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Date: June 12th 1944
Arthur Bergquist

Midland, Ont.,

June 12, 1944

Dear Ma, Pa, & Ruth:

Just a few lines to let you know that I received a postcard, and a letter and newspapers to-day.

Well once again I am back here at “Midland” after spending the week-end with Rubert. It sure was swell being with him again, and I am hoping that I will be able to see him again next week-end too. I met Rubert at York at noon on Sunday after spending the night at the “Royal York”. If I am able to get to Toronto next week end at 5.30 Saturday evening Rub will be able to stay with me at the “Royal York” overnight it only costs 50c more a day than I paid at the “Walker House” so it is sure worth the difference.

I didnt have time to get a cup of coffee and a toasted cheese sandwich like I intended to when I left the “Royal York” but went right down to “York” to meet Rub. We went and had dinner at the “Chicken Palace” again, and had our supper at “Child’s café where I am pretty well known—due to the phone calls that I made from that café when I was in Toronto. Both meals cost us $1.00 a piece, it seems that you have to pay about that much in order to get anything worth while.

We also went to “Riverdale Park” where they have quite a zoo. The rest of the afternoon we spent walking around town. Rubert went to the bus station with me and stayed with me until I had to get on the bus. Rubert is going up to the bus station at 5.30 Saturday evening—next—to see if I come in on it. I sure hope that I will be able to make it.

I expect to go to Minncog Island about Wednesday of this week. Larson has left for there to-day, but I have a couple of small jobs to do before I will go. Don’t worry about my going to the island because I will be working there the same as I am doing here. I may still be able to get to Toronto though because they have boats running to the island quite often from Midland—Navy boats I mean--. It is hard for me to say just when I will be able to phone you. If I go to Toronto I could phone you from there Saturday night at about 10 o’clock your time on on Sunday at Midland around 7 or 8 o’clock. It all depends though on whether I can get away from the island. Let me know what you think would be the best time to phone. I should know about Thursday of this week how things are going and will let you know more then.

I am sure glad you received the chocolates alright and that you like them. Thanks a lot for your letter, Ma it was nice of you to write. I haven’t heard from Jim for a while now. I guess he is busy studying. He had to take a course where he went. I sure hope that things will work out alright this week so I will be able to see Rubert again and phone you all. I sure will do all I can to be able to get away to see Rub and phone you

Thanks for your letter too, Pa. You can tell Mr. Fisher that I will be writing him a letter one of these days, Pa. It sure is nice of him to remember me. Thanks for taking care of the [?] Pa. and I want you to know that your spelling is okay, in fact it is very good Both Ma &You are swell writers, I sure look forward to your letters.

To-night I am going to the show here to see “Buffalo Bill”, You were asking me who I went to the show with Ma. I have been going to the show by myself, but to-night I am taking a girl that was on the picnic on the 24th of May. I will be sending you some pictures to-morrow. One of them is taken at the picnic and I will put an x above the girl that I am taking to the show to-night. She is a very nice girl as you will see by the pictures I met her on the street the other day, and I asked her if she would like to go and see Buffalo Bill to-night and she said she would so that is how I am going with her to-night.

I phoned Lorraine last night and told her that I went to Toronto and stayed at the “Royal York”. She said she would phone you and tell you what I told her. It sure is swell of her to phone you and let you know what I have to say.

Well I will have to stop here for now so hoping that you are all alright I will stop here and write again tomorrow.

Love to you all


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