers to shoot I shot 20 rds. It was cold and stormy and I didn’t do very well. Got back at 6.30 and got a good supper at cookhouse. Went to bed about 8 pm.

March 27
Tuesday we had a muster parade at Depot parade grounds. Then came back and got ready to go to ranges. We got a slice of bully beef at cookhouse for dinner. I didn’t shoot any so just hung around and came home with others Ross did good shooting. Got back about 6.45 and had a hot supper and a letter from home. I had a bath and turned in early.

March 28
Pay parade at 7.45 am. Ross only got 10 [?] but I got a lb. We paraded again at 10.30 ready for ranges. As soon as we got there we ate our lunches and started shooting at 1. the Sigs were markers. I didn’t shoot any until the 200. application and 10 rds. Rapid (got 17 [?]). The Engineer band went with us. Ross and I got 8 letters between us. We went up to Westlyian hut for some mild and came back to hut.

March 29
Reveille as usual. Still raining Musketry party dismissed until 10.30. So am writing letters and this. Fell in at 10.30 drew rations and marched out to the “buts”. Had lunch and started firing. I fired 5 rds. At 300 application and 10 rds rapid. Poor score. Arrived home earlier than usual. Head very sore. Went to Westlyian hut and back to bed early.

March 30
Reveille at 5.30 am. Paraded at 7.45 am and had lectures by musketry Inst. Had dinner and paraded at 1.15 pm to go to the “buts”. We shot 5 rds. At 400 yds application and 5 rds. with gas helmets. We arrived back in Camp about 7 and after supper Ross and I made our usual trip to West hut for a glass of milk. Sprs. Kolb and Pope made [?] while taking PT and BF course.

March 31
Raining and snow so drilled in our huts. All the NCO’s rec’d lecture from Major Ward on their Duties. We Signallers started to Parade to Q.M.S. to sign our T.C.S. but it was cancel Ross went to Turnbridge Wells and I to Y.M.C.A. Mailed 2 films to Edinborough. Went to Crowbora at night with Brady came back early and turned in quite a bunch were stewed but all present.

April 1
Snowing out. We turned in our rifles and bayonets and later our blankets Pallyasses and Webb Equipment. Paraded at 2.45 with Kit and again at 3.30 pm without kit and marched over to Sigs. Came back for supper and Kits also drew 24 hr. rations. Ross and I took off our strips but put in charge of hut. We were issued with blankets and Pallyasses. Quarantined in Hut 3. Wrote some letters at Y.

April 2
Reveille at 5.30 am. Every person helped sweep up the hut. At 8.00 we were paraded before Major Lister and we were posted to our sections. The Visual Men are with the Visual. 9 with DR. 2 Instrument repairers and 13 others to Spr. Dorey RR. Lectures on Electricity and Message form And a lecture on Saddle and Harness. Flag drill in afternoon and reaching Westlyian Hut at night no Pallyasses.

April 3
Snowing and sleeting. Changed PT until 4.30 pm. Lectures as usual in morning and we were issued with Bandolier and mounted equipment but not spurs. Second hand stuff. We read lamp all afternoon in hut 4. as it was Snowing. We paraded at 1.30 pm and filled Palliases. Bought jar of jam. Turned in early. [?]

April 4
Ross and I were mess orderlies in our hut. We got the breakfast and started sweeping hut. Both had to go to cook house for awhile in the morning. I drew rations from “B” Coy. Cookhouse. We got the dinner and were about to start work when we got warned for guard. We polished up and mounted guard at 3.45 pm. I had 2nd relief in backbeat and was dismissed at 6.00 am. A draft was.

April 5
picked out and issued with new Kitchener boots. Sprs. Nigg. MacDonald Carlisle and Graham are on the draft. The Backbeat of men were dismissed at 6 and went on parade at 8. Lecture and Helograph Electricity and Saddling horses. We had flag and Helograph [?] in afternoon and PT. The orderly Sgt. came around and ordered every person that could see to [?] parade at once. They took our names and told us to stay in camp and not take off any clothing.

April 6
went to bed but had to turn out about 9.00 pm and marched over to Depot Hdgrs. We were marched out in the country and extended to 6 paces and stayed there until about 1 and then marched back and dismissed. I did not turn out until nearly 2. Holiday today. Church Parade at 10. We got our spurs this morning. Snowing out and fairly cold. I just escaped picquet by going to Westlyian hut.

April 7
Reveille as usual. Paraded for PT at 8 and dress parade at 9 am. 7 of us in the visual went for a dandy long horse ride through the Country, got back at 11 and groomed horse and cleaned saddle. Both Ross and I were caught for Inlying picquet at dinner. We went down to Crowboro and I had supper at the Hollies. bought some underwear and came back for Picquet. Went Y.M.C.A. at night. Time changed at 10 to 11.

April 8
We slept in this morning long after reveille and just got up in time for breakfast. Ross had a pas from 8 am to midnight. I went to church and stayed for sacrament. Wrote letters in Salvation Army Hut.
Had dinner at Westlyian hut of Eggs and Cake. Went to Crowboro. Walked around and had supper of more eggs in Jarves hood. Came back to Camp about 6 and went to bed early.

April 9
Paraded as usual in morning but at 10 am rest period they collected 50 men and paraded with water bottle and Haversack. Drew rifles at Depot and marched way out into [?] near ranges. Skirmished after a fake enemy and dinner. Five of us captured a machine [?] of our own men. After dinner we marched back to camp. Ross and I went on Picquet at 6.

April 10
Parade as usual. Snowing a chilly out Lectures in morning and lamp in afternoon. Brown B.N. got 5 days CO for Crowboro on letter to U.S.A.
Nothing stirring but the breeze. Got my maps back from Edinborough.

April 11
Lectures and Usual Routine all day. Mounted Picquet at 6 pm. Rec’d some mail. Went to W. Hut and came back and turned in. It snowed rained and hailed all day. The Engineers were having maneuvers and fireworks at night.
Small hand of watch came off.

April 12
Another Wet morning but better in afternoon. Lectures as usual in morning and flag drill and station work in afternoon. Rec’d a box of chocolate from Grace Jeffries and a letter from Home. Went to W hut and then back to hut. Joe Breen got 3 days C.B. for being absent from Parade. I traded and got an English bandolier from fellow on draft.

April 13
Lectures as usual in morning. Paid 10 s. in afternoon. Ross went on guard I went on Provs. Picquet at 4.45 pm. Fine night, no arrests. Rec’d a box from Edwards and letters. Better day today. A A.C. issued to Keldrew boots.

April 14
Went on Dental Parade and had two teeth fixed. Wrote letters and reported back. Dentally Fit. Went to Crowborough with RS Hasses and Sullivan. Ordered a copy of [?] in kahki. Had supper at hollies and came back to hut.
Midnight. The Draft of Sigs left for France about 8.

April 15
Went on Church parade. Had nose sprayed against spinal meningitis. Spent the day around hut writing letters and polishing up. Mounted [?] picquet at 6.

April 16
Another chilly day. Parade as usual. Groomed horses and set up helios station work in afternoon. Mounted picquet for Ross and gave him my midnight pass. Picquet fell in about 8.00 and 4 men absent. R.S.M. raided Crown and Anchor game. A party of 18 men came in from France to take Course.
Picquet had to fall in about [?]

April 17
Paraded as usual in morning. It was a better day. We in No. 3 hut moved into other huts. Ross and I and 18 others moved into 2. Others divided into huts 1, 5 and 8. Ross and I were separated. I sleep with Spr. Kodwell. Expect to get together again soon. Went to Y.M.C.A. Arment Party was [?], a pretty good one

April 18
Raining today. Lectures as usual in morning. A draft warned at noon. 26 Brigade men. Lamp all afternoon. Wrote letters to Donald and lorenes and Aunt Rosy. A draft of about 250 machine gunners left tonight. Posed as Nodwell at roll call.

April 19
Ross and I are Depot orderlies, run messages etc. Damp wet day. Had a bicycle ride to ride. It turned out fine and warm this afternoon. Not many message in afternoon and a few after supper. Came back to the hut made some cocoa shined up and showed.
They spray the nostrils against spinal meningitis every day.

April 20
A fine day. Lectures until 4.30 and then nothing else in morning. Some were inoculated and 12 more in fatigue so we beat it. We had station work with flag and helio until P.T. Shined all our equipment for Route march in morning.

April 21
We paraded at 8.30 then over to Depot parade grounds. The whole depot paraded down through Crowboro. Then dismissed at 11. I beat it when Orderly Sgt. came around and could have stayed away but took a fatigue at the Y.M.C.A. Sweeping up and moving chairs for church parade.
We got a supper after we finished.

April 22
Went to church parade at 9. Then after nose spray we were dismissed. We had a great dinner. Then Walsh and I took a long walk past Jarves Brook and got up in a huge tower. The same back and tea at Cosy Corner. Preparations were being made for the draft which was expected at 9.30. It came in about 10.30. 118 signallers 6 officers 150 Engineers. It was a dandy day. Ross was hut orderly.

April 23
Spr Freeman C.A. and I were hut orderlies. Duties of hut orderlies are bring the meals and dish them out. Dry scrub and sweep hut. Wash and scrub the benches and tables. Wash the Pots and Pans and clean up cook house. Black lead the stove. White wash the wood work wash tables after dinner and tea. Also sweep and work in cook house. Straighten up the hut in general and numerous other little things. I went over to see the draft in afternoon. Then at night I went down to Crowboro with Nodwell to Mrs. Webb for the evening. Brown BN gave me his pass

April 24
The draft left early this morning 6.30 pm. I was in a Fatigue Party at Y.M.C.A. [?] onto ditch. Got off about 9.45 and went to sleep in woods with Freeman and Dewar. Out on station work in afternoon, helio and flag. Went to Y and then over to No. 5 lines when the Draft issued quarantine for 10 days. Mounted Picquet for Ross and gave him my pass.

