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Date: June 8th 1917

#118 Kingston, Ont.
June 8, 1917

T.F. Townsend
Etaples, France

My Dear Husband.
Here I am again with my pen, how strong is the force of habit. There really is nothing new to tell you about. My day has been spent as I spend nearly every Friday and now it is time to retire and I just had to come to tell you something. Any idea what I want to say? Well here on page two I will venture to tell you something that seems very sweet to me. I love you my soldier laddie, the way you wanted me to and if you were close to me you would hardly need the words, you could see and feel for it could not be hidden.
I have been reading ‘Aunt Sarah and the War”. Very good isn’t it? I am very glad you sent it for though you had quoted quite a few good things from it I found many new ones. I am enjoying it.
Can you smell these water lilies I am wearing? I will press one for you.
Your two letters received this week are wonderfully good. Surely you do your part to help me to be brave and it works that way for it always seems brighter while I have new letters. Let me thank you. X. (I wanted an excuse) and now one more for I am going to leave you for to-night. X.

June 9.
Good evening Tommy, how are you? O darling mine I miss you to-night. … That ocean is wide and cold. I do not like to have it between us but it must be so for a while longer. How much longer we do not know and dare not allow ourselves to look prospects in the face. I believe I said something to that effect to Mother to-day and she met me with the words “let not your heart be troubled”. Well let’s smile Tommy, now that was not half hearty enough. You simply must laugh every day of your life.
I gave five lessons to-day, made some calls in the city then came home on the noon train. Father is working at home to-day. I have been chewing rhubarb this afternoon. Have you had any this year?
… I have finished “Aunt Sarah” and she has given me a new courage. I must, yes I do say “My heart is ready” ready for the sacrifice that I must make for it is a sacrifice to give some of our most precious m_o_n_t_h_s. My dear, dear boy I hardly know what it is I am ready for but we’ll face the unknown knowing that “as thy day thy strength shall be”. Just one day at a time Tommy. This has been a beautiful one and I am in good health and with the best of friends, and you are such a dear old fellow to write me long letters, really I ought to be a good girl and from henceforth I shall try to be. This is a good old world. Let me quote “I know this to be true in a way never known before you came to me”…
You told of the girl car driver having an accident and asked my opinion as to whether I think a girl should be permitted to do the things her strength will allow. Well cases differ very widely. You did not express your views though I believe I know them and I do not think it a false sentiment that prompts you men to protect us from things that are difficult. I speak for girls in general where I say we do not resent it. Still I believe it is true we or many of us are extreme in this attitude of you our stronger brothers. Personally I realize that I have been spoiled by that very thing, why my brothers almost sympathized with me for having to carry a muff. Maybe I have exaggerated but really I have been spoiled in; this way and I find myself inclined to fold my hands and let someone wait on me. There you have not been with me enough. I will not accept your argument if you are inclined to disagree. I know you “just ache to do something for you” that your love for me prompts you to that, but about the strange girl and the punctured tire. I should be very sorry if my boy were not kind and chivalrous to all womanhood. Now Tommy I hope I have not frightened you by the confession that I like to be cared for. I promise to carry my own muff but wouldn’t you please help me hold it when no one is looking…
The $75 has not reached me yet but then these things take time. About the “war certificates”, hardly know what to think about trying any. Our little loans would not assist the Empire to any great extent eh! And we might not be able to draw it just when we wanted it. What do you think?
You report another interesting letter from Miss E Hanna and ask if I wish you to continue to write. You dear old boy you know I do not want to deny you any pleasure and if you enjoy the correspondence I am not inc lined to object. That is another case where you not I must decide. You say “she wishes me to recognize her as a sister while the war lasts.” Why while the war lasts? I hope she will always consider you a good friend...
If it had been convenient for me to be in the city to-night I could have spent some of your hard earned cash. The opera “Faust” by Gounod is on at the Grand and I would have enjoyed it but somehow it seems wrong for us to be enjoying things here while -----.
O well there will be good things for us to enjoy in those Future Days…
Sunday 11th 10a.m. I have been up over two hours…
Last night about twelve I had just gone upstairs when an awful uproar was started, a chivaree over at Mr. Deline’s. The bride and groom had been away during the evening and as soon as they arrived home they were thus greeted. I was not at all frightened or surprised for I knew the boys were planning it. It lasted a very short time. The old fellow is very generous and likely gave them a treat.
George Brown, brother of Alfred who was killed in action, had his hand crushed in the mill yesterday, Have not heard particulars yet.
Father and Mother are lying down - there is no sound but the rain and the tick of the clock…
You issue the order that I must not become a nurse, carpenter or motor driver, why Tommy? You give not reasons. Don’t you think I want to be useful and maybe the time would not seem so long if I were learning and doing something like that?...
Mrs. Parker of St. Benedict had a slight accident not long ago – was thrown form the car. Says she saw many stars and if there had only been stripes with; them she would have thought herself back in their old home.
Cars are a very common thing around here now. The business seems to be flourishing more than ever since the war started. War time prices are very good for the farmers. Well I have no envy for the man who possesses all the magnificent things that cash can pay for if he has to depend on his purchases for happiness. Material things never have and never can satisfy. This is quite a preachment I am giving you free of charge…
Come boy please promise you will be with me next June.
Shall I tell you once more, yes boy I do, do you?
Yours in love