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Date: August 11th 1942
Bill Evans

Letter No.1.

6 field reg

91 Bty. F Troop


Aug. 11 1942

Dearest Helen.

Well I haven’t had a letter from you since I wrote last. But I have to write you I wish I could find something to write every day. Well how is my little sugar or something, I’m just fine. I got a letter from mother last night and boy I wish I could hear from you. But I think we will have some mail in today. How is Jr. I hope fine do you still want a boy. I hope so. Well if you want a boy so do I. I went to a dance the other night and got on the floor once but like you say you don’t care for men. I don’t like these girls they get on my nerves. So I wen’t out and had a few Beer with some of my Pals. You know I have to go away from camp once in a while or go bugs thinking. Well it is dinner time now and I thought I would start this letter and finish it tonight befor I go to the show. We have a few shows here.

Well honey I hope you will write me some big fat letters like I am going to try from now on. After all that is the only thing we can do to keep our love close to us. Our feelings I should say. Well I will finish this later. As the bugal calls me.

Aug 12

Well kid I got 3 letters from you last night. And boy was I ever tickled. I feel like a new man when I hear from you. Your letters are coming over her OK. only they are held up in the first camp I was in. Gosh I was shore supprized when I read you where on the train going to Man. But I am glad you took the trip it is a change for you but I hope you don’t get the wondering sickness like I used to have ha ha. Well honey I told you I would finish the letter last night but. the truck left early and I had to go. Boy it was a good show Tarzan and the chimp that Herb had trained. I am in a hell of a place to try and write but will make the best of it. Old Hitler was going at it last night again and not far from here but I have got (over) used to the noice and can go to steep without thinking of it. Dam my leg is going to sleep I am all slubbled up here in the tent trying to get this letter writen I think I will write in the truck next time. honey I am sore glad you don’t feel so bad now how did you like your trip? OK? I got a letter from Ben last night. We had lost each other again. But I hope to go on leave with him next month. That is if we can get away. So you think I can have the next one hay. Well we will have to try that upside down stuff. as I have heard about. Are I may get Bob to try it.

I think my pen is going dry don’t you! Honey I got your air mail letter and Parcel and smokes. I put that in the last letters so I hope one gets to you. Wich I think they will The Parcel was swell and boy you know how I like my smoke remember when we used to sit by the hour and talk and stuff and then have a smoke well I miss the smoke but most of all your swell company. I wonder if they got that room cleaned up in Threehills yet. ha. Boy this tent is not near like that bed. I shore will be glad to get back home in the sheets and keep your back warm. “When we go to sleep,” ha. Does your back still get cold. I hope so because if it didn’t you wouldn’t be the same. or alone. And I told you before how do you think I could sneez or do you miss trust me. I haven’t done anything like that only as I always said just you. I never before I met you so why should I after. Don’t be funny haha. But the first letter you said that if I thought you ment that I was carrying on over here. Don’t worry honey you are the only thing I live for and I remember saying that to you before. Right after I first met you. Do you Recal it?

Well this is my last page and I guess I will use my old scrap book to finish this as I have a lot more to write. Say I hope you arn’t working to hard. I always worry about you don’t I but I guess I have told you enough now. You better not say to much about tyke because we may have one just as bad or good I think he is the kind of kid I like. Well dear I shor hope I can be there when the babby is borne but you know like you say all we can do is pray that we get it over with. Well I will go eat now I am shore cept moving here.

Well dearest I had my supper and will go at it to finish this time. Well I will tell you what I had for supper it was good. to. Potatoes and meat and soap also some dam good jelly roles and ciniman rols to. And of course we had tea Dam this pen shor is feeling heavy isn’t it. I guess it is the ink. Well I just got six letters from you all 6 from you and I will read them now to see what you say.

Well Honey much to my supprize I got one of my letters back from Calgary. and am going to enclose it. It is old but it is still a letter. Well honey those letter you send realy sutch me and I hope you keep it up. Well sweetheart just keep your chin up after all it isn’t so bad if you just rem-ember I will be true to you and will eb back as soon as we can crack this war.

“Dam the war,” But just remember keep smiling and if you don’t you will get upset because I know what it is like to be alone But you arn’t alone. I am all for you and trying to thinki I will be with you soon. But don’t ever think Jr. won’t know me I will be back befor he is 7 months old. One of my dreams said so. But remember this world isn’t so big that you couldn’t bring me back if you have to have me I will be thre If I do get a years what is the diference. I would do it any day. Well sweety I will have to sine off now but this old pen will be going again this week ro the first of next. Honey keep your spirit up shes not so bad now just think for a while there are a lot over here 2 years and they are still saying I hope we get back soon. And we will.

Well honey so long fore now but not long it is getting dark and will have to quit. Gosh it is hard to sign of, But here gose dearest I will write soon and are getting your letters fine. Keep it up.

Well so long for now as ever. Your dearest and will be true to you don’t worry. It will be over some day and not long ether. As ever yours honey.

Bill Evans



And loads of them

P.S. Now don’t you go getting worried or think of funny things or else I will get mad, haha. And you arn’t that way are you just take it on the chin like you have done x

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