April 25
Brown B.N. moved over with Donald. Ross moved into his place and I changed with Freeman C.A. So we are together again. I got a dandy feather pillow from L/C Holding. We had our tests on Flag and Lamp to pass in brigate. I had good results + F L.
Irehive Eagleson on mess in afternoon so he could try test. Leveled a few hills and had P.T. Got a letter from Earle Mc and Anna [?]. Went to Y.M.C.A. Brighton Concert party. Major Lester to be O.C. of CETD

April 26
It is mighty chilly early in morning. We had exams on signaling and electricity this morning. Then went in woods and wrote home. It is a nice warm day. In the afternoon all those who were to be on fatigue Friday were paraded over to the pay office. When we came back we ground for potatoes. At night Nodwell went down to Webbs for evening having late passes

April 27
We all dug potatoes in the morning and Ross and I mounted guard. He drew 1st relief on Front and I drew 3rd in rear. Nothing unusual happened. Guard not allowed to sleep on guard. Fine warm night

April 28
Came off guard at Reveille and paraded at 8.00. Dug and raked ground for spuds. Until 11 then had P.T. I fooled around camp until about 4.00 when I went down to the Signal lines or rather No. 5 lines. Came back and went to Y.M.C.A. We had a regular feed at night cocoa cake etc.
Rec’d a parcel from Aunt May of Turkish Delight.

April 29
Went on church parade in morning. In afternoon Ross Freeman CA Sullivan and I went over and coaxed Smith Sleasy and McKimm out for a walk. We walked to the Maypole Inn then turned to left and down to Crowboro, had supper in Parker Church and walked back to camp. Rolled in very tired.

April 30
Had our first parade in Brigade Lectures on Station Routine and Brigade Cable. Then Buzzer practice in the afternoon. We were raddled by 1.30 and rode in Riding School until 2.30 then groomed horses and cleaned saddles then Lectures on Fuller Rhine. I had to mount on emergency Picquet at 6. Spent the evening in Y.M.C.A.

May 1
“As you were” we were paid Monday afternoon. I got a pound. We had Lectures in morning and riding in afternoon instead of Monday. Went down to 5 lines. Bought a large can of corn syrup. Came back and wrote letters. Received a Dandy big box from Brownie.

May 2
As I was on a fatigue party to mark at the Butts I didn’t have to fall in until 10.30. Marched out. They only shot 10 rounds and 7 details so hadn’t much work to do. Ross and most of the Coy took a gas chamber course. They formed another Div. Sig Coy for mobilization Ross and I are on Hdqrs. We got back from Ranges in time to miss P.T. Then I went to Y.M.C.A. where a good concert Party was on. I received 8 letters.

May 3
Paraded at 8 and laid wire out, 8 lines, I went with Cpl Nash. Came in at 11 and had a lecture. We all were saddled ready to turn out, when we ordered to parade. Leaving our horses saddled we were being formed up into the Company when the fire alarm sounded. We all were doubled out to Depot drew shovel etc. and marched up to ridge by ranges which was all afire. We beat it out and after something to eat we came back on a truck.

May 4
We had a buzzer practice on the stations and then a lecture. We were supposed to be inoculated but only a few were. The rest of Brigade went out for a ride and then lecture also P.T. Then I went to the Y.M.C.A.

May 5
We were inoculated at 9.30 practically the whole Coy. Wrote letters all afternoon and evening. I wasn’t very sick. Lights out at 10.15. emergency picquet was called about 10.oo pm. Had something to eat at Westlyian hut.

May 6
A fine day but chilly wind. After breakfast I got up and went with Brady and Freeman CA and slept in the sun until Dinner. Went down to Crowboro with Sullivan and had supper at Hollies came back and went to bed early.

May 7
I with Spr Clay were Hut orderlies. Had supper at 5 and paraded for a MO’s lecture at 5.30 then went down to Y.M.C.A. to see movies.
Draft of 303 other Ranks came in about 11 o’clock. Ross was on guard 2nd on rear beat.

May 8
Went out with pack horse in morning then lecture. Out on the ride in afternoon and then lecture at 5.30 another MO lecture. Then went down to No. 5 Lines to see draft. Coates was Sgt S.M. 8 sgts altogether 7 officers. Quarantined for 15 days. Charlie Verity and Chalk on drafts. Spent the evening there.

May 9
I was out in Dug out Nelgrs operation. I was there all morning. Rec’d letter from Home at noon. Another draft of [?] were called out on noon parade. A large party of the newest draft of hqs. drew rifles for guard of honour for Duke of Cannought. I didn’t get a good horse so I didn’t go on the ride. A draft of 26 men was picked for France. Brady Winchester and Pollack on it.

May 10
Laying trench cable again this morning and on the ride in the afternoon. Down to the movies at the Y.M.C.A. Nothing unusual. Fine weather still here.

May 11
On fatigue at Y.M.C.A. Cleaned up and straightened the big room. Down again in afternoon but didn’t do much. Had a hot bath in “B” Coy. We put in our application for leave at night. Very warm. Paraded in shirt sleeves.

May 12
The Coy. Went on a route march in morning and I went on guard in afternoon. Our first little rain. I drew 1st relief on the front. The band played when mounting guard.
Were asked if they would go with out leave and “NO” was the answer from nearly all. 190 men on draft.

May 13
Another very fine day but hot. We were very late dismounting. Had supper and went down to Y.M.C.A. to hear Harry Saunder and George Adams. They were real good. building packed.

May 14
Everybody up at reveille and cleaning hut. Paraded at 9.30 a.m. t was an operator at parade office. We were paid in the morning, that is those going on leave. In the afternoon we had a lecture on the Fuller phone. Got ready for leave and went to movies at Y. Another draft picked. All those going on leave.

May 15
Up at reveille ready to go on leave at 7 a.m. but had to wait until 8 a.m. Another big draft picked out. Ross and I warned for France also Freeman CA Dewar Brown RE and others from our draft. Then marched to station. Arrived there at 10.30 took tubes to Piccadilly Circus chucked haversacks and started for dinner. Had dinner about 1.00 pm for 1/3. then after a walk went to Palladium theatre 15 acts. Then took taxi to Madame Tussaud exhibit and stayed until 7. Took taxi back and had supper in an Indian restaurant. Ross and I went for a walk down to strand and after light refreshments took a train for Edinburgh.

May 16
Arrived in Edinburgh 8.30 a.m. went to Maple Leaf club. Had a good breakfast and engaged rooms. Then started to see the sights. We saw in order Edinburgh Castle, St. Giles Cathedral, Royal Scottish Museum, Parliament hall, John Knox’s house, Holyhood Palace, then home. took some maps. Had dinner at M.C. and then took bus out to the Fockbridge. Got pass and walked across. Fleet in harbour. Got some good snaps and returned and had supper. Went to theatre and bed about 12.

May 17
I got up at 8 had breakfast and caught the train to Glasgow. Soon reached there, registered at the Y. and started out to see the town. Went to Botanic Gardens, Museum Art Galleries. After dinner went to Renton Park. After supper went to see “Three Cheers” it was great. Then saw the town at night. An awful good especially girls. Ross stayed in Edinburgh.

May 18
Ross landed here this morning took a walk around town. Had dinner in Grand Central. Went out to Gulens Park took some snaps. Had lunch at the Salon Winter Gardens. Then went to show. It was a damp day. Ross went to London, but I stayed with Freeman, Dewar and Brown RC.

May 19
Another rainy day. We should have gone to London but such is life. Freeman had his pictures taken. Didn’t do much in morning. Had a good time around town in general. Took the 9.45 to London.

May 20
Today things started. First we were taken off the draft and up to the orderly room charged with “Not returning when recalled for draft”. Awarded 7 days Field Punishment No. 2 Then we were all put on stables. There was a draft of 101 for France which we were on also a draft of 25 for Whitley all the rest of the men are on stables. Harris RS got reprimanded. The telegrams were sent to Aberdeen and we didn’t go there. We went for a ride in the morning and cleaned harness in the afternoon.

May 22
Ross, Freeman, Jones and I were on stable picquet I was 1st shift 5 – 9. Next morning up the stables in the morning and in the afternoon went on a dandy ride across the moor. Answered defaulters at night and wrote letters. On stables you work from 6 – 7, 8 – 12.30, 1.30 – 5.15. There is 62 horses and 6 mules. I exchanged my breeches. It was cool to-day.

May 23
Stables as usual and a lorry ride in the morning. Thru Crowboro and north of camp by St. John Moors Commons. Cleaned Harness in afternoon and stables as usual. [?] and cleaned out orderly room Went down and saw Coates still in quarantine. Each man was detailed for two horses I got 2 black one Ross W in on picquet

May 24
Raining in the morning. Cable section had to stand to [?] Air Raid. Repeated the ride of yesterday. Drew lots for who was to work in stables Defaulters had to weed garden. Ross and I again on Picquet I was W.M.. Military sports were pulled off to-day. Wrote letters and fooled around in the evening. Saw the boxing match.

May 25
Stables as usual. Had another dandy cross-country ride this morning. A muster parade at noon. Cleaned harness until 4 then dressed for picquet. 1st relief Murdock came in. Got a machine today so will be down often. Some men being transferred to the Infantry. We (7 of us) posted to Brigade doing duty on stables. Wrote Donald and polished brass on saddle during picquet.

May 26
Came of stable picquet at reveille and went on Hut orderly. Worked hard all morning but had an easy time in afternoon. It was very hot. Wrote letters etc until about 8.00 when they nabbed me for Y.M.C.A. Sweep and straightened chairs. Finished about 10 and had refreshments.

May 27
Stables in the morning and took horses out to graze until noon grooming hour. I did nothing in afternoon until grooming time and then wrote letters at night. Ross went to Crowboro. Very warm day. Finded our E.P. tonight.

