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Date: January 7th 1943
Helen and Howard

Jan 7/45

Dearest Helen & Howard.

Well how is my love now. I hope you and Howard are getting along O.K. I wrote you a letter about a week ago. I hope you received it. I am in the hospital now and I guess they only bring the mail around once every 2 weeks. I have Impetigo or something that sounds like that.

 It is pimples on your face or my face I should say. I was up to see Ben the other day he is getting along swell. But he has the old love bug to and so has the girl hy what I have heard of her she is a real nice kid. They are getting married on his next leave that is in March and if everything goes .O.K.

I wrote mother and the war workers last night. I guess I will have to quit fore now because the Corpel is coming to inspect the room. So till I can get something mor to say and some time, which I am not lacking in here which you should know. I will say Cheeri “O”. well honey here I am again it is now about 8 oclock an all the boys went down to a show but I have seen it and figured I would be alone to finish this letter.

 Ben was saying Menns is over here. I haven’t seen him yet. It is shore funny Ben said on the way over when I was teasing him about getting married to some of these English girls that, that would be the say. But the other night he said this is the say and we had quite a laugh over it. Well honey I think I will have to get a picture of you and Howard so please send one. I have had this on my fase for so long that I was ashamed to get a picture taken to send home to you. But when I get out I will. Or o you wan’t one, ha ha. Mother was saying you wanted to trade Howard for her baby where it sonne or was it the other way round you better not. Say don’t forget to tell me all about him. And you know you have a hard job, trying to be a mom ad Pop all the same time But boy when I get back you won’t have a min with him haha. Well honey Mother was saying you or herself didn’t like the idea of me being in the 2nd div. Well I

What do you think of this raisin pay for us that means for you to. It will leave me with the same but you will get a quite a bit more 20c a day. You should be living pretty good when you get the Dr. bills paid up. If you can I would put some away if I where you which you are most likely doing now because if you don’t wan’t me to be a soldor all my life just incase. I am not lucky enough to get a job I will stay in the army if I can’t.

That is if I am still good enough for them. But I would like nothing better than to have a little home of our own and to be able to come home and live a Sivilion life again. well honey this has turned out to be quite a speech in the last page. But don’t think tp much of it as I was just laying here puting down every thing that came to my head. Well will say goodnight to you and Howard

For now. I will write soon. And you do the same. You better still yous my same address as I get my letters from there. Goodnight sweethearts.

Yours forever

Papa Bill




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