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Date: March 16th 1918
Mother & All

Somewhere in Egypt.


Dear Mother & All.-

Writing again & nothing to write about. Since I last wrote we have been placed in isolation because some of the Boys who came over with us have the measles. At present we are under canvas and at times it is rather warm. There was one case of measles reported today so we shall be here atleast two weeks longer if no more cases are found.

The weather is rather warm as a matter of fact something similar to Canadian Summer weather. I feel it because of being in England so long. There is one good thing about it, we have all our drill in the early morning or late in the Afternoon, the rest of our time is taken up in lectures.

From what I see & hear down here the course is much more difficult than the one at Hastings but we should worry. We shall have to work just a little harder. The only thing that will bother us will be the heat.

We were measured for our summer clothes today, drill duck, helmet. I shall have to have my picture taken & send it home as soon as we are filled out in our new dress.

All the Boys seem to like it here that is under canvas. You see we are not so much under the eye of the Commanding Officers. The discipline here is not so strict as is Hastings and I am thankful for that because of the hot weather which is just coming on.

At present in Canada you will still have the snow. Skating will soon be over. Has Leila been out skating to any great extent this winter. I should have liked to skate this winter but of course I shall have to wait till some future date.

How is Father now I hope he is well and having as good a time as possible. I know that is hard to do something but then once in awhile we all have to forget there is a war on and have a real good time. We have a fairly good time here. There is a mixture of all regiments in our bunch. About 26 Canadians in all. Our Officer 1/c has no use whatsoever for Canadians and jumps on us at ever opportunity. We only laugh at the way he carries on.

I have written a kind of letter but as we can not put in our station or describe the features of the place it rather puts a kink in our letters.

Personally I am feeling fine and fit and hope when our course is over to pass on to the higher School from where we go forth to do our flying.

I will close hoping you are all well.

With Love


P.S. a Big mail came in today from Canada but no mail for “We us & Co”

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