May 28
Went out on Cabel Waggon as No. 6 in the morning. Afternoon a holiday. We fooled around until 4 pm when we feed horses then I went to Crowboro with Leo Humphries and Dewar. Today is called Whitsomeday or Whit Monday. Another very warm day. Humphries and Robertson came over to Sign.

May 29
Muster Parade of the C.E.T.D. at 9.00 a.m. After which we took horses out to graze. Then stables 11. A lot were inoculated in the afternoon. I was put on stable bay in place of one who was inoculated. The rest went for a ride but a rainstorm drove them in. I went to Y.M.C.A. at night but a poor concert was on so we came back and played horseshoes.

May 30
Out again as no. 6 Cabel and Brownlee as [?]. When I came in at noon I was warned for draft along with Cpl Neller. Ross paraded either paraded either to be put on or I taken off. He replaced Cpl Neller. We were medically examined and changed any worn clothing. We were examined at 4.30 and did noting for the rest of the day. Played Horseshoe and wrote letters. Some home a lot of maps.

May 31
Paraded at 10 ready to go somewhere. We were taken over to A Coy stationed to hut 5A where part of the draft is. Filled out clothing sheet and got gas masks in book. We paraded for pay at 1.30 and then a lot signed cards for demobilization. A lot of signalers moved over into Sig Coy lines. I saw a dandy London concert party perform at Y.M.C.A. borrowed 2 pounds from Grant. This is the 6th hut I have been in.

June 1
We did nothing all morning until noon when we went on a blanket parade to get Canadian blanket. Then at [?] we were inspected and taken on a short route march in heavy marching order. Wrote some letters after, and went down to the Y.M.C.A. with Coates. Nothing much doing so came back to Signal Lines and stayed until time to get “4” lines.

June 2
We paraded at 7.45 and filled in Demobilization Cards. At 10.00 we paraded in heavy marching order. We were inspected by Lt. Col. Boggart and dismissed. Ross and I went to Crowboro and pictures. When we came back we went over to Signal Lines and brought back a couple of pollyasses. A little chilly in the evening.

June 3
Slept in a little longer today showed up for church parade. Draft went to Church of England service. Rec’d a big box from Miss Dugit. Wrote letters in afternoon. Then Ross and I went for a long walk through Crowboro.

June 4
We paraded at 10.00 p.m. in heavy marching order and was inspected by the Brigadeers at Hdqrs. After which we had P.T. and in the afternoon a route march. Ross and I got rid of our blankets as we passed our hut. I went down to the Y.M.C.A. a mistral show was on. Wrapped up boots and gave to Coates to mail to me.

June 5
We paraded at 8.00 in heavy marching order and accompanied by Engineers band went for a 10 mile route march. It was a very hot day. We were again medically inspected and then dismissed for the day about 7 pm there was an air raid alarm. it was lifted at 8.00 Ross and I rec’d 16 letters between us today. Said goodbye to the boys and wrote letters in the woods.


June 6 and 7
It is raining this morning. We have to parade at 10. for another depot inspection without kit. Ross and I were issued with sun shades in afternoon. Then P.T. instructors gave an exhibition of B.F. and wrestling. Rec’d a box of Candy from Mabel. Said good-bye to Boyson signals. Fill in at 7.30. Kit bags taken down by wagon. Good-bye Crowboro. March to station took 9.47 train for Brighton We changed train there for East Croydon (London) and again there for Victoria. Had lunch in Y.M.C.A. and slept until nearly 4 a.m. Washed. Had a lunch and took train for Folkstone. A whole train of troops. Left at 5.10. We got off at Shornecliffe and marched to Folkstone. Had some tea, bread, bacon. Then marched to boat embarking at 8.45 Pulled out at 9.20 a.m. Good-bye Blighty A number of transports went with us. We were off the boat at 11:30 a.m. After we marched to ‘K’ camp on hill above Boulogne. We were assigned huts (12 per) and drew rations and blanket. Lots of good grub. Nothing to do but rest.

June 8
Got up about 6 and after breakfast had medical examination. Got our kit ready and started for Etaples at 9.00. We marched until 11.45 when we reached a rest camp and had dinner and rest until 2. Then struck out for Etaples again. Thousands of troops passed through rest camp. Very warm in morning cooler in afternoon. Arrived in Engineers camp about 5.45 p.m. Assigned huts and had a poor meal. Then drew blanket, helmet, respirator and HP Helmet. Went to Y.M.C.A. for eats and turned in at 8.30 tired out. From Boulogne to Engineers camp Etaples is about 21 miles. Everybody finished the march.

June 9
Reveille at 5 but slept until 6.15 missing breakfast. Hardly any water to wash in. 8.30 a.m. we went through ‘Tear’ Gas chamber. Then dismissed. We were medically examined before dinner. Slept most of afternoon. After supper Ross and I walked about a mile and waited over and hour to fill our water bottles and the water was scarce. Had something to eat at Canteen and went to bed.

June 10
Up by 5.30 and had breakfast. Then shined up and had a good wash. At 8.30 went to church after which Ross and I went down to orange stalls and bought some oranges, chocolates and post card souvenirs. Then wrote letters. Wandered around camp, more eats, Band Concert in afternoon. At 5 o’clock handed in names for passes. Did nothing in the evening. A pound here = 27.25 francs now.

June 11
Up at Reveille. There was a terrible electric storm and heavy rain during night and until about 10 a.m. Paraded to go through gas course and changer at 9. o’clock took lunches. Saw Lang Smith and George Pierce. We got back about 5.30 p.m. Very hot. Ross and I got passes for Etaples and saw town. Dirty narrow street village. Bought some eats saw all the town and came home. Ross and I slept outside.

June 12
Up at Reveille which is 5 a.m. had breakfast and roll call 6.45. 15 of us on fatigue. Worked until 3.15 in which time we were issued with rifle and bayonet. 25 sprs and 10 drivers warned to go up the line. Examined and paid. Saw Buckles who went up the line with the artillery Wed. Ross cut my hair. Made some lemon cake and wiled away the evening. Slept outside again.

June 13
Up as usual and at roll call. 10 of us post on fatigue of building a wall about 9.00 all the rest of our draft were medically examined and expect to move tomorrow. Had rifle inspection and laid around tent. Until 5.15 when we paided 25 francs. I went to a concert at the Y.M.C.A. Changed tents (8 in tent now) Spr Hall who stayed in Boulogne came up on train. Rather cool out today.

June 14
Another warm day. We did nothing until 5.15 when we were told to what were going and issued with ammunition (50) Ration boy and I [?]. Packed up ready for morning. Ross and I told we were going to 4th Field Coy the only 2.

June 15
I saw Herb Lennox but not speaking to him. Issued with 100 cigarettes. Village dirty like most French villages. Up at Reveille ready to go out. Marched to station and pulled out at 8.15 after a few stops Ross and I also others got on top of box car and finished [?] there. It was dandy pretty country that we passed through. We arrived at Colone/Colonne at 2.15 and rec’d more rations. Then threw away blankets, heavy underwear, and sweaters. Then we were billeted at different places. Walked all over the town and spent the evening trying to enjoy ourselves. Until 9.00 when all soldiers had to be in at.

Caloone – Riquart

June 16
Got up at 7 and had a make-shift breakfast. Then got ready to fall in at 9.00. We loaded up our kit bags and rolled coat on Lorry and then were dismissed until 4.30 when we fell in and marched to Houdain passing thro’ Divion. We arrived at the reinforcement camp and after something to eat we inspected the town. It was about the size of Etaples. We slept in an old barm with a bunch of straw. I found a purse with 15fr. In but found owner Harry Groves

June 17
We got up at 5.00 and had breakfast at 5.30 and left at 7.00 for the engineers camp. We passed thro’ Estrachouche and arrived at our camp about 11.00 p.m. We were assigned to a hut and after a good dinner took a walk around the country. This place is 12 km. from Houdain. Very very hot today. Wrote a couple of letters and went to bed about 9. Just had my cloak and ground sheet for blanket.

June 18
We didn’t’ do anything in morning. Ross assigned to No. 2 section and I to No. 4 Sgrs Taffy and Curtis our N.C.O. We got divisional patches sown on Tunic. We are to be Sapper-Signallers but hope to get transferred. Platoon drill in afternoon started to rain about 3 p.m. when after ½ hour gas drill we were dismissed. Ross and I immediately went to Copps Hdgrs and saw a bunch of fellows we knew. We got back about 8.30 and turned in.

June 19
It was raining in the morning so didn’t have any P.T. We paraded at 8 with rifle etc. and had rifle and gas drill. We were dismissed about 11 and as it was a holiday R and I went to Camlain L’abbe, then to Village and by Chateau de la Haie where the sports were held also horse show. 4th div. Sig Coy stationed there. I saw Eagleson, Lang LG Lena Moore, Boche who are at Bruary in the 2nd Div. Sig Coy. Also saw Sprs. May and Wilson at the 3rd.

June 20
It was raining nearly all night but stopped in time for P.T. Then at 9.00 we had rifle drill and at 10.30 we had rope tieing. After dinner we washed and oil wagons and tool carts until supper time and finished after supper. It started to rain about 5.30 so we stayed in Camp. Wrote some letters and read. The place where our camp is located is MAISNIL BOUCHE Nothing more than a couple old stone buildings. Rec’d my weekly issue of jam, rhubarb. Had rabbit for dinner.

June 21
We scraped up a couple of blankets so had a good sleep. Fairly chilly this morning. Had rifle drill in morning. We were dismissed at afternoon parade to shine up for inspection Friday. I cleaned my mounted equipment, and played cards and wrote letters for the rest of the evening. Ross and I were detailed for Hut orderly for 22nd as we had no Webb equipment.

June 22
Raining again this morning cleaned up hut and then drained some water. The inspection was to be in afternoon but as it rained it was called off. Helped in cook house after dinner and then Ross and I walked over to Petit Services Grand Servins Corey Servins and 4th D.S. Coy at Chateau De La Haie Saw Poutom and Cawthorn

June 23
Sat was a holiday on account of Sports at Hersin. I read a book until dinner and then went over to Camblain Abbey and saw the Corps Sig. Coy sports also the Sgt. Maj. Ross had to help in cook house. Pointed 12 observation ballons up at once. It was a dandy fine day. Got up about 8 and played cards until bedtime. Ross went for a long walk. Wrote home.

