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Date: September 26th 1943

4019 – 15 ASE – AW

Sunday P.M.

Dear Mom.

Seems ages since I last wrote. We have been very busy remodeling! Terry is taking his other  2 weeks leave and has built a wonderful “private” patio for us in the back yard. Also a fair size pool for the hays (v us!) It is sitting depth at one end and 3’ at the deepest. Here’s the set up.

 In sides are all laited in to the eaves so it is really private. Muzz gave us the lovely big umbrella so it will go in the enclosures too. The pool is ready for forms and cement. Jim is lending him the forms. Won’t it be wonderful?

Your boys are dandy, even tho’ they have been house bound for 2 days. As you have read we are having snow! Its not staying as it rains in between, thank heaven. We had to buy another whole motor for our furnaces but they have put some pipes in that are supposed to keep it from happening again. Auntie + Uncle were in for a minute yesterday (?) Both M + I have been sick but are better. A short flu session I think but I was quite worried as they both complained of headache. Legs aching etc. slight temp and vomiting. It’s gone the rounds with all the “gang” as Mike calls them. Patrick would shake you. He now can get in sitting position alone and then pulls himself up by the chesterfield. Isn’t he clever? I keep bragging about my “Pat-Pat” all day (Shane’s name for him). He likes to hang on to my hands + walk now. He has all the strength but no balance as yet.

I had a lovely letter from Nan + Mike insisted on reading it over +over. He really is upset that “everyone” has been to see us but Nanny almost weeps over it.

Today M. socked S. a good one + when Shane started to holler Mike was filled with remorse + and told him “Don’t cry Shanie – be a big man.” Shanie promptly clipped Mike a beauty in the tummy (Mike started to bellow). Then Shane turned and said “you be a big man.” Ha – life goes on + on.

I hear Jeanette has had flu + you are terribly busy. Sure is a hectic life. We were thrilled to hear news of Susan + Jack + Peggy etc. Wouldn’t it be marvelous to see California? Do you think you will go for Christmas or come “last”. Between us we could manage the fare nicely. Terry + I wondered how Jack was coping with 2 wives, mother, mother – in – law + Don. God what a setup whatever got into Peg’s mother to go south? We have been invited to the Trafalgar Day Ball with the Emersons and Maitlands Oct. 19 so I am quite excited. Unfortunately my dress is too big so it will have to be altered again, but won’t it be fun?  Tell me – they are really formal affairs what kind of gloves do I wear with my dress, and do you leave them on or what? Fingers in or not. The end of the pad so love in gobs from all five. Terry is 30 tomorrow so I am going to make him a chiffon cake now

Love xxxxxxx Fields


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