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Date: September 29th 1916
Harold Irwin

Pte H L. Irwin #2339
C A I & R D.
74 Tunnel Ave

Sept 29th 16

My Darling Mother

I rec two nice letters from you this week also the $25 00 & thanks very much as we will nead it very much this next month it is all O.K. about the other $5.00 send it when you can best spair it, Florence also rec the Parcel yesturday I have not seen it as yet But will see it tomorrow afternoon, when I go up to see her. She thinks every thing is fine, and seems as happy as a little baby over the pretty things, it is only three weeks now befor baby comes, we dont know what we are going to call her as yet, must have time to think over it after we see What it is first, Florence is feeling fine could not feel better, & looks well too, I am feeling real good myself now only a bad cold of corse, other wise I am all O.K,

Well Mothr I am stell at same old job, & also at same billet yet, they all like me here, I think the Landlady is in love with me she is only (45) years old so I guess I am safe here any way, I seen the Zepp come down the other night, it looked very pretty all in flames away up in the sky, they Brot down two that night But I only seen one come down, they where very near us when they fell, But I dont think they will come over much more now, we dont use them any to good when they do come,

Say Mother if Greta trys any of her funny tricks, slape her corse and put her to bed, she was always a lettle Divel, good for nothing I had a letter from Bert this week from Bramshot, I must ans it tonight & ask him to come over & see me, My Home addess is 140 Humber Rd Blackhealth. London. if any bady wonts to find me in the evenings, well I sure am sick of this D__ old war, I do with I could get back home again, I am sick of Soldiering. (Never Again) hope Bogart is geting on fine, and will be looking for job when I get back, Well Mother you dont want to worry, But just take things as easy as you can untell we get back again, & then we will changes things a bet, & make life more happier, I think the war will be over in about another year, lets hope so any way, Well Mother I have no news at all. But we are both well & Hoping you are all the same, I Dont think I will ever go to France now give my Love to all at Home I will Write them at my first chance, Dont worry about me I am all O.K, & get lots to eat too.

With all my Love Huges & Kisses I am as ever your Loving Son Harold

Original Scans

Original Scans

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