June 24
Got up about 8.00 a.m. in time for the usual breakfast. Bread margarine Jam 2 slices of good bacon and Fried bread. Borrowed a belt and bayonet and went to church parade. Then dismissed Rodie came over and I sent a letter back to Eagleson with him also had a dandy ride on his horse. Ross rec’d some mail. After supper Ross and I went over to Y.M.C.A. at Lorry Services to service and a dandy concert by 4th Div. Concert Party

June 25
Another fine day. PT as usual. Pay parade at 9.00 Rec’d 15 francs. Then had rifle drill. Same in afternoon until 2.30 when we were dismissed. Ross on machine gun instruction. I went over to Sorts and tournament at Chateau-de-la-Haie. Sir D. Haig and Prince Wales here Dandy march Past. Canadians took a big share of prizes. I saw D. Winchester Prizes for finest horse Waggon Trucks and sports given out. Great crowd of soldiers there.

June 26
Company and rifle drill in morning. Ross had some in afternoon while I had Lewis gun instruction after which Ross and I went over Corey Servin’s to Cinema 2 ½ d. admission very good. We rec’d two letters from home dated [?]. I saw Tracy Kew of Amora with 2nd Div. Sig. Everybody shining up for inspection by O.C. 2nd Div. Engineers Ross and I to be on Hut fatigue as no equipment.

June 27
Went on P.T. and then after breakfast worked in cook house and Ross and I cleaned up hut. After the parade was dismissed I played cards until dinner. After dinner again cleaned up hut and then read until supper when we again cleaned up. After which we went to concert given by the 13th Field Amb. Concert Party which was very good. Rained and heavy bombardment during night.

June 28
Raining so instead of P.T. had Gas Helmet drill. Paraded at 9 and cleaned up Camp and wagons then dismissed. Polished everything and then read until dinner, and slept until 1.30 when we paraded for General inspection by Gen.
Dismissed about 4 and after supper Ross and I went to Cory S. to Cinema. Very heavy bombardment also heavy rain. Made down bed about 8.30 and read and wrote until lights out.

June 29
It rained most of the night. No PT. Paraded to Bath house in morning and dismissed after Baseball in afternoon. Went to Minstrel show in evening. Rec’d letter from Muriel B. Money order from home and letter from Gracie Park. Bombardment again tonight but not so heavy as last night. Bought eggs for breakfast.

June 30
Had my eggs for breakfast. Had a little gas drill and rope tying and then dismissed for rest of day. It rained until about 5 o’clock when Ross and I went to Cinema. Came back and wrote letters. Ross rec’d a box of candy from Edith Edwards. Mailed Apr. 80. Got a flash light.
Year born 1897. Year started work 1908. How long in 9. Years old 20. 3834 divided by 2 = 1917. Puzzel

July 1
Got up in time for breakfast and had fast eggs. 5th Field Coy moved out. All Coy on fatigue in morning. Ross and I went to Hessin. Got a new battery and magazines, Ink and eats. Heavy bombardment. Chilly day. Rec’d letter from Donald. Today I am 20 so Ross and I had a blowout in Hessin. Very tired as the bed felt good we have our cloak sheet and 1 blanket as kindness of O.M.

July 2
A fine day to-day. Had inspection of rifle then Gas drill then Trustle drill. Ridge building in afternoon. Played ball at night. A lot of mail came in. We picked up few cherries. Had a little impromptu concert. The 6th Field Coy moved out.

July 3
As soon as we got up we rolled up blankets to be sent on truck, Ross and I also sent Kit bag. Played cards until 2.30 when the 11th Field Coy moved in. Reached Bully-Grenay about 5.30. Assigned to Billet and had supper. Each section is separate. Ross and I inspected the Town quite a large place but shattered by shells Ross and his section a little way down the street.

July 4
Roll call at 8.30 and everybody on fatigue cleaning up – I and another fellow dug hole for cook. Played cards and read until 5 when I helped Ross make a bed. Then took a walk around the town and up to Y.M.C.A. What I called a bed is a wooden frame 6’ by 2 ½’ with four legs about a foot from the floor. Frame covered over with wire netting and racking of bags. I made one Thurs 5.

July 5
Besides roll call at 8.30 we had a rifle inspection at 9.15 then dismissed. Another roll call at 1.30 pm. Had a game of ‘Duck on the Rock’ Then Ross and I went for a walk towards Lens and looked in some old dug outs. About 6 o’clock some of Hiney shells fell near Ross’ billet. One landed in 6th Field Coy orderly room. Killed 3 wounded 3 or 4. Our guns active all night. He sent over a few more. Rec’d card from Eagleson.

July 6
After a dandy sleep in my new bed I spent another lazy day. We had some Gas Helmet drills Played catch in morning and afternoon and read using my bed as a couch. Wrote some letters. German airplane brought down right near billets.

July 7
After rifle inspection I went on wheel down to Signal Coy at Sains. Eagleson, Sullivan, Lang, Moore, Walsh, Staples and a lot of others down there. Some reinforcements came in to-day No 1 and 3 sections went up to Billets at Colonne Ross and I went up on wheels to see the route and Hdgrs. Colonne a new town is nothing but a bunch of shells of house. Billets down in cellars.

July 8
Roll call parade and chin pay parade. Received 30 Francs. Everybody playing poker or Crown and Anchor with usual result “Go broke”. Received [?] from Home and Letter from Donald. Ross went up to Colonne Came back and went up to Levian or Colonne of Ration wagon with his Kit. He will carry any message coming this way and I take them from here. I was in exchange to see Jackson.

July 9
Instead of going on parade I went to Orderly room. One trip up to Colonne I have wheel 26 for present. I went O room after dinner. Orderly room Sgt and Buchanan went to Levian. Out a Haversack on bike. I went down to C.R.E. at Sains to paymaster. Saw some of the Sigs down there Things quite, but cloudy and very chilly. Wrote some letters and turned in early.

July 10
Chilly today due to clouds No messages in morning. Rose came down from Leivin and went back about noon. We got a new baseball. Did nothing in afternoon Sgt. Mc took pay up to Levian Went down to C.R.E. after supper. Received 2 parcels from Home and one from Muriel B and Ethel East. Divided them up 50/50.

July 11
Ross came down in morning. Gave him his parcel or ½ of 3. Very hot day nothing much to do. Our section (4) beat No 2 just about 35 – 6 in baseball. I caught. Had some jumping and turned in.
I rec’d letter from Butterworth Major took my wheel and went to Lievin.

July 12
Ross came down as usual. I had a trip to Sains. Just as starting out I had a puncture fixed it and halfway down to Sains I had a blowout, about 2 ½” long. However I fixed it. In afternoon Buchanan and I went to Lievin with dispatchers. We got back about 5.30 and I played ball again catching and heating No 2 section 13 – 6. Grayson broke finger. [?] his arm out.

July 13
I took the early trip to Sains arriving back about 8.45. Ross came down in afternoon. Had a sleep in afternoon after supper went to sleep again until 2.30. Had a [?] with baseball and coffe at Estainant. I seem to be sleeping all the time and after sleeping nearly all day I felt tired went I went to bed.

July 14
I have to get up a little earlier as I have to get a report from G.M.S. by 7.30 have breakfast and be down to Sains by 8.50. It looked like rain so I took rubber sheet and had to use it as an electric storm came up. As it was I was fairly wet. It soon cleared up. Went to a concert and pictures at the Y.M.C.A. tent. 21st Bn. Concert Party.
A lot of Guns moved into town tonight.

July 15
Down to Sains as usual. Ross came down. Helped put up some wire. Nothing doing much everything quiet. Wrote letters and took message to Sains and then went down to Sigs. to see the boys. Fritz sent over a few shells in the evening. Received letter from Mabel and Wickham.

July 16
[?] off for Sains this morning had a blow out so had to use the new wheel. Arriving back from Sains started to fix wheel but no use needed a new tire [?]. Spr Mitchell got and put in from Herrington and I went up [?] Heavy shelling the road. I went down to Sains in afternoon and again in evening. Four more guns moved in.

July 17
All I had to do was the morning trip to Sains. Ross received letters from E.E. H.F. and home. Rec’d a book called “The girls who wouldn’t work.” We played No. 2 section a game of ball and beat them 20 – 14. I made 4 runs. Catching again. Changed my last half crown got some cherries and had a catch. Wrote Mable Home and Wickham. A few shells fell in our street

July 18
Raining a little this morning. Buchan went to Sains I swept out OR. Ross came down to get his teeth fixed. Raining on and off all day. Rec’d letter from Choyle. Went to Lieven in afternoon. Moved down to other billets where No 2 section is. Good bunks and water handy. Mailed some cards. Raining fairly heavy during night. Roof leaked a little.

July 19
Up at usual time got Q.M. Disp and went to Sains. Cleaning up and shaved and went back to Orderly room. In afternoon I went to Levien Ross came down 124 Bn. moved in I looked around and saw Donald. He is in No 12 Platoon. Cleaned my wheel up good. [?] whaler with anti aircraft arms.

July 20
Raining a little. Went to Sains nothing more doing until afternoon when I again went to Levien and also Sains. Donald came over to see Ross. We played No 2 Section ball again and beat them 20 – 12. Read a book named “The girl who wouldn’t work”.

July 21
Sains as usual. Stayed around phone all day. Sgt went to Bethune. After supper played ball again until 6.30. Beat the Drivers in last inning 11 – 9. It was 9 – 3 until we went to bat. Saw Donald again. Working on [?] cable [?] near Cite St. Pierre

July 22
A dandy fine morning got my washing. Went to Sains. Stayed around phone and read book called “Pansy Meares.” Went to Sains and to Sig Coy came back and packed up reading to change places with Ross also No 2 and 4 changing with 1 and 3 Sec. The sections started at 8.30 but I waited to guide some infantry up. Started about 10. Met Ross coming down. Reached Levians about 11. After putting stuff in dug out showed some around officers place and etc.

