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Date: March 16th 1944
William Hollett

1st Troop “a” Squadron

# 24 C.A.C. (B) T.C.

Brampton Ont.

March 16th 1944.


Dear Ebb:-

This is going to be short! Believe me because its getting near time for lights out and besides I’m a bit tired to-day.

I was, wondering why you hadn’t answered my letter, and I said so in my letter to Agnes, wasn’t that swell of her to write to me, makes me feel like Im floating on air. ha! ha! no kidding tho it was a nice gesture, in fact it was a might nice gesture and I definitely agree with you on your opinion. In answer to your letter regarding dishes; only to-day we had another go at them but we only got half way through when I was called away to go on the range for firing practice

Sorry to hear that you haven’t been hearing from home, I havent either, I wrote a letter to mom to-day and told her that we haven’t been getting our share of letters, so we might get some very soon. I have been writing a heck of a lot of letters lately! In fact I have fourteen correspondents now to keep in touch with, I had a letter from Bubbles the other day and he sent xxxx to you, what does that mean? He also mentioned something about wooo! Woooo! I haven’t heard from Cliff in a heck of a long time and I didn’t know he preferred the Canadian girls.

How did you like the swimming [?]? you and Agnes should join a good swimming club, its lots of fun and good for your health too, Hennie and I had a swim last Saturday it was swell! Maybe not quite as good as Groves Point but, at least you don’t have to worry about rain or wind.

Hennie and I were up to the C.B.C. studio Saturday night on a conducted tour of the station etc. We also saw the Share the Wealth broadcast in action although we werent allowed to participate, as we were in on a blanket pass. However we know what goes on and if were lucky we may one or more of us get a chance to speak over the mike you’d like that, wouldn’t you? so would I!

I heard you were dancing Saturday night, Agnes told me! I hope you enjoyed it sure envy you, If I could dance I’d be a might happy guy. I’d have the complete life. Letters from a beautiful blond and dancing with stars in my eyes. Sounds like her [?] (hum!)

Dont forget Hennie and I will be up on the 25th and we’ll be going to the broadcast after that we haven’t decided yet but one thing sure, if we havent figured out anything by then you and Agnes will have something to suggest. I hope it will be as happy a suggestion as last time.

Say me to Mrs Smith and her sister, tell Mr. MacCriblons I’ve started on the ring but Im afraid I’m pretty amateurish. When its finished I’ll let him see it. Remember me to Bing, tell Mr. Billet we havent had a chance to look up his friend in Brampton yet but surely will before we leave here. By the way the reason I haven’t called by phone Is because my pay book on which your telephone number is, is still in the pay office being checked. As soon as I get it back I’ll give you a call.

Im glad to hear that your improving at peeping step, try walking all the way to work and you’ll get more practice.

Training is getting easier for us now were like marathon runners now run all day and then some. Grub is still as good as ever and were still eating just as much if not more. Oh! oh! lights out in two minutes so I’ll have to skid to a sudden halt

So long Ebby.


P.S. write again soon! I noticed you or Agnes addressed both letter or do you both write alike?

Original Scans

Original Scans

William.Hollett.letter.1944.03.16.01 William.Hollett.letter.1944.03.16.02 William.Hollett.letter.1944.03.16.03 William.Hollett.letter.1944.03.16.04