July 23
Got up in time for breakfast and reported to officer. Cleaned up our billet table, chairs, mirrors, dishes and anything jake in room up stairs. About 5 ft stone above dugout 5 of us in this billet, room for 8. Went to Bully’s at 1.30 saw Ross and Donald bought stuff and usual things. An officer came back with me. After supper I explored around. Made lemonade and went to bed about 11 p.m. Quite a bombardment. The men arrived in about 5 a.m. after a fairly “hot” night.

July 24
Up about 8 for breakfast all the rest asleep. Everything quiet as if there were no war on. Sun shining and birds singing. Cleaned up. Collected mail and then read etc. until dinner. Men got up about 1 pm. I left for Bully about 2.00 pm. I rec’d 4 letters and Ross 3. Also some maps saw R and Don. Reported back at 5 and after delivering messages mail etc. had dinner. Ognoley and Pat Bramft went to “Deep Dugout” School. Not a very heavy bombardment. After writing home I turned in.

July 25
Raining this morning and raining off and on all day. Collected mail, shaved and cleaned up, wrote letters. At 1.30 went to Bully S. Delivered and rec’d messages and some back. Had supper and to Bully again. Delayed on way by Rain Detoured dispatch Saw Donald who is leaving tomorrow for. Came back delivered registered mail and then after searching around Country found the 6 C.J.B. and delivered messages Came back etc.

July 26
Got up about 9.30 missing breakfast but had my own stuff. Collected mail shaved and wrote letters. After lunch reported to Op. Our bridge over [?] blown up just after we passed over. Lt. Johnson came back to [?] with me Came right back with order to move back to Bully. Packed up and rode back after supper. Everybody had souvenirs. We were billeted in the barn with the drivers. Wire bunks.

July 27
Got up in time for breakfast. Spent all morning cleaning my wheel. In afternoon wrote letters and Ross gave me 27 Franc. Got some peaches. Rec’d letter from Murdock. He was taken off Motor Cycles. 4FCCE played the infantry last night attached to us and beat them [?] Saw a dandy show at Y.M.C.A. called “On the way to Blighty”. Had something to eat and went to bed.

July 28
Up for breakfast and paraded at 8.30 for ‘inspection’. Got patches done. Wrote letters. Our men exploded some old mines. Fine day today. Fooled around such as writing reading playing card etc. After supper I went to Sains for Ross going around by Les Rubis. Had something to eat and went to bed.

July 29
We had a bath parade. A bath is hot water for 4 minutes. Spent the day as usual. It was raining during the day. In evening Ross and I both went to Sains and after coming back went to Les Rubis where the 1st Div. is. Saw Johnny Broom. Sgt. Curtis going to Eng on leave.

July 30
Nothing of note happening today. Corbin Cooks helper this week. Rec’d letter from aunt Jean and Home. I spend the day writing letters and reading with a ride on the wheel around town. However there is nothing to see except for [?].

July 31
Raining this morning . I didn’t do anything in morning. In afternoon I took a walk up the street. Saw Tom Stanton, driver in artillery. Came back to billet and a shell hit a house a few doors down from us wounding 3 men. On my way back to our place a shell hit is square, bricks flying all over. Killed Kirkwood and wounded 7 others. I just spared it by 50 feet. House came down next to it and buried my wheel. Ross and I went down to Sains and when I came back Corbin and I built a bed for our bivous in garden.

Aug. 1
Coy paraded at 7.30 to build an Amm. Dump. Started to rain in the morning and rained all day. Good dinner when we got back. Fritz bothered us about midnight. I didn’t go with party but stayed home and did nothing started to make a button hook but not too much success. Bought a loaf of bread and had a good supper.

Aug. 2
The whole Coy paraded at 7.30 to work on ammunition dump just past “D’ Aix Noulette”. However I didn’t. I spend most of the day making a button hook as souvenir out of a nail, German bullet and lead and buttons. It rained all day Dinner at night. Our little hut fairly dry.

Aug. 3
Coy paraded again at 7.30 to work on am. Dump. It still rains. About 9.00 am the Sgt. Major came alone and saw me. Sent me down to the works AD incase any messages came back I had one message to R.C. Park. Mud is about 4 “ deep. Hard wheeling. Didn’t have any dinner but when came back we had Beefstock onions hot tomatoe soup, potatoes [?] bread jam. “Il n’est pas mal.”

Aug 4
[?] Baird Allen Corbin and I slept down in dug out as Fritz always sent over a lot of shells in the night. The parade was called of and we did nothing until afternoon when we cleaned up the billets. Ross moving over with me. Fixed up shack. Took Rosses place in afternoon. Rained at night.

Aug. 5
Everything very quiet and nothing to note. R received a letter from Milton Wickham the first letter we received direct. More soon followed. Rec’d issue of cigarettes also some from a club in Canada. I got a new seat for my wheel.

Aug. 6
Nothing much doing today. I relieved Ross for the afternoon. I cleaned my wheel and we expected to get paid but didn’t. Starting to clear up.

Aug. 7
Another day like Monday. Relieved Ross in afternoon. In the evening played the attached infantry baseball . Beat us 16 – 13. Rec’d a letter from Home and Rosina.

Aug. 8
Wed morning respirator drill in morning and Platoon drill in afternoon. Pay parade at 2.30 Rec’d 15 Francs. I didn’t go on parade but went over to the orderly room. Paid 1 Fr. mess fee. Baird and Corbin went broke in poker. Paid a franc to Mess Fund No 4 section.

Aug. 9
A party of 10 went to Marqueffles Farm to build a rifle range. I went with them taking my lunch. While there L/c Morton fell of the wagon and hurt his leg. Watched a ball game in afternoon and then went home at 5. Corbin and I went to band concert at Y.M.C.A. Real good. Then Ross and I went up to see what was left of a battery that was hit. One gun was shattered, a lot killed.

Aug. 10
I went out with working party to Marqueffles Farm or Fossel. Then I had to move down with No 2 section who are fixing up the billets in the village. Made 9 trips to Bully Grenay. Paid another franc into No 2 mess fund.

Aug. 11
Went to Bully in morning and right after dinner hauled all over for Capt. Richardson 2nd Div Sanitary officer and found him right here in Bouvigny. Rec’d a letter from Brownie – also a wetting on my way home from Bully. Went to a concert at Y.M.C.A. Trench concert party. Bought a tin of corn syrup and coal tar soap

Aug. 12
I went to Bully Grenay in morning and waited for mail but there wasn’t any. Wrote letters and slept until supper and then wrote another. Raining again at night. Fritz bothered the ballons that were right above us and consequently us. A fellow in the 24th had arm blown off with a dud. Rec issue of cigarettes.

Aug. 13
Went to Bully as usual first thing in morning while there I had a bath. Ross cut my hair. I trimmed his. I brought back the mail and reached home in time for dinner took me 40 minutes to come back. Went to cinema show and after that to Y.M.C.A. concert. The advance parties moved forward from the 4 and 5 Bd.

Aug. 14
Nothing special happened today. 1 and 3 sections and 5 men of no 4 went up the line. Rec’d letter from Wickham, Home, and Mabel E. Raining off and on as usual. Wrote letters etc. The 4 and 5 Div. moved in. Everything ready for big arrive.

Aug. 15
Reports coming in [?] Also prisoners. Saw some in morning. One batch looked well enough but another batch dirty and ragged. Objective Hill 70 captured. 9 men of No 3 wounded 1 missing 1 man No 1 wounded. We received a big mail. Went to pictures after supper. Our section No. 2 “Standing to today. Rec’d Percy Holt’s address.

Aug. 16
Raining this morning. Saw some of 44th Battn. [?] at Chateau-de-le-Haie. Ross came up in morning so I didn’t go down. Went down right after dinner. A fellow took my wheel to CRE so I didn’t get back until after five fooled away the evening and wrote letters. Ross went to Cite St. Pierre also no 4 section.

Aug. 17
No 2 section moved back to Hdgrs B.G. and went up to Cite St. Pierre in afternoon. I taking Rosses place at orderly room. I am messing with Hdgr Section Didn’t take any messages all day. We rec’d a dandy box from the Edwards. Ross came down twice. Wrote letters etc in evening. Canadians took hill 70 Wed morning. Heavy bombardment continues.

Aug. 18
Bombardment this morning. Herrington went on leave so I moved and sleep over in orderly room. Three trips to Sains in morning. Nothing doing in afternoon. Shells coming over in evening. Sains at night. Turned in early. Ross came down I bought from a tin of syrup.

Aug. 19
Very quiet, and sunny day. Got up at 7. Swept out orderly room shined up shaved. Went to Sains a couple times in morning. Sent a cable gram cost 1.25 franc a word. Ross came down in afternoon. I went to Sains after tea and again about 10 pm.

Aug. 20
Things quiet today. Went to Bouvigne in morning and to Cite St. Pierre and
Aug. 21
Heavy bombardment this morning. 6th Bdge went over the top taking trenches and prisoners. Ross came down in morning. Had been thrown off his wheel. Harry Cummings killed. Heavy bombardment at night. Went to Sains about 9.30.

Aug. 22
Things quieter today. Went to Bouvigne in morning Ross came down as usual. Went to Entrenching [?] at Cupigny. Saw Smits Finch Harris Humpfries and others. Got back and went straight to Cite St. Pierre with Major Had supper in Sgt Mess. Section no 1 and 3 moved to Maisnel Bouche.

Aug. 23
Sains as usual. Spent the remainder of the day packing up and cleaning billets 2 and 4 sections came down the line early in morning. Everything loaded onto truck Ross and I left about 1.30 p.m. Just before reaching [?] I had a bad blowout on my wheel. Patched it, but hole in tire to big. Walked a ways and then fired it with hose and string arriving there about 4.30. A very strong wind was against us and the dust was awful.

Aug. 24
Nothing much doing for the men today. Ross did nothing, I worked at Orderly Room. Div. Hdgrs at Camblain Abbe. Went and arranged for bath first to NCO then Town Major. Went to Corey Servins in evening.

Aug. 25
First thing in morning there was a clothing inspection. Got new Putties and Brass (Indented) Paraded for bath in afternoon but only drivers 1 and 2 section got a bath. After we undressed we were turned away too late. After supper we were paid 15 franc. Corbin and I went to Corey Servins, bought some candy Bisquits, putsch, tooth paste and etc. Wrote some letters at Church army hut.

Aug. 26
The rest of us paraded for a bath and received good exchange I had my own. Nothing doing all day except a few trips around. I went over to Chateau de la Haie to try and find Pierce Scott but he wasn’t there went around by Corey Servins and bought some bisquits.

Aug. 27
Went to CRE in morning. Nothing doing for the rest of the day except arranged for Ranges. After supper went to C Servins to a Parade concert given by Can. Party. It was great the best I have yet seen. Got to bed about 11. A good 2 hour show. Pretty wet and muddy when we got back. Florence’s parcel arrived at last.
Aug. 28
A strong wind cleared up the sky but very unsettled. A big Canadian mail came in. I received 6 letters. Nothing doing at all today. General fatigue for rest of Coy also shooting contest. After supper our section played No. 3 section. They won. 7 – 5 rotten playing and umpiring. Ross went to concert at Corey Servins.

Aug. 29
Rainy again today. More Canadian mail. Rec’d a big box from Grace Jeffrey. Nothing much doing today at all. I continued my long list of correspondence. Coy on general fatigue.

Aug. 30
Showery again today. Another uneventful day. Coy on fatigue when not raining. I went over so see P Scott but found that he had been transferred to the flying corps. Stopped in and saw Joe Brown and Stew Holmes.

Aug. 31
Clearer today but still showery. Box respirator drill and lecture. 4th PC played 5FC baseball but we were beaten. Raining in afternoon I went down to C. Abbe. Bought a writing pad. Rec’d some issue of jam. Played cards in evening. Made cocoa.

Sept. 1
Fine morning out washed, cleaned up, and shaved, then wrote letters. Went to C. Abbe in afternoon saw ball game. 2nd Pions beat Sigs 19 – 17. Nothing special doing

Sept. 2
Very quiet today Went to the C.A. Spend the day in various ways. 14 passes a week to Blighty for Riv Eng.

Sept. 3
I went to H.C.I.B. Village on Bois in the morning arriving back in time for pay. 15 Francs. Corbin Baird Allan went broke by night Jim Allan and I went to Estrachouze in evening after a trip to Camblain Abbe. Ross rec’d some papers from London.

Sept. 4
Camblain Abbe in morning. At 2.30 no. 1 inspection went up to Petit Vimy Ross going with them. I also went up to learn the route. Arrived there at 7. Waited until wagon came and returned with them around by Rd. Left there at 10.20 arriving back at 1 a.m. Very tired. Heavy bombardment in morning up there.

Sept. 5
Up as usual. Only made one trip to Camblain Abbe. Not feeling very well. Hot day. Rec’d letter from Donald. Ross arrived down about noon, returning at 3 p.m. Played cards and read most of the day. Heavy thunderstorm and bombardment in early morning.

Sept. 6
Got up early and went to Corey Servins for bath. Bombardment Vimy way. Four fellows went to Paris on leave. Ross came down as usual. Nothing to do much except C.R.C. trips. Warm day. Made cocoa in evening.

Sept. 7
Misty out this morning. Left about 8.30 a.m. with Cpl. Cross for Petit Vimy to inspect gas arrangements. I met Donald at Neirville St. Vast [?] is P.V. about 10.30 and came right back after seeing arrangements. Arrived back at 1.30 p.m. Cleaned wheel and soaked the chain. Lowered handle bars. Game of ball. Picked up ride.

Sept. 8
Nothing doing today at all. Canadian mail came in. Letter from Home and Rosena. Rather hot today. Ross came down as usual. Game of ball in evening between 6th p.c. and 4thFC favor 6 PC 2 – 1. Great sing-song in hut at night.

Sept. 9
Another fine day and everything quiet. Ross down. More Canadian mail. Each of us a dandy parcel from Home and lots of letters and snap from Mabel. Went for a ride with Jim Allen in evening. Our fellows beat the 26th Bn baseball 15 – 11. Dandy Game. Charley Graham said Seiger lost an arm. Got a new pr of putties.

Sept. 10
Misty this morning. Spr. Wallace going to rest camp gave me his blanket. Nothing unusual happened things the same usual game of ball. Nothing exceptional happened.

Sept. 11
Another quiet day. A party of carpenters moved up to La Targart Corner to fix up huts. The rest cleaned up the billets. Blighty leave going as usual. Wrote home.

Sept. 12
Nothing much doing today. Usual trips. Ross down – Saw Charlie Graham in Camblain Abbe.

Sept. 13
No 4 section moved up to La Targart Corners. Stayed with no. 2. Ross came down. Fairly chilly and windy.

Sept. 14
Packed up everything and men tore down shacks. Loaded my stuff on wagon. Mac Dougal went up on horse I was the last to leave. Wrote letters. Rainy. Arrived at La Targart Corner about 5. Slept out under a lumber pile. Men living in Nison huts commonly known as bow Huts.

Sept. 15
A trip to Camblain Abbe a good 7 miles also one up the line to advance billets about 3 miles. 2 new huts put up. Have a good place in a corner. Eating again with no. 4 Rec’d an issue of jam. Cinema show near us also canteen.

Sept. 16
A trip to C.A. one to RE Park and one up the line. Nothing special happen. Ross comes down twice a day.

Sept. 17
3 trips as yesterday. Brady came down to see me. He is at Fort George with 5 Artillery Bde Hdgrs. Also Julian and Sullivan. Gurger rec’d a blighty in the arm.

Sept. 18
The usual trips. Strong wind blowing all the way to Camblain Abbe. Went to cinema in evening. Saw Julian and Sullivan. Also found out where D’Arby Phillips is. He is with the same battery as Brady and Julian.

Sept. 19
On my way back from Camblain Abbe stopped at Fort George and saw D’Arby. Went up to cinema at night. Called out by MacDougal and went up the line with message getting back about 10. Weather still fine. German airplane flew around her about 100 ft. in air. Got paid 15 Francs.

Sept. 20
Rec’d the first installment of Canadian mail but none for me. Nothing special happened. Our basketball court fixed and had some good sport. Harold Covert came up to see me he is also with the 5 Artillery Bde. Billeted very near us. Some mail for Ross.

Sept. 21
Another more Canadian mail as lots of us. Camblain Abbe, RE Park and up the line. After supper had a game of basketball and went to bed early. Had a dandyview through glasses from Vimy Ridge.

Sept. 22
Went to Camblain Abbe in morning. Billy Moor went to Arras to get stuff for our canteen which we are going to open. Packed up to move with no. 2 section but didn’t go after all. Ross moved down. Wrote letters all afternoon. Jimmy Allan went to Rest camp also others. The bunch down there came back this morning. fine day.

Sept. 23
I went to C. A. as usual Saw Walsh and Muriel. Canadian mail in and parcels from Home. Took a trip to Machine Gun Fort where no. 2 section is. Fine day. A game of basketball in the evening.

Sept. 24
Guided 3 men to Machine Gun fort and then looked after phone on Fifth Field Coy. Ross relieving me. Played basket-ball at night. Wrote letters etc. Very warm day. Canteen opened today.

Sept. 25
Ross moved down to CRC’s in place of Monger who goes on leave. I went with him. Hot day. Went to Machine Gun Fort and then to Camblain Abbe, again in evening.

Sept. 26
Another warm day. Nothing unusual happening. Went up to MGP with Truck. Saw Suresus on way back. Y.M.C.A. has shipment coming chocolate. Pay increased to 45 Francs a month. Game of basketball in evening and then card until midnight. Rec’d letter from Harvey

Sept. 27
Rainy this morning but cleared up soon. Went to C.A. in morning. Went to Machine Gun Fort with truck. Nothing doing in afternoon. Played basketball in evening. Weather still fine.

Sept. 28
C.A. in morning as usual brought back potatoes for Ross. Guided another truck to M.C.F. Basketball in evening. Fine day. Nothing unusual.

Sept. 29
C.A. as usual going by Villers au Bois. Corps sports today. Nearly every person went. I was thrown of my wheel in a trench hurting my elbow. Not feeling very well slept in orderly room. Went with water parade.

Sept. 30
Another quiet day. Not feeling any better and foot worse. However made trips. Also one to Machine G.F. and RC Dump. Feeling pretty bum.
Got paid today also a bath at bath place. I saw Douglas Campbell. Medical inspection. Feeling pretty sick.

Oct. 1
Went to C.A. in morning bring back potatoes. Went to bed in afternoon. I lent my wheel to driver Harry Province and he took another from the place he left mine. Later mine was stolen so he had to return the other wheel and mine will have to be paid for. Lost [?]

Oct. 2
C. A. in morning. As soon as I had dinner he and I went to Arras to look for my wheel. On way there he punctured his wheel and couldn’t repair it so had to walk the rest of the way and back. No. 4 section and No 2 moved up the line. Eating with section 3. Ross rode up on horseback.

Oct. 3
Our first rain for some time came early this morning but today was fair. C.A. in morning. Helped Province fix his wheel and read in the shock. Had a fire going to take off chill. Bought some peaches and Bisquits. Feeling better today. Chambers and I alone in the hut.

Oct. 4
Muddy to-day so I had Sgt. Heatheningtons horse to go to CRE at C.A. but arriving there found that they had moved to Fort George about a mile from here. Short run but go 2 and 3 times. Jimmy Allen came back and went up to join section. I went up with a message after dark. I couldn’t just wheel on account of mud but hot a ride all the way back.

Oct. 5
Still raining nothing special to note. Some Canadian mail bought a tin of cherries and 3 eggs. Cook one every morning with bacon. Eating with no. 3 section.

Oct. 6
Another wet and rainy day. Chambers went on leave and I went down to paymasters with him and Lambert who is going on cooking course to-morrow. Anasty windy and wet night for Chambers walk to train. Bought a tin of sausage, tres bon.

Oct. 7
Altho’ today is Sunday it is just the same to day. We moved the phone from the 5th over here. I have to stick around orderly room all the time. Nothing out of the usual happened.

Oct. 8
Still raining mud is pretty bad. Usual trips to CRE 5th and 5th Spr Bill Heron moved into the same hut and I got a bed. Wrote letters in evening. Horse lines or built

Oct. 9
Mortimer came down the line today and went on leave. Very bad night out rain and wind. Nothing unusual. Rec’d Canadian mail Parcels and papers from Home Mabel and Aunt Rosy. Came in just the right time had nothing to read.

Oct. 10
Raining most all day. Cut wood enough for day. Usual trips to CRE and extra’s to 5 and 6 F.C. Rec’d letter from Butterworth. Saw Walsh today. Y.M.C.A. moved out also Chaplain Service. Ross gave me pr socks

Oct. 11
A clear day and sun shining. CRE several times cut up a lot of wood. Made cocoa in evening in G-Room. Very little mail in to-day. Polished up buttons on new tunic. Wrote to Butterworth and Murdock. Sent Brownie a French and German grammar found in Lieven.

Oct. 12
Rained during night. Went to R.E. Park first thing and later CRE and 5 and 6th F.C. Rec’d letter from Anne Lesky. 4 men went on leave to Lyons to-day. More rain. Ross expected to go to Bruay. No. 4 section came down from the line in evening. Bought a tin of peaches. Lent Ross 10 Francs.

Oct. 13
Ross went to Bruay yesterday and got my watch also a soaking as it poured. He came back to the Coy in the afternoon. No 4 section came down from the line last night. Ross and I both received registered letters from Home containing $. Many thanks Ross paid me back the 10 francs as he got paid 30.

Oct. 14
A clear day Very busy on phone work [?] and messages. Sawed a big log in morning. Spr Mc[?] arrested for being drunk. Warmer out to-day. Made chocolate at night.

Oct. 15
Uneventful day Ross bought tin of peaches I a tine of apricots. Rained in afternoon. Washed wheel in morning. Got some Bisquits and finished up peanut butter with them. Want to

Oct. 16
Another clear day [?] wood and run messages. Wheel No. 8 assigned to me. Packing up to move to morrow. Major Smith down. Royal Engineers took over our part of lines to billets bought some Apples at Canteen. Sections 2 and 3 came down the line.

Oct. 17
Up early and packed ready to leave when we did at 8.00 a.m. Dismounted men transports and Cyclists. Passed through Mt. St. Eloi, Camblain, Abbe and Estashough to “La Comte”. Billeted in Barna. I managed to get a bed. Village near Houdain not any stoves to speak of. Baird and I had eggs etc in evening. Went to bed about 7 p.m. Rec’d letter from Donald.

Oct. 18
Up about 8 a.m. Sweeped out orderly room etc. Spent the day doing nothing. After supper went to the next village Margent-Court. Made cocoa and went to bed about 7 pm. Night’s pretty cold.

Oct. 19
Another day of nothing to do except one message to Bde Hdgrs. Bought some bread from the Baker. Right after supper Jim Allen and I wheeled to Houdain. I bought bulb for flash and Gillette Blades. Then went to Division and then back to Houdain and had some chips eggs bread butter coffee for 2 Frs. Home about 8 and to bed.

Oct. 20
Swept orderly room etc and went to Bde Hdgrs. Got back about noon and got paid 20 Francs. Had a bath at Houdain right after dinner went to Houdain about clean clothing. Left washing at a place. Right after supper Ross and I went to Houdain. Had pictures taken and then went to Bruay. A big place. Left at dark Arriving at Camp I had to go to Frevillers to Capt. Lawerance about church parade.

Oct. 21
Swept out orderly room and etc. Church parade at 8.30. Ross went I didn’t. After Jim Allen, Bill Moor and I wheeled to Bruay. All the soldiers had gone and everybody out promenading had chips, eggs, pears etc. Arrived back at 4 o’clock. Got pictures and washings. Packed up to move. Went to bed about 9. Chambers back from leave.

Oct. 22
Rain this morning. Packed every thing and went on massage to Bde Hdgrs. Ross had to go to Bruay. Left La Comte about 8.30 and entrained at Houdain. Wagons and all on by 1 o’clock, but didn’t move out until 4 o’clock. 20 men to a box car. Arrived at our destination at 11.30 pm near Poperinghe. Unloaded and moved off about 12.15 am 8 men to a tent. Got another blanket. How?

Oct. 23
Rain during the night and cold morning. Had breakfast about 9.00 am. Very muddy. More rain during the day and night bough some chocolate at corner then some bisquits at Australian Canteen, while Ross bought a loaf of bread. Played cards and made cocoa in evening. Very chilly. A few shells came over in evening. Just remembered that yesterday was Rosses birthday.

Oct. 24
Charles Jeffry in 44th Bn. The sun shining part of time. A rifle inspection in morning. After dinner Ross and I went to CRE of Brandhook, Sidina. We went to Vlamertinghe first but they weren’t there. I received Canadian letters and a bundle of papers from Home. I was Leslie Blackwell. He is in the 75th Bn. Raining in evening. Had coffee at corner store. Rain at supper time. Orders to move.

Oct. 25
Rain today. Packed up and left at 8.30. Major leading. We reached or destination the dead end of the canal just left of Ypres at 9.30. Picked out Dug out. I with Jimmy Allen then moved to orderly room. Dismounted men arrived about noon. Made a trip to Vlamertinghe and CRE. Our horse lines at Vl. Heavy bombardment and bombs dropped. Dave Pledge killed.

Oct. 26
Rain again. After very disturbed night rose about 6.30 built fire had breakfast. No. 4 section went to work at 5 AM. Took to shagglers of Imperials to Town, Major of Ypres. Arriving back went to rear billets also CRE of 1st and 2nd Div. 2nd Can. Div. Artillery moved in. The 4th Div. went over the top. Gained objectives and 500 prisoners. Made cocoa and wrote letters in evening.

Oct. 27
Sunshining this morning. Greased my boots and went to CRE and Vlamertinghe then around to 1st Div. CRE. I followed the road and landed up on the right of Ypres headed for the trenches but saw the clock tower in Ypres and headed for it. Passed thru the town and reached billets o.k. Rec’d dandy parcel from Brownie. Saw Bill Brady. German airplanes dropped a few bombs. Wrote letters in evening.

Oct. 28
I guess with people at home this is a day of rest but not so here. I made 2 trips equal to 15 miles in morning and several places near in afternoon and another 5 mile trip in dark. Some day of rest. Sun shining to-day, no rain. Saw Alf Bell and Morgan in morning. Made cocoa in evening.

Oct. 29
Another day 2 trips in morning. Vlamertinghe and 1st CRE. Nothing else much for the rest of the day except to 5 and 6th Field Coy’s. Sgt. Maj completed his shack. Leave to England is to be increased to 14 days during Winter months commencing in November. Airplanes back.

Oct. 30
Very windy and chilly this morning making it cold riding Away early and the two trips. Rec’d some Canadian Papers. Rain in afternoon. Went to Canteen in Ypres for our supper. Then up to 15 Bn. about 9 o’clock. German planes bombing again.

Oct. 31
Woke up to a bright warm morning. Made one trip to horse lines in morning. Rec’d parcel from Home. Ross came back with me to see Ypres. Saw Harold Swartz on Motor lorry. Also Holborn of Aurora. Went down again in afternoon and got Canadian mail. Rec’d money draft from Home. I had a good bath.

Nov. 1
Men start going on leave to Blighty, one a day. Went to Vlamertighne and then half way to Popinighe to get potatoes and pad. I saw Douglas Campbell, billeted near Salvation CR. Shaved and washed wheel in afternoon. Rec’d another blanket. Had a lunch about 7 PM instead of the usual supper at 4. Got an extra load of bread.

Nov. 2
Another day with out rain. Made the usual trips and another in the afternoon to Horse lines. When I arrived back with Potatoes and Rubber boots. I had to go up quite a way to the 116th Bn. I saw Spr Harrison who is on wireless. Saw a fellow from Aurora and also saw Harold Swartz.

Nov. 3
No rain today but cloudy. Usual trip Ross rec’d a box from Edith also one from Hazel Ford. Up to 5th Field Coy, 6th PC and Signal office. Issue with winter undershirts. Things fairly quiet. We have our supper (Mac and I) about 8 pm and get our breakfast cold. Two batches of mail in. Had a chat with Harold Swartz.

Nov. 4
Up as usual. Went to Horse line and etc and returning met Arthur Spooner. I had Div. moving back to Watton relieved by first. I saw Scotty Ross, Stokes, Cpl. Allan, Pollick, Covert. Went to 5th and 6th FC in afternoon and up to 116th Bn at night about a mile or mile and a half forward. Very dark. Rec’d pay of 25 F. Also saw Harold Spooner. [?] head 1 near VL.

Nov. 5
No rain yesterday and not to-day altho’ cloudy. Rec’d my dozen cards from Hays yesterday. Washed some clothes. Saw Lt. Dawson. Ross rec’d another parcel. 2nd Div C.R.E. moved up to Ypres on the Menien Rd. I had a trip over there. Also the usual morning trip. Lt. Shackell wounded in hand by shrapnel. Rec’d Green Envelope.

Nov. 6
Canadians captured Paschendaele this morning. Cloudy day a little rain in morning. went to Div. Hdgrs, CRE and Horse lines. G.M. sent up bag of coal. Mac had his bed fixed in afternoon. He also lost heavily in Poker however gave me 15 francs for our own mess bought some sausage and Canadian syrup.

Nov. 7
Rain this morning Horse lines in morning. Canadian mail in. Rec’d 3 letters. Spr. Curtis passed for flying Corps. Did nothing in afternoon. Went to C.R.E. in evening. Wrote a letter. Men started work again to-day showers all day. Bought a tin of milk for Mac. Bought a tin of Jam from Lloyd 1.50 F.

Nov. 8
More rain to-day. Up as usual and Horse lines in morning and back by dinner. Ross rec’d parcel from Home. I some letters. The usual afternoon around office. After supper went to C.R.E. [?] the C.R.E. from there to 5ht F.C. and finally back after delivering message to Major dried out my clothes and turned in for the night. Raining very hard.

Nov. 9
Up as usual. [?] to Horse lines via CRE. Rds. very slippery. Rec’d parcel from Home and Mac received one from Ottawa. I bought a tin of sausage. Nothing much doing in afternoon. Went to CRE in evening and then 2 trips to 10th Field Coy. We change over with them to-morrow, back to the road job.

Nov. 10
Up as usual and fire light. Raining hard. 1st CMR moved up the line. Canadians advances some this morning. I took a message up to 4th C.M.R. on Tavalle Rd. In afternoon went to Horse lines by means of tracks. Got a new pair of trousers. Raining when I came home. Evening very quiet. No messages. Saw R.E. Brown 7 Smith in for [?] Aunt Jean.

Nov. 11
8 A.M. Late getting up as watch stopped. Went of Horse lines and 1st CRE by the truck method. Bought a bunch of candles and etc. Then back by same method. After dinner I went up to 4th C.M.R. Bn. Arriving back I had a haircut by Grundy then a shave. I saw Jones RS and Harrison also MacDoanld fo the 4th S.C. Third Div. moving out. Raining off and on all day. Wrote some letters in evening.

Nov. 12
The usual run in the morning. And again to horse lines in afternoon Arriving back about 2.30 PM. Had supper and at about 6.00 PM message came re. working party with 11 Liverpool prisoners. Pitch black night. Haining went with me tramped through mud to our knees and over. Found them about 3 miles forward in middle of mud field. I had rubber boots but Haining didn’t. Arrived back after mid-night. Mud is awful.

Nov. 13
Up early. Left about 7 for 200th Field Coy, CRE of 1st and 2nd and Horse lines. Unable to find 200th PC. So returned message as their officer came up it was alright. Then hopped truck to CRE and horse lines returning about 12.30. After dinner cleaned wheel and packed up. Enemy shelling Ypres and the roads heading out. Heavy bombardment. Left for Horse lines about 7 P.M. Slept in same room as Ross. Kit bag on G.S. Wagon.

Nov. 14
Up very early and got ready to move. Left Vlamertinghe about 9 o’clock. [?] transport with Cyclists. Passing thru Reninghelst, Godewaer, Svelde, Cafttre and arriving at our destination Hondeghem about dark. We crossed border at 12 noon. Slept in a barn on some straw. Raining in evening. Ross went to Hdgrs for orders. Had some coffee in Farm house and then turned in. Spr. S. remaining at Ypres until to-morrow when they go thru a line.

Nov. 15
Up early and found tire flat. So had to repair a little puncture over valve. When finished others had gone. So B. Moor and I went along on our own [?]. Spent an hour in Hazelbrouck. Then on to Morbecque then St. Venant. On to Robeca where we were to be billeted. Had dinner of chips coffee bread butter. Then found our billet had more coffee shaved and cleaned up. Transport arrived in afternoon and men on buses later. Had enjoyable evening. Slept on straw in barn.

Nov. 16
Up early. Had some coffee with Farmer’s [?]. Moor, Baird and I left ahead of transport, passing thru Bethune and Annasine to La Beuvriese where we stopped the transport and buses arrived soon after. Rec’d Canadian mail. Moor and I went to concert in evening, then I relieved Ross at Orderly Room. Turning in about 11. The village is a fairly nice place. Slept in barn fitted with [?]. Not to bad.

Nov. 17
Up at 5 o’clock, dressed and etc. then went to orderly room. Billy Moor and I left about 7.30 ahead of others stopping at Bruay for haircut and went in a lot of stores. Then onto Houdain and had dinner of eggs, chips, bread, butter, coffee, 2 F. Then to our destination Mumiel Bouche. Our 3rd time there. Men arrived on buses, transports later. Rec’d some Canadian mail. Went to bed early.

Nov. 18
Right after breakfast we moved up to our old billets by La Targatt Cr. Billy Moor and I went by Camblain Abbe to by potatoes and then by St. Eloi [?] and CRE and Hdgrs. Things were changed quite a bit. Orderly Room by officers. Douglas Motor Cycle Corps left by 274th F.C. was taken over by us. Major rode it and then I in evening. Ross went up to advanced billets also 25 from both 1 and 4 sections. Mainman went to cook for CRE officers mess.

Nov. 19
Up about 7. Breakfast. Took motor cycle to R.E. Park to get tank filled with gasoline. Major took it when I got back. I went to CRE (Fort George). Came back and started to fix the control. Unable to. After dinner when Major returned went to Park to try and fix it. Not being able to come back. Major and I fixed it by supper time. Billy Moor went on leave. Rec’d Honey [?] and parcel from Miss Dugit.

Nov. 20
Went to CRE as usual then a few more times on motor cycle. Very slippery riding. Ross came along in afternoon. Gave him half of Miss Dugit’s parcel. [?] chocolate nut bar cookies. Wrote letters.

Nov. 21
Went to C.R.E. as usual. Arriving back went out for motor cycle which had stalled on the Major. I took Ross a ways on it but had trouble with the engine so came home. After dinner I cleaned spark plug etc. but couldn’t make it work. Wrote letters and read in evening. Canteen opened today. Big advance South of Arras.

Nov. 22
Stoped raining today but very cloudy. Cleaned and overhauled the motor cycle. The men had a bath in the afternoon. Nothing of note happened to day Ross came down as usual. Bought a package of cocoa in the evening. The owners of eh Motor Cycle came and took it away to supply column too bad. Had my boots repaired.

Nov. 23
Nothing of note. Cleared up and sun shining. Ross came down as usual. I saw Ross Christie yesterday also Roy Fenwick of Enterprises he is in the 21st Bn. Nothing much doing in afternoon but busy at phone in evening. I had a bed built in room next to orderly room. Tres bon. Paris leave open again to-day.

Nov. 24
Very windy during day and rain at night. Carter left for flying Corps and Spr. Hean for Base. I got my patches moved today, the red patch with blue C.E. in middle of blue division patch. A tooth bothered me a little today. I am 67 on leave list for Blighty. Ross OK. Came down as usual.

Nov. 25
A fine clear day so right after dinner I got a horse and rode to Arras to stn to find the time of Dpt. of train to Pouellons. Rode all around the town. It must have been a very busy place but all big buildings and most of others destroyed by shellfire. Had a snow flurry. I saw McNeil of N.S. who is with 2nd Can light Railway. Wrote letters in evening.

Nov. 26
Rainy day. Capt/ McCallum moved up the line. Major Smith came down. Ross down as usual. Rec’d letter from Milton Wickham and Uncle Tommy nothing much doing all day so I got a horse and went to Mt. St. Eloi St. a Ecquive. Arriving home I met Jackson who gave me a blue and white band. I saw Valleau, Rusty, Dewar, Beck and Carpenter. Signals had a [?] away with.

Nov. 27.
Got up rather late. Made trips to CRE first thing. Major Smith started “Acting CRE” at noon. [?] fell of the water wagon. We were paid 70 francs today. 50 extra for Xmas cheer. I took 50 altogether. A big game of poker and a big drunk by nearly everybody. Nothing much doing around orderly room.

Nov. 28
Up about 7.30, lit fire made some coffee and had breakfast about 9. Ross came down about 10.30. I went to C.R.E. Cleaned up orderly room and sleeping room in afternoon. Clouded up in afternoon making it look like more rain. A cinema show opens across the road. Did some typing and wrote letters in the evening [?]

Nov. 29
A very windy day. Noting unusual happened. Ross came down. Had a medical inspection. Fairly busy on the phone especially for the other Coys. Rain in afternoon and evening. Wrote some letters in evening.

Nov. 30
A cloudy day. Went to Bethune with Harrington. Left about 9 am arriving there in a truck [?] all about 13. Left while at Y.M.C.A. and then went to a restaurant and had a dandy dinner costing 10.10 F for 2. Then to Canteen and Bank of France. After finished our shoping. Had a chip supper and started home about 4, arriving there about 7. Wasn’t feeling very well.

Dec. 1
Up fair time and took messages to the 6th F.C. After breakfast went to Ecquave to [?] R.C. Park. Then one item to CRE A fairly fine day but rather windy. Gave Ross the [?] I bought in Bethune.

Dec. 2
Got up rather late. Rather cold but otherwise a fine day. Ross came down and I also made my usual trips. Lt. Goodwin returned from leave. Very quiet day. Very quiet also in the line just here. I saw Bradey and MacNeil. 5th F.C. had line put into their place. Got a tin of cocoa and lait from Andrew.

Dec. 3
Very cold morning. The ground is frozen and remained so all day. Went to CRE as usual and Ross came down as usual. I got a leather jacket from the QMS. Didn’t do much in afternoon I saw Spr. Julien. The Coy rec’d a DIII phone and I had a practice Sgt. Oag of 5th F.C. left for [?] Ross had to pay 5 francs

Dec. 4
Went to CRE as usual. Nothing else doing so in afternoon I got a horse (Bob Wilson’s) and went to Mt. St. Eloi and Chateau D. Acq.